Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 12 The Trapped Bai Moyu

Chapter 12 The Trapped Bai Moyu
"Sister Kaisha, why don't you call him? How did he get there? That's right." Liang Bing turned to Kaisha and said.

Kesha snorted coldly and said, "I don't care about him, whether love comes or not, hum!" Kesha straightened her white neck proudly.

When all the angels behind saw Kaisha like this, they petrified collectively.They never thought that the holy Queen Keisha had such a lovely side.

After seeing Kesha like this, Liang Bing was speechless immediately.She got up and walked towards Bai Moyu.

But as soon as she walked behind Bai Moyu, she was stopped by Bai Yu: Your Highness Liang Bing, the king is resting, please don't disturb.

After Liang Bing was stopped by Bai Yu, her expression turned sour.He gritted his teeth and said: "Little guard, I have something to talk to him, so please step aside."

"Your Highness Liangbing, first of all, I will be [-] years old this year, so please don't add small words before saying it." Bai Yu continued.

"Yu, let her come over!" At this moment, Bai Moyu's voice came over.

After hearing Bai Moyu's voice, Bai Yu put down the arm that blocked Liang Bing.

Liang Bing snorted coldly, and made a step forward to sit on the chair next to Bai Moyu.

"Hehe! Xiao Liangbing is angry? Didn't I tell you not to provoke Yu?"

Bai Mochen looked at Liang Bing who was trembling with Bai Yu's anger with a smile on his face, and said slowly.

"Hmph! Wasn't he just born tens of thousands of years earlier than me? What's the big deal?" Liang Bing muttered a few words in a low voice, although his voice was very small.But who is Bai Moyu?Of course he could hear what Liang Bing said?
He just shook his head helplessly and said, "Okay, okay, is such a small thing going to be held on by our King Apocalypse?"
"Huh! I didn't hold on to it. By the way, how did you come here? You are one of the four kings! Would it be a shame to sit here?"

"Is there?" Bai Mochen asked back.

"Hmm! By the way, do you have a crush on my sister?" Bai Moyu was stunned by Liang Bing's words.

Bai Moyu asked with a smile: Why do you ask such a question?Although he was calm on the surface, deep down he was already restless.

"Hey! So you are sure? I knew you liked my sister?" Liang Bing smiled triumphantly.But the next sentence immediately turned Bai Mochen into petrification.

"But you look like this... If you go out with my sister, it's easy to be regarded as a sister."

Liang Bing's words hit Bai Mochen's self-esteem deeply, and Bai Mochen forced out internal injuries.Forcibly suppressing his desire to beat someone up, he said in a low voice.

"Xiao Liangbing, is your butt itchy? How dare you say that to me."

Although Bai Moyu said so on the surface, deep down in his heart, a hundred thousand fuck you horses have already galloped by.

"Hahahaha, finally someone who is not afraid of death dares to say that about the king. I remember that 7 years ago, there was a lifeless thing that made fun of the king, but died the next morning."

Bai Yuxiao's flower branches trembled wildly, and Bai Han said with a smile that he was about to pile up next to him with his arms.

Although Bai Yu said it lightly, there were still a few threats in this sentence.

Sure enough, after listening to this, Liang Bing trembled all over: "Ahem! What? Aren't you the vice president and dean of the Super Seminary? Why don't you pick up the guests?" After seeing Bai Moyu's eerie smile, Liang Bing , quickly changed the subject.

"That kid, Kieran, is taking care of that, so I don't need me at all." Bai Mochen said lightly, and at the same time looked at Liang Bing with special meaning.

Seeing that Bai Moyu's attention was taken away, Liang Bing quietly breathed a sigh of relief.Just now he wanted to let go of the heart that was hanging in the air just now, but Bai Mochen's words made him lift up the heart that had been let go again.

"Okay, let's continue talking about the topic just now. I haven't heard what you said just now."

Bai Moyu's eyes were full of coldness. Although he looked at Liang Bing with a smile, Liang Bing felt as if he was being targeted by a prehistoric beast.For some reason, even the surrounding temperature has dropped a bit.

"Ah! What did I just say? Hey, that's strange, why can't I remember." After all, Liang Bing is not a fuel-efficient lamp.This is a full display of the meaning of the word pretending to be stupid.

"How about your sister and me?" Bai Mochen threatened.

"Ah! Very good. The two of you match so well." At this moment, she looked at Bai Moyu's cannibalistic eyes.Liang Bing had no choice but to speak with conscience.

At the same time, Kesha, who was sitting far away, suddenly sneezed for some reason.

"Hey! Why did I catch a cold? It's strange." Apparently Keisha didn't know that Liang Bing had already sold her.

Just when Bai Moyu was about to say something again.Kieran's voice came over suddenly, interrupting what he was about to say.

"Hey! Vice-principal, why are you here? It's just right. Hurry up and receive me, I'm so busy here that I can't do the handover."

Kieran obviously didn't notice the situation of Bai Moyu and Liangbing, grabbed Bai Moyu's arm and walked away.

And Liang Bing raised a grateful look.

"Hey! Kieran kid, let me go quickly." Bai Moyu said coldly.

But who knows that Kieran replied to him: I am 18 years old this year, theoretically I am [-] years older than you, so please don't call me a kid.

"Huh! Why is this sentence so familiar? Did I hear it somewhere before?" Bai Mochen was puzzled and stunned.

"By the way, shouldn't it be enough to leave this kind of reception to the teacher? Do we need the two principals to do it?"

"Uh..." Kieran stopped immediately, thinking that sooner or later he would have to say something, so he said, "Vice Principal Bai, I'll tell you the truth, this academy is actually only our two teachers."

"Damn it, Ding Hei, you tricked me." Bai Moyu roared to the sky.

"Yu, Han, the two of you move on for a while, don't worry about me." Bai Moyu used secret communication to Bai Yu, Bai Han said.

(End of this chapter)

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