Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 19 The Rise of Angel Civilization

Chapter 19 The Rise of Angel Civilization

"Kesha, you have nowhere to escape, just surrender obediently."

At this time, on the surface of the star planet, the giant wolf and the snake-man allied forces of the two major civilizations have surrounded the angel army.

At this moment, there are only 10,000+ angels left.Kaisha, Liangbing, and Hexi also suffered from different injuries at the moment.

Among them, Kaisha was the most injured one, and Kaisha wanted to fight against the two main gods with her own strength.

The king of the giant wolf civilization stood in front of the three of them at this moment and said: Kaisha, you are too arrogant, a civilization that has not even reached a high civilization, and it is also delusional to fight against the three major civilization alliances with its own strength.

"Hiss! The three kings of the Angel Nebula really look good! Even your fighters are not bad!"

A monster with the head of a snake came out from behind the giant wolf king.He stuck out his tongue and said greedily.

Liang Bing said to this snake-headed monster in disgust: So many civilizations besieging me, the angel civilization is really shameless.

"Hahahaha, girl, this universe is originally a law of the jungle, survival of the fittest."

Kaisha's body was covered with wounds at the moment, and the blood from her waist kept flowing out, which made Hexi on the side very anxious.Because if it doesn't stop, she may bleed to death.

Of course, the Dragon King also encountered Kaisha's situation, and looked greedily at Liang Bing and said: "Little girl, as long as you marry me, how about I save your sister's life?"
Liang Bing frowned and didn't say anything, but Kesha on the side quickly stopped her and said: "Liang Bing, don't agree to him, even if I die, won't there still be you and him?"
"Hurry up! Your sister's time is running out, so make a decision quickly."

"I..." Just when Liangbing was about to say that I agreed.

An ethereal voice came from above the light star: Ant-like existence dares to be presumptuous.

Immediately afterwards, multiple wormholes appeared in the sky, and hundreds of silver warships flew out of them, but there were also thousands of black warships beside it.

"Hey! Isn't this the battleship of the dragon civilization? Didn't they go to Rota Star? Why did they come back so soon?"

When the ship door opened, the dragon king came out. After he came out, he glanced down, and then stood on the right.

Under everyone's puzzled eyes, a blue figure came out, followed by a dozen golden-winged angels.

With his appearance, the sky turned golden in an instant, and ten thousand golden-winged angels stood standing in the sky holding weapons.

After seeing this, the giant wolf king asked in a puzzled way: what are you doing, giant dragon king?Who are they?

The Giant Dragon King didn't answer the Giant Wolf King's words, but said to Bai Moyu: Your Highness the Dark King, he is the Giant Wolf King, and also the initiator of this war.

"En!" Bai Moyu nodded, and disappeared into the sky in an instant, and when he reappeared, he was already beside Kaisha.

Bai Moyu hugged Kaisha and said softly: Don't move, I'll heal your wounds.

Bai Moyu put his hand on Kaisha's waist, and the blue light instantly repaired Kaisha's wound.

After treating Kaisha's injuries, Bai Moyu healed Liang Bing and Hexi again.

The king of the snake civilization doesn't know why at this moment?When he saw this angel, a sense of fear struck him.

"You were the ones who injured Xiaosha and the others, right?" Bai Moyu's voice was like ice and snow in December.

"You... who are you?" the Dragon King asked.

Bai Moyu sneered and said: Me?I am the Angel Nebula Sky Dark King, you should pay something for killing so many angel warriors.

"Kill, kill all the coalition forces present with the Giant Wolf and the Snakeman Civilization, and the Dragon King also let me see your sincerity."

"His Royal Highness, I understand, all dragon warriors will be killed by me."

"Kill, kill, kill"

Under the attack of God's Punishment and the giant dragon army, the armies of the two major civilizations were completely vulnerable, especially in front of the members of God's Punishment.

"Mo Chen, have you subdued the dragon civilization?" He Xi came over and asked.

Bai Moyu smiled and said: Yes!I knocked him out with one move.

Seeing Liang Bing at the side, Bai Moyu flirted and said: Liang Bing, you see I helped you again just now, shouldn't you give me some rewards?

At this moment, Liang Bing looked like a frightened little rabbit, and said with blushing cheeks: Who... who asked you to help?Well, I'm going to help.

Liang Bing blushed and ran away, leading the remaining 10,000+ angels to join the war.

Kaisha came over and said to Bai Moyu who was standing in front of her: Thank you, you saved me again.

Bai Moyu smiled and said: Ah!What did you say?It's a bit loud, please speak up.

When Kaisha heard Bai Moyu say this, she clenched her fists tightly, but then she let it down helplessly, whoever asked him to be with him was just me.

Kaisha yelled into Bai Moyu's ear: I said thank you for saving me again.

"Ah! My ears, my ears. I mean, is your voice so loud? It almost made my ears go blind." Bai Mochen rubbed his ears, then turned to Kaisha and said: "You just thank me like that." There is no sincerity at all.

Keisha was speechless for a while, rolled her eyes and said: How do you think there is sincerity?

Bai Moyu saw that Kaisha had fallen for her tricks, so he pointed to his smooth cheeks and said, "Give me a kiss."

"Bai Moyu, die to me, the poor Bai Moyu was pierced through the heart by the angry Kaisha in an instant." (Bai Moyu is dead!!!!)
"I'll go, little Shasha, what are you doing? Murder your husband!" Bai Moyu pulled out the sword at his heart, and tried to die again.

Kaisha was instantly irritated by Bai Moyu, and shouted: "Bai! Mo! Chen!"

Seeing that Kaisha was really angry, Bai Moyu didn't provoke her anymore.

After a period of time, Bai Yu came to report: "Your Majesty, the two major civilization alliances have all been wiped out. As for the giant wolf king and the main god of the snake-human civilization, the giant wolf king has been captured, and the main god of the snake-human civilization has fallen."

Bai Mochen looked at Kaisha who was standing ten meters away with a puffed face, smiled and said, "Let's go! Your Lady Queen, go and have a look!" Bai Mochen said provocatively, and then walked forward .

"Hmph! Hexi, let's go, let's go and have a look!"

"Hehe! Kaisha, is your heart sprouting? That's right! The King of Sky Darkness has good looks, a figure, and strength. How wonderful!"

"Cut! He has good looks, as long as he looks like that, I'm afraid that he will be mistaken for a sister by others after going out in the future."

"Oh? Keisha? Then you agree?" He Xi covered her small mouth and said with a smile.

"Huh? Dead Hexi, you actually tricked me."

"Hee hee! I've hit the spot!" After He Xi finished speaking, he spread his pure white wings and flew towards Liang Bing.

"Dragon King, you traitor, you have the ability to let me go! You are a dignified king of a high civilization, and you are like a middle-level civilized minister."

"Giant Wolf King, let me advise you that the angelic civilization is not as simple as you think. Didn't you see it just now? These angels with golden wings are even as powerful as top civilizations."

"Hmph! Excuse."

"You are the king of the giant wolf civilization! Tsk tsk! How pathetic!" Bai Mochen squatted down on the giant wolf king and sighed, before speaking, Bai Mochen took out a golden knife from the wormhole.

Bai Moyu touched the knife with his hand and said to the Giant Wolf King: Do you know?This knife can kill gods.Know how I used to deal with people who were against me?
The giant wolf king's two big green eyes opened round and said: You... what do you want to do?According to the Kamigawa Convention, you cannot kill the defeated.

"The Kamigawa Convention? What the hell is the Dragon King?" Bai Mochen asked with some doubts.

As if frightened by Bai Moyu, the Dragon King said: Your Highness the Dark King, you really don't know the Kamigawa Convention?
"Don't keep it up, just say it quickly."

"Oh! The Kamigawa Convention is a convention established by the Kamigawa civilization. The specific content is that when a civilization defeats another civilization, the life of this civilization must not be slaughtered. If there is a violation, the entire Kamigawa will be punished." The pursuit of civilization."

"Hehe! Giant Wolf King, you want to survive this agreement. If it was Kaisha and the others, they might let you go, but I'm not sure, you know? In addition to being the king of angelic civilization, I am also a super seminary. vice-principal."

"Yu, open the universe channel to announce the end of the war to all civilizations in the universe, and tell them what the consequences of challenging my angelic civilization are?"

"Okay, Your Majesty, don't worry here, I will treat him well."

"Well! Kesha will be dealt with by you next, I will go back first, and you will bring these 1 God's Punishment members with you."

After Bai Moyu finished speaking, he disappeared in place. This war was finally over within five months, and the winner must be an angel. From then on, the rise of angel civilization began.

(End of this chapter)

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