Chapter 586 It's up to you

Lin Xiaoqian looked embarrassed.

"Yuan'er, why did you go to Su's house?" Lin Xiaoqian asked, "Didn't you be told to stay at home?"

"Uncle sent someone to pick me up." Lin Zhiyuan said innocently.

Lin Xiaoqian asked again: "Then you shouldn't listen to them, why would your elder sister kill your mother?"

It's not that Lin Xiaoqian can trust Lin Siran, but that the Lin family can't continue to be in chaos. Lin Siran is no longer someone who can be slandered casually. He can't afford to offend Lin Siran and needs Lin Siran's help.

He won't be so stupid as to kill himself.

Although Lin Siran is more likely to be the murderer than Mrs. Lin, he will never doubt Lin Siran, let alone allow anyone to point the finger at Lin Siran.

But I didn't expect Su Jia's heart to be so vicious that he wanted to break down the Lin family one by one.

"I know I was wrong." Lin Zhiyuan admitted his mistake.

"Don't go to your uncle's house in the future. He has no good intentions. When your mother went, he just took a look and ignored it. He also wanted to provoke the relationship between you and your eldest sister." Lin Xiaoqian was very annoyed.

Lin Zhiyuan immediately nodded obediently, and said, "Well, then I won't go, I will obey my father."

Lin Xiaoqian breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, you have to remember that you and your eldest sister are a family, don't care what outsiders say." Lin Xiaoqian seemed to say it deliberately to Lin Bianran.

Lin Siran only felt that this trick was not aesthetically pleasing.

Lin Zhiyuan looked up at Lin Siran, his eyes were sparkling, shining with dependence and joy.

"Well, I remembered it!"

Lin Siran's scalp went numb for a moment.

She didn't want to really treat Lin Zhiyuan as her younger brother. Although Lin Zhiyuan had no direct conflict with her, she still couldn't accept the thought that he was Mrs. Lin's son and Lin Qianyu's younger brother.

Being able to be independent of the two, and keep the water in the well, is already her biggest tolerance.

But looking at the child's eyes, Lin Siran still couldn't say the sincere and cruel words face to face.

"Ranran, don't worry, I will never doubt you, it's just that your grandmother... you need to help with this matter. She is getting old, and she can't be allowed to suffer in prison all the time, and... this You also know that your grandmother must have been wronged."

Lin Xiaoqian still counted on Lin Bianran to help.

Lin Siran said: "Things will always come to light, father... Now is the time for you to act."

Lin Sizan glanced at Lin Zhiyuan, and then asked: "Brother Yuan, you haven't eaten yet, have you? Are you hungry? May I ask Qingying to take you to eat something? The dim sum is very tasty.”

Lin Zhiyuan actually felt a little moved, and he was indeed hungry.

"it is good."

"Well, then you go, and go home with your father when you are full."

Lin Siran sent Lin Zhiyuan away.

Lin Xiaoqian also has no intention of letting his son participate in these things, after all he hopes that his son will live in a bright world and not be hurt by any filthy things.

After Lin Zhiyuan left, Lin Siran said sarcastically: "Father really loves brother Yuan, no wonder he is so innocent and easy to deceive!"

"He's still a child, and he's a boy. He shouldn't know these things." Lin Xiaoqian said it as a matter of course, "Boys should study hard, and in the future they will get fame in the exams, and naturally they will have everything."

Lin Siran twitched the corner of her mouth, but said nothing after all.

"What do you mean by what you just said? What is my shot?"

"You just came here, I'm afraid you don't know that I have sent Su Xuan to the government. As for the charges, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that you have to hurry up and find out if she has something to do with Mrs. Lin's death. " Lin Siran said.

"I guess she spared no effort to frame me, so she probably has something to do with it."

Lin Siran himself didn't want to intervene, and whether he could save Mrs. Lin depended on Lin Xiaoqian's ability.

To deal with Su Xuan, she has other ways, there is no need to cling to this matter.

What she wanted to know more was why Su Xuan wanted to harm her.

"It makes sense to say that, but... How can I force her to tell the truth?" Lin Xiaoqian asked.

"Father, it's up to you, and I have no other way." Lin Ruran spread his hands, expressing that he had nothing to do.

Lin Xiaoqian frowned.

"Father, if you want to save grandma, you can only rely on you." Lin Sizan said again, "If you can't do this, then no one can help grandma."

You can't have someone else do everything for you.

Lin Xiaoqian realized that Lin Siran was unwilling to help.

"Okay, I can figure it out on my own, but I have something that I want to remind you." Lin Xiaoqian didn't force Lin Siran any more, "You have to be careful with Luo Zifang."

Lin Siran heard this warning for the second time.

"Why?" Lin Siran was puzzled.

"He has gotten very close to King Fu recently. You know, King Fu has always hated you, and Luo Zifang seems to want to marry you." Lin Xiaoqian, as King Fu's faction, reminded him that this is already very interesting.

Lin Siran frowned: "He actually got together with King Fu?"

"I heard that I approached His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, but was rejected." Lin Xiaoqian said, "That's why I switched to Fu Wang's side. I originally advised Fu Wang to ignore this kind of person, but Fu Wang seems to be very satisfied with him."

"Even the proposal to send the statue last time was proposed by Luo Zifang, but I don't know who messed it up." Lin Xiaoqian said.

After hearing this, Lin Siran frowned more and more.

"How did you know Luo Zifang wanted to marry me?" Lin Siran asked.

"He proposed it to me himself, and said he wanted to ask me to help you marry him." Lin Xiaoqian sighed, "Of course I can't agree, I know you don't want to marry him, especially now that your His identity is also different from before, so he is naturally not your good match."

"Father doesn't like him?" Lin Siran asked.

"I don't like it. This person is a fool and very sinister." Lin Xiaoqian's dislike was obvious.

For the first time, Lin Siran expressed appreciation for Lin Xiaoqian's vision.

"Thank you." Lin Siran looked at Lin Xiaoqian, "Thank you for thinking about me for the first time."

Lin Xiaoqian looked at Lin Siran unexpectedly.

"I..." Lin Xiaoqian didn't know what to say, he suddenly realized that he had never received Lin Siran's gratitude.

In the past, he would only think that Lin Siran was unfilial and disrespectful to him.

But think about it carefully, as a father, what did he do for Lin Sianran?

Except for hurting her, except for scolding her, except for turning a blind eye to her situation, it seems that there has never been any care and protection.

He never even thought about what her father should do for her.

Lin Xiaoqian's face instantly turned red, not because of anger, but because he felt unprecedented shame.


"Okay, father should go to Su Xuan earlier, if he doesn't go in time, I'm afraid he will be taken away by Su's family." Lin Siran reminded, she didn't want to talk too much with Lin Xiaoqian.

Even if she realized what Lin Xiaoqian was going to say.

She doesn't want to hear it.

Because I don't want to forgive.

Since he didn't want to forgive, it didn't matter whether he said it or not.

(End of this chapter)

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