Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 18 The Submission of the Dragon King

Chapter 18 The Submission of the Dragon King
Hearing Bai Moyu's words, Bai Yu asked in a puzzled way: "Your Majesty, Shenhe is only a mere 20 years old, but my holy angel family has hundreds of millions of years of history. Even if the holy angel family is gone now , but there is also the God's Punishment Legion, the strength of the God's Punishment Legion is enough to rank first in the known universe, why is the king still afraid of his Shenhe civilization?"

After hearing this, Bai Mochen glanced at her lightly and said: He has the heart of space in his hand.

"The heart of space? This...how is this possible? Seven of the ten great imperial soldiers were destroyed in the First World War, and the three that were not destroyed were the Soul Chasing Sword of the Blood Emperor of the West and the Absolute Shadow Sword of the Ice Emperor of the North. And your majesty's god-killing sword."

"Hehe! You know, he belongs to that race, and the responsibility of that race is to protect the heart of space, so I'm not surprised at all by this."

"By the way, I just thought about it and waited for them to come after they came to clean them up. Let them play for a few days first."

"Alright, my lord. Then I will step down first."

Bai Moyu nodded and said, "Yes!"

After Bai Yu left, Bai Moyu stood up from the chair, looking at the space outside the glass, wondering what he was thinking?
"Void, you escaped the seal after all, that's right! At the beginning, our five kings jointly sealed you, as long as one king fell, the power of the seal would be reduced by one point, but now four have fallen. You have already escaped!"

Bai Mochen muttered to himself, as if speaking to others, or to himself.

Rota Star was very peaceful in the next few days, but Kesha and the others who were fighting on a planet outside the Angel Galaxy were not very relaxed.

But the peaceful life will not last long. On this day, tens of thousands of warships appeared outside Rota.

These warships surrounded Rota Star inside.

Bai Moyu was wearing an ice blue battle armor, with a golden long sword hanging from his waist, in stark contrast to the clothes on his body.

On the same dragon civilization side, a man wearing a silver armor came out, and the scar on his face added a bit of charm to him.

"Yo! You should be the King of Darkness! What kind of ruthless person thought he could kill 20 of my fighters in ten minutes? I didn't expect it to be a little lady."

Bai Yu immediately shouted: You are so presumptuous.

Bai Moyu stopped Bai Yu who was about to go forward, looked at the dragon king lightly and said, "You are the king of the dragon civilization!"

"That's right, angel girl, I advise you to surrender obediently. If you surrender now, maybe I will accept you as my concubine, but if you don't... Hehe, these soldiers of mine have never fought against the king." Woolen cloth?"

The dragon king's voice was loud and his language was vulgar, but the soldiers of the dragon civilization became more eager to fight after hearing it.

Bai Mochen frowned unhappily, but he didn't get angry and said disdainfully: You are the king of the clan, I didn't expect you to be so uneducated.

The Dragon King smiled and said: "Thank you for the compliment, King of Darkness, but now I can't wait for you to kneel in front of me and lick my sword."

"Hehe! Then it depends on whether you have that ability."

"Soldiers of the giant dragon civilization, kill me and capture the Sky Dark King alive."

The dragon king commanded the soldiers of the dragon civilization, and the people of the dragon civilization rushed over like a black flood.

"Shenghui" Bai Yu slashed at the giant dragon army with a sword. In an instant, a gap was opened in the giant dragon army, and more than 1 people fell.

"Kill!" Bai Yu rushed over first, and no one survived where Jin Yi passed on the battlefield.

1 people were scattered all over the battlefield in an instant, and basically one member of God's Punishment had to fight against thousands of people alone.

After seeing the strength of the God's Punishment members, the Dragon King instantly understood why 20 people couldn't resist for even half an hour.

"Tsk tsk, the Sky Dark King really brought a good army!"

"It's an honor, but it's really much better than some shrimp soldiers and crab generals."

The dragon king's eyes were burning, and he clenched the sword a little more tightly.

"Hehe! The Sky Dark King's mouth is really good! I don't know, how about the skill in his hands later?" The Dragon King grinned, and then raised his big knife to slash at Bai Moyu.

Bai Mochen didn't panic, he just smiled and said, "Tsk tsk! It's really scary."

Seeing that the giant dragon king's sword was about to fall, Bai Mochen drew the golden long sword from his waist and blocked it in front of him.

Bai Mochen waved his long sword casually!But this seemingly random blow sent the Dragon King straight out.

The Dragon King took a dozen steps back to stabilize his figure.And his right hand was still shaking from being shaken by the knife.

"I want you to die! Take the move!" The dragon king yelled and then attacked again, with a bright red light emitting from the knife.

"No matter how loud you yell, it won't become stronger, kid, you better save it." Bai Mochen said disdainfully.

Bai Moyu disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he was already above the Dragon King.Bai Mochen's eyes turned cold, and he raised the long sword high in his hand, the golden light was extremely dazzling.

In the panic of the Dragon King, Bai Mochen slashed at him with a sword.


An artificial sun appeared in front of everyone.The huge air waves scattered randomly, killing some soldiers of the dragon civilization directly, and some soldiers who were closer to the attack were directly burned to death by the heat.

When the light dissipated, an asteroid located to the right of Star Rota was directly destroyed in half.At this moment, the dragon king is extremely embarrassed.The armor on his body has been destroyed in sevens and eighties, and his left hand has also been burned.

"Pfft!" A mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, and he used the knife in his right hand to support himself as hard as he could to prevent himself from falling down.

"Papapa! Yes, your body hardness is not bad. With [-]% of my strength, you did not die directly but were severely injured."

Bai Mochen looked at the Dragon King in surprise, and then slowly walked towards him. Every time Bai Moyu took a step, the Dragon King's heart beat violently.

The Dragon King smiled bitterly, and said to Bai Mochen who had already walked in front of him: As expected of the King of Darkness, I lost.Before you die, can you promise me a request.

"Oh, what do you want? Tell me."

"Let go of these fighters of the dragon civilization, they are all innocent."

After Bai Moyu knocked down the Dragon King, the entire battlefield fell silent, listening to the conversation between the two kings quietly.

"When am I going to say kill you?" Bai Moyu said with his hand on the Dragon King's shoulder.

After hearing Bai Moyu's words, the Dragon King raised his head and said: You, are you really not going to kill me?You know that I am the king of the dragon civilization, are you not afraid that I will attack the angel civilization again in the future?
Bai Moyu shook his head: That time is impossible, because with my assistance, the angel must become the king of the gods and the real king of the known universe.

"What?" The Dragon King's face was full of surprise, and he was very surprised by Bai Moyu's words in his heart.

Because there are top civilizations on top of their higher civilizations, such as the powerful Deno civilization, Shurima civilization, and Kamigawa civilization, etc.

"One side is surrender, and the other side is destruction. You choose."

"...I... the dragon king sees His Majesty the Dark King of the Sky, my dragon civilization is willing to become a subsidiary civilization of the angel civilization."

Along with the dragon king's servants, the warriors of the dragon civilization also knelt down and shouted: See His Majesty the Dark King.

"Well! Remember that you are not surrendering to me, but the angel king Kaisha."

"Your Majesty, I just received information that the angelic army was trapped and His Royal Highness Kaisa was severely injured." Bai Yu looked nervously at Bai Moyuhui and reported.

"What? Damn it, Bai Yu will set off immediately, and you, the Dragon King, can come with us too."

"Yes, Sky Darkness King. Sky Darkness King, our place is hundreds of millions of light years away from the Eastern Battlefield, and it will take at least three days for us to go from here to there."

"No, it will be there in a few minutes. Bai Yu starts the ultra-long-distance wormhole transmission."


A huge black hole appeared in front of everyone.Bai Moyu's battleship flew into the black hole first, followed by some frigates and battleships of the dragon civilization.

(End of this chapter)

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