Chapter 632
Lin Siran's mood at this time was also very complicated.

"Lu Xiang obviously also knows that I and that Miss Qin family look alike, right?" Lin Siran asked.

"I must know, so you also understand why it is impossible for the Lu family to let Lu Jinnian marry you, right?"

"Lu Xiang has long suspected that you have something to do with the Qin family, otherwise how could you look so similar to Miss Qin?"

Li Xingjue answered Lin Bianran's doubts again.

"I'm just sorry for Mr. Lu. He also misunderstood that Lu Xiang disliked your reputation and background. In fact, Lu Xiang is not such a narrow-minded person. It's really because you two are enemies who have a sworn hatred."

Li Xingjue seemed to intend to sprinkle salt on Lin Siran's wound.

"It's a blessing that you didn't choose Lu Jinnian. Otherwise, how would you deal with yourself after this incident broke out? Even now, it's hard to make a choice, right? After all, Mr. Lu is the man you once loved."

Li Xingjue smiled maliciously.

"Enough!" Lin Siran scolded, "Is Lao Cai still with that letter?"

"It's his life-saving gadget. It should be impossible to lose it, but I haven't seen Lao Cai for a long time. He only showed me the letter once, and refused to give it to me for safekeeping."

"But I don't dare to ask for that kind of thing casually. Lu Xiang is not a soft-hearted person. If he knows that I know about his dark past, it may not be a good thing for me."

Li Xingjue never thought of threatening Lu Xiang with this letter.

"What did that letter look like? How can I guarantee that the letter Lao Cai gave me is genuine? What if he cheated?" Lin Sizan asked.

"He will definitely give you the truth. After all, you will soon be the crown princess. If there is no accident, Li Xingxu will definitely ascend the throne smoothly. Lao Cai also knows how to play the rudder according to the wind."

Li Xingjue spoke the truth.

Lin Siran nodded: "Okay, I see."

"Then my concubine mother..." Li Xingjue mentioned again.

"Don't worry, I will do what I promised you." Lin Siran left without looking back.

"Can I...can I still see Huang Siniang?" Li Xingjue suddenly shouted again, "I haven't thanked her in person yet."

Lin Siran turned back and said, "Ask Huo Sijing about this."

Li Xingjue didn't bother her anymore.

Lin Siran's mood was full of twists and turns.

After she and Lu Jinnian parted in the woods, she knew that sooner or later, the two would stand on opposing sides.

If the Lu family is willing to rein in the precipice, then Li Xingjue may use gentle means to deal with the Lu family.

Maybe there is no need to tear your face apart and embarrass each other.

Even she, the crown princess, doesn't have to show up. Let the men solve their own affairs.

But she didn't expect that there would be such a direct grievance between her and Lu Jinnian.

The Qin family is her maternal grandfather, Qin Yinuo is her biological aunt, and her mother is the only living member of the Qin family.

It is impossible for her to ignore the hatred of the Qin family's extermination.

What's more, Qingxuan and the emperor will not allow this hatred to be forgotten and the truth to be covered up.

She couldn't accept it herself.

She just sat in the courtyard blankly, watching the sun set from the west little by little, and the sunset glow dyed half of the sky red, but her heart was full of sorrowful clouds.

"Thousand layers, let's go back to Beijing!"

In the end, Lin Siran made a decision.

She couldn't wait any longer, even if it would be dangerous to return to Beijing, she had to go back.

It's the last moment to make a decision!

She promised Qingxuan that she would avenge the Qin family!
In fact, Qingxuan had already learned the truth from His Majesty and Concubine Hui.

It's just that there is no evidence.

After all, after more than 20 years, the Qin family has turned into bones, and the only survivor, Lin Siran's mother, has also been dead for many years.

There is really no personal or material evidence to prove that it was Lu Xiang who planned and executed this appalling massacre.

After all, the Qin family is also a famous family.

Even in the past so many years, this shocking murder still hangs over many people's hearts like a dark cloud.

Lin Siran returned to Beijing all the way under the escort of Huo Sijing.

There was no danger on the way back to Beijing.

After all, the rebellion outside has been assessed, and the capital is under Li Xingxu's control. The overall situation has been settled. Even if someone wants to make trouble, they have to weigh it up, whether they dare to hit Li Xingxu's gun at this time.

When I saw Li Xingxu again, it was already late at night on the second day after returning to Beijing.

He is currently supervising the country, listening to the government every day, and reviewing memorials. He has just put down the chaos of the Four Feudal Clans, so there must be a lot of things to deal with.

So I have to be busy every day until late at night to rest.

Lin Siran didn't tell him the news of her return in advance, but wanted to give him a surprise.

"Hoo..." She knocked on the door of the study.

Li Xingxu didn't raise his head, as if he was still reading the memorial.

"Abu, didn't you say that, go to rest in a while, don't bother Gu." Li Xingxu seemed a little impetuous.

Lin Sizan deliberately changed his tone, and said in an artificial voice: "Your Highness, it's late at night, and this servant is here to bring you a supper."

When Li Xingxu heard a woman's voice, he scolded in a low voice: "Who told you to come? Get out!"

Lin Siran was stunned for a moment, why is this person so fierce?

"Your Highness... don't you really want to have some late-night snacks? The maidservant cooks and prepares the food herself, so don't waste the maidservant's heart." Lin Siran continued her flamboyant performance.

Li Xingxu ignored her, and shouted directly: "Abu, pull down this ignorant lowly maid for a hundred!"

"One hundred rods? Are you going to kill me?"

Lin Siran was speechless when he heard this, isn't this person too cruel?
When Li Xingxu heard the voice, he immediately recognized Lin Siran, threw away all the papers, and hurried over to open the door.

"Ranran?" He excitedly pulled Lin Siran to the study and hugged her, "Why are you?"

"Who am I? Do you think there is a beautiful maid who comes to add fragrance to His Highness's red embroidery in the middle of the night?" Lin Siran laughed.

Li Xingxu blushed, but said with a silly smile: "Isn't this the most beautiful woman in the world who came to add fragrance to Gu Hongxiu?"

"Poor mouth..." Lin Siran was actually very happy in his heart.

Li Xingxu's doing so shows that he keeps himself clean.

In fact, Abu also euphemistically said that only eunuchs and servants are around Li Xingxu, and maids are not allowed to come close.

Li Xingxu took her food box aside, put her down, picked her up, and turned her around.

"Why are you back? Miss me!"

Lin Siran hurriedly struggled to get down.

"I'm dizzy, let me down!"

Li Xingxu put her down, turned around and sat down again, pulling her to sit on his lap.

"Don't tell me in advance, so I can pick you up." Li Xingxu stared at Lin Siran. He hadn't seen her for many days. He really missed her.

Lin Siran was rather shy, and said, "I know you're busy, I want you to pick me up, but I don't know when I'll have to wait!"

"The reason why I'm so busy is to finish the urgent matter at hand quickly, so that I can see you sooner." Li Xingxu explained.

Lin Sizan looked at the blue and black under his eyes, and knew that he must be too busy to sleep well.

"Isn't this too hard? It's already past the second watch, and I have to get up early tomorrow morning to go to court." Lin Siran felt sorry for him.

(End of this chapter)

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