Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 8 Arriving at Merlot Heaven

Chapter 8 Arriving at Merlot Heaven
After the two finished talking, as soon as Bai Moyu walked out, he saw the three people who had already been waiting outside the door.

"Little Naisha, I suggested to the teacher: build a super seminary branch in the angel civilization, and I will station the God's Punishment Legion in the angel civilization, and protect it before the angel civilization is strong. What do you think? "

Bai Moyu said to Kaisha in front of him, and then said in an unquestionable tone: If you don't speak, then you agree, let's go!Take me to angelic civilization.

After Bai Moyu finished speaking, he nodded to Kieran, and then walked out on his own.

After Kesha and Liangbing saw Bai Moyu walking out, Kesha said to Kieran: Principal Kieran, thank you for showing us two this time.

After finishing speaking, he followed up with Liang Bing. As he walked, Liang Bing said, "Sister Kaisha, do you really agree to let his resident angels be civilized?" Liang Bing said, looking at Kaisha's expression from time to time .

Keisha rubbed her forehead with her hands because of her headache, and complained, "You didn't do it, but you just want to bet with him." Kaisha looked at Liang Bing aside with resentful eyes.

"Slightly..." Liang Bing stuck out her tongue, blinked playfully, and looked at Kaisha pitifully.

"Hey! I really can't do anything about you. Now that it's like this, let it be! Maybe he will really make my angelic civilization stronger." Kesha touched Liangbing's head, but did not condemn Liangbing , Instead, he touched it dotingly.

After Kesha walked away, Kieran walked into the principal's office and found that Dinghei was looking into the distance with a serious face.

Kieran walked up to Dinghei and said: Are we really going to set up a branch of the Transcendence Academy in Angel Civilization?
"Well, the current situation forces it! This request was made by him. If we don't agree, I'm afraid he will lead the God's Punishment Army to the headquarters of my Super Seminary in the next moment."

"We must know that his anger is not something we can bear now. Their technology has thrown us away for a million years."

"What? Hundreds...millions of years." Kieran was obviously surprised when he heard Dinghei say this.

"Yes, so I promised him, so this time at Angel Nebula's Super Seminary, you will be the principal. In addition, you have another task, that is, not to let him personally interfere with the progress of Angel civilization. But he is also the dean and mentor of the branch." Ding Hei walked towards the glass window, looked back at Kieran and said.

"Okay, I see. When will I leave?" Kieran asked.

"Let's go right away." Dinghei said, turning around and staring at Kieran.

After Kieran nodded, he walked out of the principal's office, while Dinghei sat down on the chair, sighed and said: I really don't know, is your arrival a blessing or a misfortune for the known universe?

At this time, of course, Bai Moyu couldn't hear what Ding Hei said, so Bai Moyu sat in the spaceship and said: "Little Naisha, give me the coordinates of the angel civilization."

When Kaisha heard Bai Moyu call her that, she was speechless for a while and said: My name is Kaisha, not Little Naisha, please remember it clearly before I say it.

"No, Kaisha is not as nice as Little Nailsha." Bai Mochen walked up to Kaisha, leaned over and pushed Kaisha onto the back of the chair, and Bai Mochen breathed softly next to Kaisha's ear.

This blow made Kesha's face turn red, while Liang Bing covered her mouth from the side.

"Hahahaha, that's all right, give me the coordinates!" Bai Moyu saw Kaisha freeze, stood up, walked to his original chair and said.

And Keisha looked dull as if she hadn't heard what Bai Moyu said.

And Liang Bing also came to his senses at this time, and after telling Bai Moyu the coordinates of Angel Nebula, he walked to Kaisha's side and shook Kaisha.

At this time, Kesha looked at Bai Moyu with a vigilant face, and Kesha's actions made Bai Moyu feel helpless.

I thought to myself: "Am I so scary? Really."

(End of this chapter)

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