Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 11 Super Seminary Opening Ceremony

Chapter 11 Super Seminary Opening Ceremony

Two days later, after Keisha agreed to establish a branch of the Super Seminary, Kieran immediately made intensive arrangements and began to build the Super Seminary in a large open space in the City of Angels.Of course, the funds for the establishment of the school were allocated by Keisha, and Kieran arranged various matters for the establishment of the school.But this does not affect the normal operation of the angel civilization.

This is really hard for Kieran, after a few days, Kieran's head is getting dizzy from the tedious work, every day with dark circles under his eyes, he looks resentfully at the extraordinarily leisurely Bai Moyu.Bai Mochen didn't care, he was in good spirits every day, occasionally went to the construction site to have a look, and made some casual comments, and then returned home to lie down comfortably.


A few days later, in the core Angel Hall of the City of Angels:
A group of female angels stood neatly in the center of the hall in heroic and heroic armor.

Kaisha's eyes slowly swept across the faces of every female angel in front of her, and said: "You are the most elite angel fighters in the angel family, and you will be the first batch of angels to enter the Super Seminary, learning the most advanced Science and technology theory, where you will learn knowledge and continue to grow until you graduate. At that time, you will become warriors who can hold up the sword of justice for justice and order, and slay all powerful evils!"

"I have great expectations for you, so, do you have any questions now?"

All the angels looked at me and I looked at you and didn't speak.

"Well, let's all back down."

When these angels left, two more angels came in the hall.

These two angels are Tianqi Wang Liangbing and Tianji Wang Hexi.

"Sister, I really don't want to go to the Super Seminary, can I not go?" Liang Bing still did not give up, like Kesha said.

But Keisha ignored Liang Bing, and just said to Hexi: This time I will go to school as a long vacation for the two of you!

"Yeah! Got it." He Xi nodded.

After Kieran's efforts, an imposing Super Seminary finally stood up in the City of Angels. However, due to fear of various dangers in the teaching process, this Super Seminary was established in a sparsely populated area of ​​the City of Angels.

Today's City of Angels is still bustling with people coming and going.

Although it is only the establishment of the Super Seminary branch, it is still very lively.Some major civilizations that believe in angels and have good relations with angel civilizations have sent envoys. Could it be that Angel Nebula celebrated the establishment of the Super Seminary branch.

Create a lot of ghosts and snakes and all kinds of aliens to come to the lively scene of the super seminary.

On the angel side, basically all the four kings came.

Kaisha, Liang Bing, and Hexi arrived together, followed by a large group of high-ranking angels, wearing the queen's exclusive armor, majestic and awe-inspiring.

Compared to the high-profile of Kesha and the other three, Bai Moyu was very low-key, with only Bai Yu and Bai Han following behind him.

But his light blue armor did not allow him to keep a low profile. As soon as he walked into the gate of the Super Seminary, almost half of the people stared at him. There was no lack of some high-level angels brought by Kesha.

"Hey! Do you know who he is?" asked an alien with a big pineapple on his head.

"I heard that he seems to be the Dark King of the Angelic Civilization, and his name is Bai... Bai Moyu, I don't know anything else."

"What? Didn't you say that there are only three kings in the angel civilization? Besides, he doesn't seem to be a female angel."

"What? Are you lying to a ghost? What is it if you grow up like this and not a female angel?"

"Sister Liuyue, is this the King of Darkness? I haven't seen him in Angel Civilization before." A female angel in the angel team asked the female angel next to her.

"Well! Yes, I've seen him before at the coronation."

"...But I can't read the information about the man and the woman who came with him." Liu Yue hesitated for a while and said.

"Hehe! The three of you came so early, I have to say that you are really hardworking." An indistinguishable voice came from Bai Moyu's mouth.

"We just arrived. We didn't come much earlier than you." Kaisa said indifferently, and looked at the two people behind Bai Moyu, her brows were wrinkled, but she didn't say much.

"Hey! Your Majesty, it's a long way to chase your wife, don't make your wife angry!" Bai Yu whispered in Bai Mochen's ear.

"Alas..." Bai Moyu sighed softly, and then he didn't sit next to the three of Kesha, but just found a random place.

Bai Yu and Bai Han stood behind him like two sharp swords.

"Ha! I've been dozing off lately, call me later, I'll sleep for a while." Bai Mochen instructed the two behind him, and then lay down on the table without any scruples.

"I'll go, why is the King of Darkness sleeping here today? Besides, does God need to sleep?"

Ever since Bai Moyu's soul was injured, he has become extremely lethargic, which is why Bai Moyu looks like he can't wake up all day long.

(End of this chapter)

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