Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 13 Official Opening of School

Chapter 13 Official Opening of School

After Bai Moyu and Kieran had been busy for nearly half an hour, no one from other civilizations finally came over.

Bai Mochen stared at Kieran with a displeased face, the anger in his eyes seemed to burn Kieran to ashes, so as to relieve the hatred in his heart.

After Kieran felt the hot light behind him, he shivered all over.After swallowing, he found an excuse for himself and slipped away.

At this moment, the square of the Super Seminary is crowded with people of all shapes and sizes, and it can be described as a group of demons dancing wildly.

The three of Kaisha sat high on the throne in the sky, looking down at all the people on the ground, as if they were the only ones in the sky and the earth.

At this time, Kieran stepped onto the main stage, blocked the sun with his hands and said: Dear teachers, dear students, just today, in this sunny weather, our Super Seminary held a grand opening ceremony.

When Bai Moyu heard what Kieran said, the corners of his eyes couldn't help twitching, obviously he was suspicious of what Kieran said.

"Wang, what's wrong with your eyes? Are you feeling unwell? Do you need to check?" Bai Han saw the corners of his Wang Shang's eyes twitching.Without knowing it, he thought that Bai Moyu's eyes were injured.

Immediately, Bai Moyu's look stunned him, and he stood where he was, swallowing.

"...Hahahaha, Bai Han, haven't you noticed that something is wrong?" Bai Yu couldn't help smiling when he saw the shocked Bai Han.

"What's wrong? Why didn't I notice it?"

"Hehe! That only shows that you are too stupid. Who told you not to go through your brain every time you speak."

After Kieran finished speaking, there was endless applause from the audience.

"Then let's applaud and invite the vice principal——Bai Moyu to speak on stage."

"Damn! This old thing." Bai Moyu, who was about to sit down and drink a glass of water, was called up by Kieran before he sat down on the bench.

"Bichi, didn't you say that he is just a mentor? Why did he suddenly become the vice principal?" Liang Bing, who was watching from a high altitude, was a little dumbfounded.

"If he was just a teacher, he wouldn't have much restraint on her, but the vice-principal is different. Thinking about not being able to skip classes in the future." Liang Bing immediately pickled like a cucumber, losing her previous vigor.

The applause sounded again, and Bai Mochen walked up to the main stage slowly, neither fast nor slow, the speed was just right.

The combat boots on the feet made a rhythmic sound.The icy blue cloak behind him and the icy blue armor on his body clearly showed his status as a symbol.

"Oh my god! This is the Sky Darkness King of Angel Nebula! Tsk tsk, this looks too good-looking."


There were fiery eyes everywhere in the audience, but for Bai Moyu, he was used to this kind of scene.What's more, he has participated in ceremonies bigger than this, let alone just a small opening ceremony.

"Hi, everyone. I am the vice principal of Bai Moyu Super Seminary. First of all, I would like to thank everyone for taking time out of their busy schedules to attend this opening ceremony." Bai Moyu said with a smile.

Bai Moyu looked at Kaisha in the sky, paused and said: Secondly, this is also the glory of my angelic civilization. "I hope that all the angel students can learn and progress here, and the Super Seminary also welcomes friends from cosmic civilization to join."

Kieran asked cautiously: "Is this gone?"

Bai Mochen thought about it again, and nodded after making sure there was nothing more to say.

"What a mess! Old man, I've been talking for a long time, but you're done with one sentence."

Bai Moyu looked at Kieran's ridiculous expression.Immediately I feel much better.

"Hmph! Who told you to cheat me first?"

Kieran walked behind Bai Moyu again, waved to everyone and said: "Okay, let's leave!"There will be a banquet later.

Liang Bing complained to Kaisha: "Why do I think this academy is unreliable?"

He Xi and other angels nodded, agreeing with Liang Bing's point of view.

The grand opening ceremony came to an end after only ten minutes of speeches.


The next day, one hundred angel elites sent by Kaisa to the Super Seminary to study came to the Super Seminary to report. Principal Kieran attached great importance to this and actually registered their names one by one in person.

After Bai Moyu and Kieran's discussion, they decided to divide the hundred angels into two classes.

Bai Moyu was the head teacher of Class One, and Kieran was the head teacher of Class Two.

If people who don't know the situation know, they will definitely think like this: God!Isn't this school paying too much attention to these one hundred students?Even let the principal and the vice principal personally act as the head teachers of the two classes!

However, the actual situation is that the whole school seems to be very large and formal, but in fact there are only two teachers, Bai Moyu and Kieran. If they are not teachers, then how can this school be run?So they were also forced to go into battle in person.

Bai Moyu walked to the podium, and wrote his name on the blackboard with dark energy.

After finishing writing, Bai Moyu turned around and looked at the fifty angels sitting below.

And these angels, seeing Bai Moyu looking at them, couldn't help but sit up straight.Of course, except for very few angels.The other angels are still very well behaved.

And the very few angels here naturally refer to Liang Bing.She was lying on the table and buried her head in sleep at the moment.


There was a crisp bone sound, and Bai Moyu walked towards Liangbing.Some female angels had to admire Liang Bing's boldness, and even had a very good relationship with Liang Bing, so they became slightly worried.

"Ah! It hurts my mother to death. Who dares to pull my mother's ears to see if I don't tear him to pieces."

Liang Bing rubbed her red ears, looking at the angels with a ferocious face.

Suddenly, a burst of cold air woke up Liang Bing, who was in a dazed state.

"Leng Bing, are you fat? You still dare to sleep in my class."

"Gulu!... Hehe... Hehe! Good morning! Mo Chen."

The cold ice turned the neck that was stiff from the cold.He swallowed, and said cautiously.

"Hmph! Don't be an example. Liang Bing, you will be the monitor of our first class from now on. I hope you can take the lead in maintaining classroom discipline."

Obviously Liangbing is not interested in being the monitor at all.He just said weakly: "I know."

"Okay, let's start the class now. Today I'm going to tell you about micro-wormholes. Micro-wormholes are used as..."

On the stage, Bai Moyu was speaking vividly.But in the audience, Liangbing threw a note to Luoyan in front of her.

As a result, before the note reached Luoyan's hands, there was a whizzing sound of breaking through the air.The note was instantly nailed to the wall.

A note slowly unfolded on the wall, it said: Yunyue, hang out with me later!
(End of this chapter)

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