Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 10 Establishment of the Super Seminary Branch

Chapter 10 Establishment of the Super Seminary Branch

"Hehe! I don't know why? Ever since I saw this chick for the first time, there was a feeling of silence in my heart. Could it be! Is this the so-called love at first sight?"

Bai Mochen shook his head, and asked inwardly.

"Your Majesty, will you fall in love with this little girl? Hehe! I didn't expect our majestic King of Darkness to fall in love with a thousand-year-old brat."

A male angel walked up to Bai Moyu, staring into the distance and said.

"Mo Tian, ​​have you been Pisong lately? Do you want me to help you tighten up?" Bai Mochen smiled lightly, and there was a lot of black air around him.

"... Ah!... No, there's no need. Then what! I'm going to find Bai Han." After seeing the extremely terrifying Bai Moyu, Mo Tian stuttered in fright, and quickly found an excuse for himself.

"Dinghei, I didn't expect you to be so afraid of me. Could it be that this king makes you so afraid?"

Bai Moyu's eyes turned cold, and he stared fiercely at Angel Xingwai.Then spread out the ice blue wings and flew into the holy city.

Soon the major civilizations in the universe got the news.Tianblade King Kaisha, Tianqi Wang Liangbing, and Tianji Wang Hexi successfully overthrew Tiangong Wang Huaye.Then all the male angels were exiled, and at the same time, Kaisha, the king of sky blades, officially became the king of angels.

Holy Kesha pushes new laws, new spirits to all angels.

"All angels of an angelic civilization should be courteous, respectful, and humble.

All Angels of Angelic Civilization fight for glory, even if the price is death!

All angels of angelic civilization should be righteous and protect the weak.

All angels of angelic civilization should be proud to be angels.

All the angels of the angelic civilization will not betray their comrades out of fear.

All the angels in the angelic civilization love peace, but if an enemy invades their homeland, they will never back down, and will deal the heaviest blow to the enemy.

After that, Keisha did another thing that puzzled the angels.At Kaisha's coronation ceremony, Bai Moyu was publicly named as the Dark King of Angel Civilization.

Bai Moyu felt a little helpless towards Kaisha's move, and finally had no choice but to accept it.

Finally, Keisha takes the Angel Nebula as far north as it will go.That is, the place where Bai Moyu and others live is listed as a forbidden area.Only with the affirmation of the Four Kings can one enter.

Three days later, several fleets of the Kamigawa civilization suddenly descended from the Angel Nebula, led by Space Kiran.

"Ha! I'm so sleepy, isn't that Kieran kid here? As for making such a big fuss?" Bai Moyu was wearing a light blue armor and an ice blue cloak behind him.

At this moment, he was lying sleepily on the conference table, ready to catch up on sleep.

"Hey! Are you a god? Why are you sleeping? We don't even sleep." Liang Bing shook Bai Moyu beside him, looking extremely angry.

"Hey!" Kaisha, who was sitting on the high platform, shook her head and sighed in her heart, "Sure enough, I still can't support the wall like this."

And He Xi, who was sitting beside Bai Moyu, only chuckled a few times.

"Huh? People are here, cheer up, don't be embarrassing." Kesha said to the three of them. Of course, the most important thing was to target Bai Moyu.

"Haha, hello, Queen Keisha!" An old voice came from outside the hall, and then a short old man walked into the hall.

"Hello Vice Principal, Space."

"Sky Dark King, the headmaster of Space God asked me to bring you this box, and the headmaster of Space God told me that the contents inside are useful for your injuries."

"Kieran threw a box over to Bai Moyu. The box emitted a faint light, which made people wonder what was inside."

"Injury, Bai Moyu, are you injured?" Liang Bing asked hurriedly after hearing what Kieran said.

"Hehe, it's just some minor injuries. Don't be so surprised!"

"Queen Keisha believes that you also know the purpose of my visit this time. That's right, our Super Seminary wants to establish a branch in Angel Civilization."

"I know this. The King of Sky Darkness told me that I have already selected the place to set up the branch, and I will let Liang Bing take you there later." Keisha said coldly, bringing out her queenly temperament even more .

"Queen Keisha, because of insufficient hands, the number of angels entering the Super Seminary this time can only be 100. They are divided into two classes, guided by me and the Sky Dark King."

"What... You said he was a mentor? Are you mistaken?" Liang Bing pointed at Bai Moyu in disbelief and asked.

"Okay, Liang Bing, you and He Xi can also go to Super Seminary to study!" Kaisha pinched her lips and smiled when she heard that Bai Moyu was also a tutor, and said while looking at Liang Bing below.

"Ah! Can you not go?" Liang Bing looked at Kaisha pitifully.

"What do you think?" Keisha asked in a low voice.

"...Okay! Just go!"

(End of this chapter)

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