Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 24 Clash of Clans

Chapter 24 Clash of Clans
A day later, a blue figure appeared on the outskirts of Kashyk.

Without any hesitation, Bai Moyu swooped in, and many red sparks appeared around his body.

From a distance, it looks like a meteor hitting the earth.

At this moment, Bai Moyu was standing on the edge of the steep cliff, his eyes turned white, and after a minute or two, Bai Moyu returned to his original state.

He had found the place where Angel Yutong and others disconnected through searching just now. He spread his ice-blue wings and flew towards the north.

Ever since Bai Moyu came to Kashy Buster, he felt a very familiar aura!But for a while, I still can't figure out who it is?

After racking my brains for a long time, I couldn't figure it out, and in the end I simply stopped thinking about it.If it is an old friend, apart from Dinghei, he really has no old friend in this known universe.

Besides, it can't be a creature of the void universe!

Bai Moyu suddenly stopped in the air after flying for a few minutes, because two tribes were fighting below him.

If it was an ordinary tribal fight, he would basically disdain to watch it.But what's different is that in the tribe on the right, a man in iron armor holds a flaming weapon in his hand.

"It seems that they should know the whereabouts of Yutong and the others!" Bai Mochen guessed secretly in his heart.

Bai Moyu continued to watch, and saw the man with the flaming weapon pointing his sword at a leader of the other side and said: "Wolf Li, your wild wolf tribe is really deceiving people too much."

The man named Langli smiled disdainfully and said: Tieman, how can we bully people too much, the survival of the fittest is an eternal theorem.

After listening to Langli's words, Tieman said: Good, good, good!Langli, today I must have your blood splashed here.Warriors of the Iron Bull tribe, let them see our strength.

The war was about to break out, and Tieman rushed into the opponent's formation first, brandishing the flame sword in his hand.

Bai Moyu sat in the air with great interest, as if watching a game.He wanted to see if the Iron Bull tribe would win, after all!The weapon in his hand is the Flaming Sword!

Although it cannot be driven by dark energy, even so, it is much stronger than ordinary weapons.

Langli held a long sword in his hand and slashed at Tieman, who raised the corner of Tieman's mouth.A sword strike cut Langli's long sword in half.

Lang Li was directly blown away, his eyes were terrified, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

Wolf Lee: "How is it possible, what kind of weapon is this? How can it be so powerful?"

Tie Man sneered and said: This is Lord Angel's weapon, I didn't expect it to be so powerful.

"Angel? How is that possible? Isn't that a myth?"

"Myth? Hahahaha! Wolf, let me tell you the truth! Just yesterday, we rescued an angel in the mountains."

Langli was very shocked at this moment, he stood up from the ground trembling slightly.

At this moment, he only had one thought in his mind: No wonder he dared to fight, it turned out that there was an angel helping him!No, you have to retreat quickly.

Thinking of this, he shouted loudly: Warriors of the Wild Wolf Tribe, retreat!retreat!

But how could Tieman give him a chance, he slashed at Langli with his sword, raised the knife and fell, Langli's head was cut off in an instant.

He picked up the wolf's head and shouted: Kill!Wolf Lee has been beheaded by me.

After hearing the words of their leader, the soldiers of the Iron Bull tribe felt like they had been beaten with chicken blood, while the momentum of the Wild Wolf tribe was declining, and they became even more chaotic after seeing their leader's head.

Ten minutes later, corpses were everywhere on the ground, and the ground was stained red with blood.

When Tieman was resting on the ground, he suddenly heard a voice from the sky, light and cold: You are the mortal who saved Yutong!

Bai Moyu flapped his wings and flew to one meter in front of Tie Man. At this moment, the entire battlefield was silent.

"Gulu! It's so beautiful!"

"Another lord angel."



It took a long time for Tie Man to recover, he lowered his head and said: I don't know who you are?
"Bai Moyu! Mortal, you are very courageous, but I appreciate you very much."

Tie Man couldn't help but tremble a few times when he heard the first half of Bai Mochen's sentence, but he recovered when he heard the second half.

He lowered his body reverently and said: Sir Angel is joking, I am just a mortal.Mr. Angel, you are looking for the injured Mr. Angel.

"Well! Where is she? Take me to find her!"

"Okay, my lord, please wait for a moment." Tie Man said to Bai Moyu, and at the same time said to several people: Don't pack your things anymore, hurry back to the tribe!
The subordinate immediately understood, and a few minutes later the army marched, Bai Moyu walked in front and Tie Man followed closely behind him.

A fragrance lingered at the tip of his nose, which made him swallow. Suddenly, his face turned crimson.

"Fuck! How could there be a reaction at such a time, no, no, no! This is blasphemy to the angel, but she is indeed much more beautiful than the previous angel, but the chest is a little smaller, but it doesn't matter."

As Bai Moyu was walking, suddenly his nose itched and he sneezed heavily.

"Huh! Why did you sneeze? It's so strange!" Bai Mochen wondered, but he didn't pay much attention and continued walking forward.

But what he didn't know was that the person who caused him to sneeze was the Tie Man behind him!
The Iron Bull tribe was only 50 miles away from the previous battlefield, at six or seven o'clock in the afternoon!Everyone finally saw the fire in front of them.

And when the people in the tribe found out that Tieman and others had returned, they all cheered.

When they saw Bai Moyu, they all started to guess secretly.

As soon as Bai Moyu entered the Tieniu tribe, he saw a silver figure among the crowd.And the silver figure also saw him and walked towards him.

But when the people in the tribe saw Yutong walking towards Bai Moyu, they were a little different.

"Suspicion! Lord Angel seems to know that blue-haired woman!"

"But this blue-haired woman is indeed very beautiful."

When Yutong walked in front of Bai Moyu and Tieman, he looked at Tieman.

Tieman happily said loudly: Master Yutong, do you know him?He is also an angel.

"Yutong? Long time no see!" Bai Mochen said in a deep voice.

"What, that woman is also an angel."

"My God! Two angels have come here in two days. It seems that our Iron Bull tribe is about to rise."

What Yutong did next surprised everyone!

She endured the wound in her abdomen, half kneeled on the ground and said: My subordinate angel Yutong is meeting His Majesty the Dark King.

Tieman next to her was full of disbelief after hearing Yutong address Bai Moyu.

"Your Majesty, the person he wanted to YY just now turned out to be the King of Angels."

Bai Mochen stretched out his hand to help the angel Yutong up from the ground and said: You still have injuries on your body, so don't kneel down.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern!"

"Yutong, you have violated Article 180 of my angel code by lending the sword of flames to this mortal. I will tell Kesha the truth about what happened today."

(End of this chapter)

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