Chapter 623 Find him

"Mother, you don't have to worry about me, I will take care of myself, I promise you, I will come back to you intact." Lin Siran hugged Qingxuan, and whispered in her ear.

"Miss Concubine Hui, please take care of her more. I'm afraid that she will do stupid things if she is too sad. Your Highness is her only support and hope. She must be in great pain when she encounters such a big change."

"You should also take good care of yourself. If someone has dared to murder His Highness, you, as someone His Majesty trusts and relies heavily on, but you don't go along with them, may be retaliated by them."

"When I'm not around, you should stay at home because you're sick, and don't go into the palace to discuss matters with His Majesty."

Qingxuan also asked in a low voice: "You suspect that His Highness is being..."

"It's not a suspicion. If an accident happened to him, someone must be behind the scenes. It is impossible for such a cautious person to have such an accident."

"Falling off a cliff? Or was he dragged down by Li Xingjue? This is simply nonsense."

Lin Siran told Qingxuan her thoughts with great certainty.

"If this is the case, it must be investigated." Qingxuan also agrees with Lin Siran's thoughts.

"So I have to find out the matter, whether he is alive or dead, I have to find him." Lin Siran took a deep breath and held back the great grief in order to maintain the surface calm.

"Mother must stay in the capital. If His Majesty has anything to do, there is still someone to discuss with her. Also... Pay more attention to Princess Huayang. She is married to the Lu family, and she must have stood on the opposite side of His Majesty." , if evidence is found to prove what she or the Lu family did in this rebellion, it will not be difficult to bring them down."

Qingxuan was stunned.

"How do you know these things?"

"Haven't Mother and Your Majesty always been suspicious?"

Qingxuan nodded: "That's true, but... still no evidence."

"I found out through Prince Lian, but he couldn't come up with conclusive evidence. Without evidence, these suspicions will always be just suspicions, meaningless." Lin Sizan said.

Qingxuan nodded: "It's good that you know, this matter... don't show any clues to let them notice, otherwise you will also be in danger."

"Well, I know, mother is the same, if you want to investigate, you have to protect yourself." Lin Siran reminded.

"You don't have to worry about me. Have you contacted your uncle Cui? Let him send someone to protect you." Qingxuan said.

"Uncle Cui has already sent someone to me." Lin Siran said.

"When did it happen?" Qing Xuan asked.

"A long time ago, they stayed by my side to protect me these days." Lin Siran told Qing Xuan about Qian Layer and the others.

Qingxuan said: "Then I can rest assured that the person he gives you must be good."

"Mother, it's not too late. I have to leave the capital as soon as possible, and I'm afraid I won't be able to leave any later." Lin Siran knew that someone would definitely stop her.

If she wants to go, she has to go secretly, so that no one can find her trace.

"Then you go and change your clothes." Qingxuan also understood the danger Lin Siran was about to face.

It might be fine if she doesn't leave the capital, but once she leaves, someone will definitely want to silence her.

"Mother, take care, I will definitely come back." Lin Sizan gave Qing Xuan a final hug before turning around and entering the inner room.

Qingxuan sighed slightly, worried.

Unexpectedly, disasters always come one after another, and they can only face the difficulties and avoid the inevitable.

Although Sui'er and Qing Ying strongly demanded to follow Lin Siran, they were still left behind.

Qingying is fine, but Sui'er is always worried about Lin Siran.

"Miss, just let me follow you, I won't drag you down."

"Sui'er, you are obedient. You have to stay and pretend that I am at home. Don't let others find out that I am no longer at home. Otherwise, I will be in danger. Do you understand?"

Lin Siran grabbed Sui'er's hand.

"Miss..." Sui'er pursed her lips, almost unable to hold back her tears.

Lin Siran patted her head: "Good Sui'er... By the way, after I leave, go secretly to a place to find someone for me."

Lin Bianran thought of the letter Li Xingxu left her before leaving.

The person named Wuxin in Jinyifang should be able to take care of Qingxuan and the people in the princess mansion for her during her absence in the capital.

But Lin Siran didn't know that instead of looking for Wuxin herself, she missed something very important.

Lin Siran and Qiao Zhuang became a middle-aged man and left the city.

She thought she was low-key enough that she would not attract attention.

But not long after leaving the city, she met someone who came to intercept her.

Fortunately, Qian Layer and a few followers are masters, and they didn't let the enemy succeed.

But also because of the delay, after dark, Lin Siran didn't arrive at the next town, so he could only sleep in the wild.

It's also more dangerous.

In the end, Lin Siran found an abandoned thatched cottage to live in.

When I was away from home, I didn't pay much attention to it. I laid down a blanket and lay down.

Thousand layers divided the entourage into three vigils.

But this night was not peaceful, two groups of killers came one after another, they were all repelled, but Qian Layer and the others were also injured.

Lin Siran also didn't sleep well, waking up from time to time.

Until the third wave of killers arrived, Lin Siran was also awakened.

"Master, let's go... We can't stay here anymore, the number of killers has increased." Qian Layer pulled Lin Siran up and ran out.

When Lin Siran went out, he saw corpses lying all over the place not far away.

"I didn't expect so many people to want me to die." Lin Siran also found it incredible, as if being a human being was too much of a failure.

How did it provoke so many people to kill her?

Qian Layer sent Lin Siran to the horse, and the two left quickly.

In the dark night, the wind is rumbling, which makes people feel uneasy.

Suddenly some light appeared ahead.

The horse ran fast, and the wind made her ears hurt.

But at this moment, she couldn't care anymore, she had to escape from this forest quickly, and get rid of the killer behind her, otherwise she wouldn't live until tomorrow.

Lin Siran didn't regret it at all, she knew that once her whereabouts were exposed, she would definitely attract a killer.

As long as she gets rid of this wave, she will change her face in the next place and take a different route, and she will be fine.

Thinking of this, she flicked the horse's whip again, speeding up.

"Master, be careful!"

She heard Melaleuca shouting from behind.

But it seems to be too late.

An arrow flew in a winning direction.

The horse also seemed to sense the danger, and neighed in despair. At the same time, the horse's hooves were raised high, throwing Lin Siran away.

If you fall off a horse running at high speed, you will be disabled if you don't die.

Lin Siran almost had a premonition of her own fate, but at the last moment, someone caught her.


Although the visitor covered his face, Lin Siran recognized him.

Amo put Lin Siran down.

"Young master is waiting for you in front." Amo made a gesture of invitation.

Lin Siran narrowed her eyes and looked at Amo.

Is this a coincidence?
Obviously impossible.

But Lin Siran still followed Amo calmly.

After a while, I saw Lu Jinnian sitting beside the fire.

(End of this chapter)

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