Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 15 Heading to Rota Star

Chapter 15 Heading to Rota Star

Time flies, passing by like a white horse passing through the gap. 100 years passed quietly.

In the past 100 years, many angels have graduated from the super seminary.The angelic civilization is also slowly developing from a medium civilization to a high civilization.

In the past 100 years, the original situation of the four kings was quietly broken 50 years ago.Tianqi Wang Liangbing and Tianji Wang Hexi became the sacred wings of the King of Angels.

But now there is only Bai Moyu, the King of Darkness left.

"Is the King of Darkness here? If so, come to the palace."

Early in the morning, as soon as Bai Moyu got up from the bed, he received a message from Kesha.

Bai Moyu yawned and put on his clothes leisurely.After staying in front of the mirror for a while, he left.

There were armored angel warriors everywhere along the way, so Bai Moyu naturally knew what was going on?In recent years, due to the rise of Angel civilization, the interests of multiple civilizations have been directly endangered.

No civilization hopes for the emergence of a new higher civilization.

So a month ago, the giant wolf civilization, the snake-man civilization, and the giant dragon civilization in the advanced civilization launched a war on the border of the angel civilization.

At this moment, the hall is already filled with many high-ranking angels and guardian angels.

Keisha on the throne frowned, quietly listening to the report below.

"Queen Keisha, just received information that the dragon civilization sent an army of 50 people to Rota Star."

"What? 50 people?" Liang Bing, who was on Kaisha's left, said in surprise.

After Liang Bing finished speaking, Keisha asked immediately: "How long will it take for the army of the dragon civilization to reach Rota?"

"Report to Queen Keisha, three days, you will arrive in three days."

Kaisha straightened her body, rubbed her forehead and asked, "Which one of you would like to go to Rota?"

"Queen Kaisa, everyone in the hall now has their own tasks."

After a long silence in the hall, He Xi stood up and said.

As soon as He Xi finished speaking, there was an indistinguishable voice from outside the hall: "I'll go!"

A blue figure came into everyone's eyes.At this time, Bai Moyu walked in majestically, wearing an ice blue battle armor.

Bai Moyu walked to the front of the main hall, then stopped, looked at Kaisha above and said: I'll go, I just happen to have nothing to do recently.

Kaisha breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Bai Moyu. Indeed, the three major civilizations declared war on the angel civilization this time, which really gave Kaisha a headache.

Keisha immediately said, "Okay, then the Sky Dark King will guard Rota Star! Sky Dark King, I can only draw 20 angel warriors for you at most."

Bai Moyu nodded and said, "Kesha's 20 will be left to you! As for the [-] Gods' Punishment Warriors on Rota Star, that's enough!"

When he heard that Bai Moyu didn't want the 20 troops, a guard angel stood up and saluted Bai Moyu and said: "Dark King, this time the dragon civilization dispatched 50 troops, and you only brought 1 troops, didn't you?" too little?
After listening to the angel's words, Bai Moyu shook his head and said with a smile, "It's not too many. Why should this God's Punishment Warrior be afraid of his 50 army. Yutong is going out this time, don't lose my face, you understand?"

Angel Yutong nodded: "Yeah!"

"Okay, Kesha, I'll take the first step. After I finish solving the matter of Rota Star, I'll go to your side."

After Bai Moyu finished speaking, he turned around and walked out of the hall. Bai Moyu spread his ice-blue wings and flew into the universe.

And outside Angel Star, there are hundreds of frigates and one main ship.

Bai Moyu appeared in the control room of the main ship, and said, "Bai Yu, let's go! The target is Rota Star."

"As you order, Your Majesty. Rota Star is 700 million light-years away and is expected to arrive in 5 minutes."

"Kesha, I said to make Tianshouming a top civilization within 100 years. But I broke the contract, but don't worry, I will make the angel civilization a top civilization in a short time."


Let's go back to the main hall, after Bai Moyu walked out.Keisha said: "Let's go, let them see the strength of my angelic civilization?"


In the sacred year 4520, the angelic civilization readily accepted the declaration of war by the three major advanced civilizations.And the king of angels, the holy Kaisa, personally marched.

If the angelic civilization wins this battle, it will become a new advanced civilization.But if it loses, it will face endless colonization.

Battleships inside and outside the Rota appeared outside the planet.

"Your Majesty, Rota belongs to the era of cold weapons and believes in angels. Now the imperial system is implemented."

"The rain is falling directly on the imperial capital of Star Rota."


At this moment, hundreds of silver warships slowly appeared in the sky above the capital of the Bright Empire on Star Rota.

"God! What on earth is this!"


The people in the capital fled in a hurry after seeing hundreds of warships, and soon a large group of soldiers in black armor gathered under the battleships.

A middle-aged man in yellow armor stood at the forefront of the team.At the same time, ten angels stood in the air holding long swords.

"Fear not, warriors. Angels are with us."

"Fleet ahead, listen, this is the frontier of angelic civilization, who are you?" the leading guard angel shouted heroically, holding a long sword.

The ship door opened slowly, and a blue figure came out, and behind her were at least twenty or so golden-winged angels.

After Bai Moyu came out, a soldier said, "Okay... Take a good look!"

"Guardian Angel, Angel Feng, see His Highness the Darkness King." The moment Angel Feng saw Bai Moyu, he half-knelt down, and the other nine angels also half-kneeled together.

Bai Mochen nodded and said, "Yes! Get up!"

After seeing the ten angels half-kneeling for Bai Mochen, the Irish card at the bottom also knelt down together. "Irish Card, the King of the Bright Empire, see Lord Angel."

Bai Moyu landed on the ground like walking up the stairs and said, "Mortal, are you the king of Rota?"

After hearing Bai Moyu's words, Erika swallowed her saliva and said, "Master Angel, I'm here. I don't know what to order."

Seeing Erika's nervous face, Bai Moyu couldn't help being a little amused, is he that scary?

"It's nothing, Angel Wind, the dragon civilization has sent 50 troops to attack Rota, and the vigilance has been strengthened recently."

"Follow your orders, King of Darkness."

"Yu, hide the battleship. Let's stay here for the next few days. Mortal, you have no objection!"

"Oh, I see."

"No, I have no objection. Sir Angel, you can live in the palace!" Erika was overjoyed when she heard that Bai Moyu was going to live with him.You know, those angels in the past didn't even bother to live here, but now... It's just that he cultivated blessings for countless generations.

Immediately, Erika waved his hand, "Everyone, give way." Bai Moyu and twenty God's Punishment Warriors took the lead.

When Bai Moyu and some people walked away, a high-ranking angel couldn't help asking: "Sister Feng, what are we going to do next?"
Angel Feng looked at the high-ranking angel and said: What else can I do, patrol!


Ten angels spread their wings and flew in different directions.

(End of this chapter)

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