Chapter 25

"Your Majesty the Dark King, I know, even if you don't tell me, I will go back and receive the punishment automatically." Yutong tilted her body slightly.

Bai Mochen just nodded after listening to Yutong's words, and then frowned when he saw its wound.Because this wound is very peculiar.

He hurriedly asked: Yutong, who hurt you?

"Your Majesty, the people who attacked us are a group of human monsters. They are all black in appearance, have extremely sharp claws and hard skin. The flame sword can't do any harm to them."

After hearing this, Bai Moyu suddenly realized, and he said why he felt a very familiar aura when he arrived at Kashik, it turned out to be that race! !
Bai Mochen gently placed his hand on Yutong's wound, and a green light wrapped the wound.

Yutong felt a warm current flowing into her body. This feeling was extremely comfortable, and she couldn't help moaning softly.

"Okay, I've healed your wound." Bai Mochen withdrew his palm and said softly, and Yu Tong couldn't help but blush when Bai Mochen finished the treatment, remembering her moan just now.

At this moment, she felt that she was steaming all over her body as if she had been cooked, and her heart was beating non-stop.

"Ah! What's wrong with me? My heart is beating so fast! Could it be that I fell in love with Your Majesty?"

Thinking of this, Yutong couldn't help covering her heart with her hands, and the people of the Iron Bull tribe around couldn't help but praise after seeing Bai Moyu healed Yutong's horrible and hideous wound in an instant.

Tieman was even more amazed. You must know that when she met the angel Yutong before, she had a big hole in her abdomen. She thought she would not be able to survive, but what happened?Her wound had healed a little after a day's rest, and now that he saw that Bai Moyu could heal that horrible wound in an instant, he couldn't help worshiping Bai Moyu.

At the same time, he said in his heart: Hmm!From now on, I must believe in angels.

"Mortal, tell your people to go down first! I don't like too much excitement." Bai Moyu said to Tieman who was in a daze.

Tieman was originally immersed in his own world, but when he suddenly heard this ethereal voice, he returned to reality in an instant.

He nodded quickly, and at the same time said to the surrounding residents: "Okay, everyone go down first!"A celebration banquet will be held later.

Tieman, the patriarch, was also very dignified, and the villagers of the tribe left slowly after hearing that it was Tieman who gave the order.

Bai Mochen said to Yutong again: Yutong took me to your room.

"Oh! This way, Your Majesty." Yutong led Bai Moyu to a stone room, after the two of them left.Tieman casually gave some more orders to his subordinates, and then left.

Inside the stone room, Bai Moyu sat down on a stone bench and sat silently without saying a word.

A few minutes later, Yutong couldn't bear it any longer, and said, "Your Majesty, don't we go and kill those monsters to avenge our sisters?"Why are you still sitting here.

After Bai Mochen listened to Yutong's question, he smiled faintly: Yutong, those monsters that hurt you before should be low-level monsters, not high-level ones.

"If what you have encountered this time is a high-level split clothes, you will never survive."

"What? Your Majesty, you said that those monsters are just low-level creatures. How is this possible? The angel fighters who will choose me this time are basically the first and second generations."

After listening to Bai Mochen's words, Yutong stood up from the bench in an instant excitedly.

Bai Mochen waved his hand to signal her not to be so excited, and after Yutong sat down, he started to say again: This is not your problem, those monsters, even if Xiaosha and the others come, they may not be able to defeat them.After all, he is not a creature of the known universe.

"Ah! Not even Queen Keisha? Your Majesty, you said that they are not creatures of the known universe, is that?"

"The Ripper, a creature from another universe, has strong defense and attack power."

"Your Majesty, what should we do? Do you need to tell Queen Kesha and the others?" Yutong said anxiously.

"No, there's no need. Tomorrow you go back to Angel Nebula and I'll deal with them."

Yutong was a little surprised when he heard that Bai Moyu wanted to deal with them alone.

"Your Majesty! If the monsters attacking us as you said just now are low-level creatures, if there are high-level creatures, wouldn't you be very dangerous?"

"Hahahaha, danger, how can I be in danger? This time it's not that I'm in danger, but they are in danger. It's just a few livestock, little girl, you can rest assured!"

Bai Mochen couldn't help but burst out laughing, even though he had only recovered to the sixth generation divine body.But it is still possible to deal with advanced cracking clothes.

His body is the tenth generation divine body!If it wasn't for the big explosion of the galaxy, it wouldn't be able to destroy him. Although the explosion of the stars would still hurt him to a certain extent, the damage was already very small.

Besides, which civilization in the known universe can drive the galaxy to explode?Even the Kamigawa civilization of the top civilization is impossible.

When he was constructing the tenth-generation divine body, it was as if the atoms in his own body had been transformed one by one.

There is his complete memory and knowledge in every atom, so if he is really blown into an atom, then he can be resurrected with only one atom.

After all, it took him 4 years and countless resources to build this body, and even the other four kings, one of the five kings, did not have such abilities.

Two or three hours later, there was a knock on the door.Bai Moyu instantly withdrew from the meditation state, and Yutong got up quickly and walked towards the door.

"Kach...what's the matter?" She asked coldly after opening the door.

Outside the door was a little girl wearing a tiger skin all over. She raised her face and said with a smile: Sister Angel, we are having a celebration banquet, do you want to attend?
"You haven't eaten for the past few days, won't you be hungry?"

Yutong smiled and said: Children, we angels don't need to eat, well, go and play!
Yutong's words disappointed the little girl outside the door, she lowered her head resentfully, waited for a second or two, then suddenly raised her head and said: Sister, I want to be an angel in the future.After speaking, he ran away into the distance.

Yu Tong couldn't help but shook her head and closed the door again, Bai Mochen took out a glass of red wine from nowhere at this time, and drank it gracefully.

He raised his eyebrows and said: Yutong, are you too cold, after all, he is a child?

"Your Majesty, no matter how cold I am, are you colder? You are so good-looking as a man, and you are colder than me!" Yutong complained in her heart, she dared not say these words in person, you must know The last time it was the king of Anzu Civilization who spoke to Bai Moyu face to face, but in the next second his own civilization was slaughtered.She is not as powerful as the king of Anzu civilization.

"Your Majesty, I understand, I will change it next time."

"Hehe! In fact, you don't need to deliberately change according to what I said. After all, everyone and everyone have different personalities. If a person forcibly changes his personality according to other people's ideas, then he will have a chance to live. What does that mean?"

"Yutong, do you want red wine? I have plenty more here." Bai Moyu snapped his fingers, and five or six bottles of red wine and a wine glass appeared on the stone table.

Yutong smiled and said: Since it is His Majesty's invitation, I am honored.

After she poured herself a glass, she sat beside Bai Mochen and drank it. Bai Mochen was taken aback by Yutong's sudden change.

(End of this chapter)

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