Chapter 631

"I know that your ultimate goal is to bring down the aristocratic family headed by the Lu family, so I will provide you with enough evidence to bring down the Lu family. Do you want to know?" Li Xingjue looked at Lin Siran.

Lin Siran was silent for a while.

"You don't want to deal with the Lu family, do you? After all, you had an old relationship with Lu Jinnian, so it's no wonder you can't bear it." Li Xingxu mocked Lin Siran.

Lin Siran looked at him coldly: "What evidence do you have?"

"Of course I can't tell you now, unless you agree to my conditions." Li Xingjue said.

"What do you want?" Lin Siran asked.

"I want my mother and concubine to leave the palace alive." Li Xingjue proposed a condition that surprised Lin Siran.

"That's it?" Lin Siran asked.

Li Xingjue nodded: "That's it."

"I know that what I did hurt her, but she didn't know it, so I don't want my mistakes to make her suffer." Li Xingjue sighed.

"My mother and concubine are just an ignorant woman. She is favored because of her beauty. She thinks that as long as she has the pampering of the father, she will have everything. But she is wrong. The father dotes on her, but treats her as an object , like doting on a cat or a dog, never caring about her at all."

"She has been living in a daze all her life, and she was dragged down by me at the end."

"I know I can't survive, but I hope my mother and concubine can still live well."

Li Xingjue suddenly realized something in his conscience.

Lin Siran stared at him without saying a word.

"You don't believe me?" Li Xingjue asked, "Could it be that you can't do this request I made?"

"You are sure I can do it. You mentioned a condition that is not difficult for me, but it doesn't seem to make much sense to you."

"Do people like you care about your mother?"

Why is Lin Siran not convinced?

"Don't you think I have a heart of stone? I was also raised by my parents. That is my mother, the only person in this world who loves me wholeheartedly."

Li Xingjue's eyes turned red.

"I'm not as inhuman as you think!"

"If you were really filial, why would you escape from the capital and rebel with the Four Families?" Lin Sizan asked, "When you took the first step, didn't you think about what would happen to your mother and concubine?"

"I thought about it, but I want to give it a go. If I win, my mother and concubine can become the empress dowager. She has always been looking forward to it, hoping that I can inherit the throne, and that she can become the empress dowager and enjoy life in peace."

"The strife in the harem has already made her very tired. She fights with others for me, but it doesn't mean that she naturally likes to live like that."

Li Xingjue rubbed his face wearily and sighed helplessly.

"She's just a woman. Are you afraid that she will make waves after she leaves the palace? Even if you ask her to find a nunnery to practice, as long as you don't kill her and let her live steadily, don't let her die." Tell her I'm dead."

Li Xingjue looked at Lin Siran, almost begging her.

"Lin Siran, I know there was a big quarrel between us. I once humiliated you, but you also came back with revenge. Let's settle the matter, right?"

"Now I don't want you to make a promise for nothing. I really have evidence that Lu sent killers to destroy the whole family of the Qin family. As long as I have this evidence, my father can investigate and deal with Lu Xiang in a fair manner."

Lin Siran's eyes widened.

She trembled.

The secret she had always wanted to know was unexpectedly revealed in this way at this moment.

The Qin family was actually destroyed by Lu Xiang?
Lu Xiang is her mother's enemy?

Lin Siran felt it was incredible.

"You don't believe it?" Li Xingjue thought that she didn't believe his words.

"No... What evidence do you have?" Lin Siran's voice was eager, but the blood was gone on his face.

The news shocked her too much.

"Of course there is evidence, but you haven't agreed yet..."

"I promise!" Lin Siran answered first, "What is the evidence and where is it?"

"I found a killer who carried out orders for Lu Xiang back then. These people should have been silenced, but he escaped by chance. He participated in the whole murder and intercepted the message sent by Miss Qin to Mr. Qingxuan. Distress letter."

"As long as that letter is given to Mr. Qingxuan, the truth of the Qin family's extermination will be revealed, and Prime Minister Lu's charges will be confirmed."

Li Xingjue looked at Lin Siran's face which became more and more ugly.

"So... is it really Prime Minister Lu?" Lin Siran asked.

"Of course it's him. I've read the letter. Mr. Qingxuan and Father Emperor should be able to identify the authenticity of the letter from the handwriting and the special symbols on it."

"Where is that killer now?" Lin Siran asked.

Li Xingjue said: "I will tell you when you send my concubine mother out of the palace safely."

"Don't you think it's unnecessary? If I break my promise, no matter where the imperial concubine is sent, she may not be able to escape to death. I will definitely do what I promised you."

Li Xingjue thought about it, and knew that Lin Sizan was right.

He has no other choice now but chooses to trust Lin Siran.

"Well, let me tell you, that killer was sent to the palace by me, and now he is working in Yeting. His alias is Cai Sanmu, but those who know him well call him Lao Cai."

"You actually sent a killer into the palace?" Lin Siran was shocked.

"He will be safe because he is in the harem. After all, it is impossible for Lu Xiang to think that the person he has been chasing and killing is secretly hiding in the harem, and the place in Yeting is not approached by ordinary people. Occasionally, I want to know something He can also help me inquire about the news of the harem."

Li Xingjue is good at employing people.

Lin Siran had to say that Li Xingjue was smarter than she thought.

"Lu Xiang still doesn't know that he has been in the harem?" Lin Siran asked.

"If you know, do you think Lao Cai can still survive? All the killers were silenced back then, and he was the only one who survived. He hid here and there for many years, and was finally rescued by me."

Li Xingjue smiled.

"Is this just called Tianwang Huihui, not missing anything?" Li Xingjue suddenly smiled.

"If he hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known that you look so much like that Miss Qin back then." Li Xingjue added.

Lin Siran took a deep breath and asked, "So when I was in the harem, the reason why the imperial concubine wanted to kill me was also because of his words?"

"My mother and concubine don't know him. I told my mother and concubine that you can't stay. At that time, I thought that my father would leave you in the harem as a concubine, so I asked my mother and concubine to do something to you. Didn't leave your sign."

Now that things have happened, there is no need for Li Xingjue to lie to Lin Siran.

"Ha... It's really unexpected, so including your intention to kill me later, it's not just because of Lin Qianyu?" Lin Siran asked.

"Do you think she's worth my trouble?"

"Your existence is really dangerous to me. Even if the father didn't keep your brand name for the time being, he valued you too much, and Li Xingxu also had his eyes on you at the time, obviously knowing that you and Miss Qin look alike." this matter."

Li Xingjue sighed again.

"Hey, it's just that I never expected that Li Xingxu stared at you not to use you to please the emperor, but to really like you. This is too unexpected."

(End of this chapter)

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