Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 14 Unexpected Examination

Chapter 14 Unexpected Examination
A note slowly unfolded on the wall, it said: Luo Yan, come out to play with me later!

After Bai Moyu nailed the cold note on the wall.Many female angels have to admire her boldness.

After seeing this scene, Bai Moyu not only didn't get angry, but walked up to Liang Bing with a smile on his face.

"Leng Bing, you dare to skip my class, are you fat?"

Liang Bing chuckled, not paying any attention to Bai Mochen's words.Sitting in the seat, pretending to see what you can do to me.

But Bai Mochen didn't care at all, he brushed his hair with his hands, and said: "Liang Bing, Tian Qi Wang, it's fine to sleep blindly in class, but you actually played with Luo Yan at the front desk in class, affecting the students' listening to the class."Playing is fine, but you actually pass a note!Don't you think this king doesn't exist? "

Bai Moyu's face was fierce, and he said word by word: "Liang Bing, get out and punish me!"By the way, write another chapter of 1-word review.

When Liang Bing heard that he was going to write a review, he immediately became anxious, and shouted loudly: Why do you ask me to write it?Didn't Luo Yan talk too?Why don't you look for her, just look for me.

"First of all, I remember that classmate Luoyan should be younger than you! So I can just find you. Secondly, the new official takes office three times. If I don't find a few people to make an example to others, how can I manage the first class? Originally, I wanted to find a few A typical example. Hey... Hey hey! You happened to bump into me, how could I let go of this opportunity?"

Muddy horse, it makes sense, I was speechless.But is it really okay for you to say such things in front of the whole class?
"So, go out and stand for punishment, and hand in a self-criticism to me tomorrow."

Liang Bing got up and walked outside the door, and said in a low voice as she walked, "Cut! What's so great about being punished to stand still. Sooner or later, I will make you regret it."

With Liang Bing as the killed "chicken", those angels didn't dare to be presumptuous, and they all quietly listened to Bai Moyu's lecture.

The whole morning passed quietly.But what is different is that there is a woman in black standing at the door of Class A.That's right, she is Liang Bing.

"Bichi! Damn Bai Moyu, the sun is so big, you want to burn me to death." Liang Bing complained at the door.

Just as Liang Bing was complaining, a silver figure appeared in front of him, and the person teased, "Hey! Isn't this our Apocalypse King? Why are you standing here? Could it be that... he was punished to stand."

Liang Bing was suddenly furious, his eyes blazed as if he wanted to tear his life apart: Hexi, you bichi, it's none of your business whether my old lady is punished or not?
"Hehe, I wanted to ask someone to eat at first. But I don't need it now! After all, some people are not willing to accept my help." Hexi said to himself, just as she turned around, He was stopped by Liang Bing.

"Hey, what? How can you not want to? I am very willing now. I have been standing here all morning, and I am about to starve to death."

Because the current angelic civilization is only a medium civilization, except for Kaisha, a generation of gods.Liang Bing and Hexi are basically third-generation super so they still need to eat.

He Xi smiled and said: Then let's go quickly.I am treating you today. What would you like to eat?
"Really? Hexi, you are really great. I know there is a restaurant that has delicious food, let's go."

Liangbing was as excited as if he had been beaten with blood, and dragged Hexi out of the Super Seminary.

In the teacher's building in the distance, Bai Moyu was lying on the window, observing the situation.And behind him was Kieran.

"Hey! Bai Moyu, are you competing with a little girl?"

"Kieran, I don't know if you see the future in her."

Kieran had some doubts about Bai Moyu's words: "The future? What future?"

Bai Moyu walked over from the window, sat down on the sofa, and said: "It's nothing, I just wanted to say something."

Two months later, the principal Kieran and the vice principal Bai Moyu led the angel students to the vast actual battlefield of the college, where they were organizing an assessment.

The actual battlefield is an open space that occupies a large area. Every time it is an open space, there is nothing there, but in order to make this open space stand out against the magnificent academy, Bai Moyu took a place for this empty space that did not exist at all. Nice name - actual battlefield.

Bai Moyu looked at the 100 angel students in front of him and said: Students, you have studied micro-wormhole technology for more than two months, and now is the time to show the results.Then we will start the exam.

Holding a list in his hand, Bai Moyu shouted: "Students whose names have been called, please come forward."

"Yunyue, Hexi, Yutong, Liuyue, Yu, Liying." These six students invited Principal Kieran to take the exam there.

Yunyue said anxiously: "It's over, it's over, I basically don't review, but now there's a sudden exam, I will definitely fail it."

Liuyue next to her came over and patted her on the shoulder: Hey, why bother if I knew today?Let you review you don't review, well now.

"Liangbing, Qiaofeng, Han, Mo, Feishuang, you five come with me." Bai Mochen read out five more names, and seeing that the rest of the angels were restless, he kindly reminded them: "You guys Stay where you are, don't walk away, or you will get zero points, and I will tell Keisha that you are disobedient."

After Bai Moyu left, some female angels said dissatisfiedly: "We are not children anymore."

The angel next to him reminded: He is the King of Darkness, even King Tianqi and King Tianji have to listen to him, so let's stop complaining.

"Huh! Where's Liang Bing? Does any of you know where she is?" After arriving at the place, Bai Moyu scanned around habitually, only to find that there was one person missing.

"I don't know." The four angels shook their heads.

"Hehe! Liangbing, don't think that if you find a place to hide, you can avoid this exam. Let me tell you, you will look good when you come to school tomorrow."

"There are four things in front of you, like four test questions. You use the micro-wormhole transport technology to carry these things to your hands, and this is the completion of the test questions. I will give you ABCD grades based on the difficulty of your carrying things."

Bai Moyu went on to explain: "Successfully transporting this white paper, scoring one point, the grade is average; carrying this apple, scoring three points, the grade is passing; carrying this angel cloud shield, scoring five points, the grade is excellent. Remember, C A grade of C or above is considered a passing grade."

Qiaofeng looked at the things on the table, and said curiously: "There are only three things in front of us, what about the five-cent things?"

Bai Moyu smiled, and grabbed the air with his hand.A golden long sword appeared in his hand.

"Here, that's it. Alright, let's stop talking nonsense and start the exam."

The exam officially started. Some female angels who are usually very smart have successfully achieved three points. They are full of confidence and want to challenge for a higher four points, or even five points, but unfortunately, four points and five points are like two points. Like an insurmountable gap, no one can break through.

Usually, every female angel who wants to challenge for five points is often completely defeated at four points, powerless.After a long time, no one wants to challenge the four-point test.

Of course, this was within Bai Moyu's expectations.On the contrary, there is still a little pride in my heart.

"After all, there are very few people who can control miniature wormholes in a medium civilization. The person who can control miniature wormholes in a medium civilization may be the main god of one party! Now, there are so many female angel warriors who have mastered it."

 Part of the content of this chapter is based on the civilization tutor of Super Theological Seminary, please understand.

(End of this chapter)

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