Chapter 634 The Lost Letter
Cai Sanmu began to cry.

"I... the servant was also instigated by Lu Xiang back then. The servant is a killer and has no other choice. In fact... the servant has also received a meal from Miss Qin."

Cai Sanmu broke down in tears.

"Miss Qin is a good person, but... the Qin family will not be destroyed. The servant and the brothers of the servant will all die. I have no choice."

"Okay, you don't have to tell me these things. I don't mean to seek revenge from you. There is a wrong and a debt. At best, you are an executioner. I can't put the debt on you." Lin Siran interrupted His chatter.

Cai Sanmu immediately thanked Dade: "Thank you, county master, thank you, county master!"

Only then did Cai Sanmu tell Lin Siran how he received the order from Prime Minister Lu, how he sneaked into the Qin family, and how the whole family of the Qin family was slaughtered in an instant.

Lin Siran felt chills all over when he heard that, and his heart ached unbearably when he thought of such a scene.

It may be true that blood is thicker than water, and even relatives who have never seen them will still feel pain when they think of the picture of their tragic death.

"Where is the letter?" Lin Siran asked.

Cai Sanmu hesitated.

"What are you still planning to do? If you really regret the crimes you committed back then, you should reveal it now. Only when the Lu family falls and Prime Minister Lu is brought to justice, can you live in peace."

"The letter... the letter was robbed!" Cai Sanmu's face was full of guilt, "I'm sorry, I couldn't keep the letter, but it was robbed."

"What's going on?" Lin Siran was shocked.

"It's all because the servant was careless. The letter was originally intended to be handed over to the Second Highness, but the Lu family got wind of it and sent someone to snatch it away from the villain. By the way... the county lord still remembers, … Back when the villain was still blocking your way on the road, I thought you had taken that letter away."

Lin Siran was speechless.

"That time I almost died in the hands of Mr. Lu's family because of this incident. I didn't expect that although his legs were disabled, he was still so powerful. Fortunately, I escaped in time and returned to the harem. They would never find me, otherwise I'm already dead."

Cai Sanmu didn't notice Lin Siran's shock, so he continued.

Lin Siran's heartbeat almost stopped.

She really didn't expect that the letter related to the destruction of the whole family of the Qin family would once fall into her hands, but she missed the truth in vain.

Because she valued her promise to Lu Jinnian too much, she helped him hide the letter and returned it to him intact.

Where can I find that letter now?
Naturally, the corpse has been destroyed long ago.

Lin Siran turned around dejectedly, how would she explain to the dead Qin family?
How should I explain to Qingxuan?
She has been guilty for half her life for not being able to save her best friend, and she only wanted to avenge her, but the last chance of revenge was wasted in the hands of Lin Siran, whom she raised like her own daughter.

How embarrassing is that?
"Master, please wait, maybe... maybe this thing can be useful." Cai Sanmu suddenly tore a piece of jade finger from his neck.

"What is this?" Lin Siran asked.

"I got the emerald ring finger from Miss Qin's family back then. She seems to value this ring finger very much."

Lin Siran took it and took a closer look.

This ring finger is indeed very precious, not only because the jade itself is a top-quality glass type, the color of the water is excellent, and the craftsmanship of the finger ring is almost perfect.

"It belongs to Miss Qin?"

"'s also what Lu Xiang has been looking for. I wear it next to my body and never show it to others. I even put a layer of plaster on it on purpose, so it's still well protected."

Cai Sanmu explained.

"Lu Xiang also wants this finger puller? Why?" Lin Siran asked puzzled.

"I'm not sure about that. When Prime Minister Lu ordered the Qin family to be wiped out, he told the servant to help him find this jade finger ring. That's why the servant took it away from Miss Qin at that time."

"It was originally intended to be handed over to Lu Xiang, but I didn't expect him to be so cruel that he wanted to kill us all."

Cai Sanmu sighed.

"If I had known this before, I wouldn't have committed crimes."

"I was born to be a killer, and I may be killed at any time. But at that time, I had already decided to quit. Lu Xiang also promised me that he would let me go after helping him complete this last mission."

Cai Sanmu looked sad, and then smiled again.

"But I didn't expect that he didn't intend to let me go, it's just because those who completed that mission must die."

Lin Siran looked at him, feeling pitiful and hateful for such a person.

"When you chose to be a killer, you should have expected such an end, right? Can a person who licks blood really get away without paying any price?"

"Isn't it too unfair to those honest and diligent ordinary people? At least they didn't do bad things, but they often didn't end well."

"Isn't it even more unfair to those who were killed by you?"

"There is always a price to pay for killing."

Lin Siran doesn't sympathize with people like Cai Sanmu.

"I have no choice. If possible, who wants to live a life of beatings and killings? I have been in the harem these years. Although my body is disabled, I can live my life comfortably. Yeting is a place to punish sinners." , Working hard every day is a punishment for others, but it is a rare peace and stability for me."

"Anyway, as long as you finish a day's work, you can go to sleep in a down-to-earth manner, and eating simple tea and light food is also sweet."

"I'm not afraid of living a hard life at all, but I didn't have such an opportunity before, because I was raised as a killer since I was a child."

Cai Sanmu is not shirking responsibility, but just stating a fact.

Lin Siran asked: "Are you an orphan?"

"Most of them are. Do you know where the orphans who are adopted every year by Salesian Bureaus all over the place go?"

Cai Sanmu asked.

Lin Siran shook her head, she didn't know.

"Only a very small number of lucky ones actually met infertile couples and adopted them back home, and lived the lives of ordinary people. Most... most of them are not so lucky."

"Beautiful girls are sent to the Qinglou Chuguan. They have been performing arts since they were young, and they will sell themselves or sell themselves when they grow up."

"Beautiful boys may also be sent to study art and become actors, or they may be taken back by wealthy families who like to raise pedophiles to raise them as playthings."

"If they don't look good enough, but they are in good health, like me, they may be sent to be trained as killers or dead soldiers."

Lin Siran was terrified when he heard that.

"The money we got from being sold can continue to maintain the survival of the Salesian Bureau, and then they use the money to raise other so-called orphans. In fact, many orphans are simply robbed and lured into the charity. The Youth Bureau, because in this world, except for a small number of disabled children, there are not so many cruel parents who will abandon healthy children."

"I don't want a Salesian Bureau that is too small. After all, it will take several years to raise them until they can be sold for money. How can they have such patience?"

(End of this chapter)

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