Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 9 The Holy City

Chapter 9 The Holy City
Soon, the spacecraft arrived at the Angel Nebula. The Angel Nebula was pale yellow, and there were twelve planets around it.

"Hee hee, how's it going? Is my angelic civilization not bad? How is it compared to that planet of yours?" Liang Bing grinned, walked up to Bai Moyu proudly and said.

Bai Mochen naturally knew why Liang Bing said that, but he didn't say anything, just smiled faintly.

The next moment, in front of Bai Moyu's spaceship, a huge silver-white spaceship appeared.

That's right, it is Bai Moyu's main ship. You must know that he spent countless resources to build this battleship, and it took him 1 years to build it.

After being built, it was immediately put on the battlefield. The full blow of this battleship can destroy a star.

"Damn, this... this... this can't be your battleship!" Liang Bing looked at the huge battleship at this time, stammering, and at the same time, there was a gleam of fire in his eyes, no, to be precise Said it should be envious.

Keisha also covered her mouth with her hands in surprise after seeing this warship, her eyes opened wide.

"By the way, how did they come here so quickly?" Liang Bing was a little puzzled. You know, it took them several days to go from the angelic civilization to that planet that doesn't shit.

"Stupid! You can't transfer time and space!" Bai Mochen slapped Liang Bing's head hard with his hand, and said speechlessly while supporting his forehead.

At this time, in the battleship, the Four Great God Wings stood in the command room, looking thoughtfully at the Angel Nebula in front of them.

After a long time, Mo Tian said in a deep voice: "Go forward."

"Tsk tsk, you're really behind!" A divine wing next to Mo Tian's left hand said: at the same time, more disdain was revealed in his eyes.

"Okay, don't talk about it, since the king asked us to come, then there is a meaning for us to come." Mo Tian waved his hand.

"Hmph! If you don't say it, don't say it."


The image of Bai Moyu appeared on the screen in the command room.

"My subordinates refer to the king, the four divine wings bowed to Bai Moyu.

"Well! Mo Tian, ​​follow our spaceship later, we will be stationed on this nebula from now on."

Bai Moyu's words suddenly changed the atmosphere in the command room.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Mo Tian nodded.

"Well, let's do this first." Bai Mochen disappeared after finishing speaking.

"Kaisha, tell your people not to block that battleship." Bai Moyu stood up and said to Kaisha, and when Kaisha saw Bai Moyu got up, she took a step back subconsciously.

Bai Moyu felt helpless and funny at Kaisha's actions.

Soon, they landed on the northernmost land of the Angel Nebula, where there was no human habitation and no angels lived here.

The angels in the Meiluo Heavenly Court basically live in the easternmost part. Although the southernmost part is desolate, compared with the previous planet where birds don't shit, this place is still better.

When the God's Punishment Battleship landed on the ground, a lot of dust was stirred up, and the sky was filled with dust, making Kaisha and the two of them almost unable to open their eyes.

When the huge hatch of the battleship slowly opened, four soldiers in golden armor came out slowly.

At this moment, Mo Tian, ​​the only male among the four, walked to the front and threw a golden object to the ground.

But immediately, the object thrown by Mo Tian seemed to have life and changed rapidly.

Within a few minutes, a huge city appeared in front of my eyes, and this huge city was all made of white materials, giving people a sacred and noble feeling.

"Well! How about it, this is my holy city, how about it, isn't it good? Compared with that, that, that palace, isn't it better?" Bai Moyu said to Kaisha and the others as if showing off.

"Damn it! What black technology is this?" Liang Bing looked at Bai Moyu with glowing eyes and asked.

"Hehe! Actually, it's nothing! It's just space compression technology." Bai Mochen said to Liangbing triumphantly.

"Do you want to go in and have a look around?" Bai Moyu asked, but just as Liang Bing wanted to agree, he was stopped by Kesha.

I saw Kesha saying to Bai Moyu: I'm sorry, I'm afraid we don't have time to go in, now that the war has just ended, there are still many things we need to arrange.

Bai Moyu shook his head, indicating that it's okay, but Liang Bing was slightly dissatisfied with his sister Kaisha's behavior.

Mumbling, he was taken away by Kesha with an unhappy expression.

After Bai Moyu saw the two of them leaving, he didn't know who he was talking to but said with a smile: "Go, follow them, and help them solve their troubles if necessary."

As soon as Bai Moyu finished speaking, two golden figures flew out, heading in the same direction as the two of them, and quickly disappeared into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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