Chapter 27
Mo Tian, ​​who was rebuilding the nine defenses of Melo's Heavenly Court, suddenly felt a slight prick in his heart.

He covered his heart with his right hand and muttered to himself: What's wrong?Why did my heart hurt just now? Could it be... Could it be that something happened to the king?
He suddenly spread his wings and flew towards the holy city. He knew that something serious must have happened to Bai Moyu, otherwise there would not be a tingling pain in his heart.

As soon as he reached the gate of the palace, he hurried in.As soon as he ran in, he saw the other three were there.

One of the women asked: Mo Tian, ​​where is your majesty?

Mo Tian shook his head bitterly, it seemed that things went well as he expected.As expected, something happened to the king, if he was the only one who felt the tingling pain in his chest, it might be due to other reasons, but if the four of them felt the tingling pain in their chest together, something must have happened to Bai Moyu.

The three of them were a little surprised when they saw Mo Tian's actions. One of the women frowned and said, "Everyone, calm down first. The king is the sixth generation god body. In the known universe, almost no one can defeat the king, so we Don't worry about the king's life for the time being.

"Sister Xuetong, how can we explain the tingling in our hearts?" Another female angel asked.

Bai Xuetong patted the female angel's shoulder with her hand, and said calmly: Feixue, don't be so excited.Mo Tian, ​​didn't the king ask you to go there before? What did he say?

"Your Majesty, let me rebuild the defense of Melo Heaven, and then I don't know. Since then, Your Majesty has been with the other three kings."

Bai Xuetong stroked her chin and paced back and forth, while the other three also looked thoughtful.

"Sister Xuetong, could it be..." Thinking of this, Bai Feixue suddenly covered her mouth.

This time, before Bai Xuetong could respond, Mo Tian immediately vetoed it.

"No, it's impossible for Feixue to be them. With their strength, it's impossible to even stab the king."

"Then... who could it be?" Bai Xuetong rubbed her forehead and paced back and forth.


"Ahem! Nangong Yan, it seems that you are very valued in Void! I don't know which one of them you are a dog for!"

Bai Moyu half-kneeled on the ground a little powerless, Nan Gongyan saw that Bai Moyu didn't make any more moves, and directly withdrew towards the void barrier.

He slowly walked to a position only a few steps away from Bai Moyu, shook his head and said: Tsk tsk!The Dark Lord didn't think of it, did he?You have today too!How majestic you were when you led your troops to attack my Ripper Clan!Have you ever thought that you have today.

Bai Mochen looked at Nangong Yan who was almost crazy and said flatly: You should be damned, you should know what you Ripper Clan did back then, so I don't need to say more!

"Hmph! Didn't they just devour a few low-level civilizations? It's their honor to be selected by my Ripper Clan."

"Honor? Because of your so-called honor, can you destroy other civilizations? If you weren't greedy, cruel, and bloodthirsty back then, how could this king lead his troops to attack your Ripper Clan?"

Facing Bai Moyu's question, Nan Gongyan suddenly smiled and said: You are right, but do you think there is any point in arguing with me now?Bai Moyu, go to hell!
Nan Gongyan raised his big knife and slashed at Bai Moyu's head.His eyes were ferocious, and an indescribable smile appeared on his face, but the next moment, his smile froze.

Facing the big knife coming towards him, Bai Mochen did not dodge, but smiled at him instead.The original ice blue pupils turned red, the red was chilling.

The knife abruptly stopped in the air when it was only a few centimeters away from Bai Mochen.Nan Gongyan's gaze became dull.

In the pupil art world, Nan Gongyan looked around nervously, everything around him was very strange.The soil is red, the mountains are red, and even the sky is red.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" Suddenly, a large number of blood men appeared around him. Among these people were orcs, angels, and people of other races.

At this moment, all the blood men rushed towards Nangongyan.

Nan Gongyan didn't have much fear at the beginning, but when he got further and further away, he became more and more exhausted.There was a trace of timidity deep in my heart.

He kept warning himself that this was an illusion and the blood men around him were also fake.But so far it doesn't seem to be of much use.

"Ah! My arm." When he lost his mind, a blood man bit off his arm completely.

At this time, Bai Moyu's face in the outside world became even paler, and in less than 3 minutes, blood flowed out of its two eye sockets.

"Has the hate reached its limit? No, no, you must die today."

Bai Mochen's eye sockets were bleeding more and more, and Nan Gongyan's body began to shake violently.

"Boom!" Nangongyan's head exploded, and white-red slurry sprayed everywhere.

And Bai Mochen also spit out a mouthful of blood from his mouth, his eyes became dim and lifeless.

Slowly squatting on the ground, touching his face with trembling hands.

"Hehe! It seems that blindness is the price of extreme use of the pupil technique! But fortunately, this time it was only a short-term blindness. After going back this time, I have to recover my strength quickly. This time, just this small character made me so embarrassed. If If we meet them next time, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Thinking of this, Bai Moyu immediately spread the wings behind him, and flew out of Kashyk in a staggered manner.

Because of the relationship between injury and blindness, the speed has dropped a lot compared to before.The most frightening part of his whole body was the sword wound on his abdomen.

After Bai Moyu completely left Kashyke.At the place where Nangongyan died, a large amount of black air suddenly appeared, and these black lines gradually converged into a person's body.

He stared indifferently at the periphery of Kashyke, and slightly twitched the corner of his mouth: Is Bai Moyu so embarrassed just because he hasn't seen you for ten thousand years?Is it just that a nine-generation divine body transformation made you so unbearable?But I still have to thank you for releasing us. If it weren't for you, maybe we would have to stay in that dark cage for another tens of thousands of years!
"Huh! Feng Lihen, where did you get such a waste? Even the pupil technique of a mere sixth-generation god can't resist, and he is about to be caught, but now..."

Another body made of black air appeared on the right side of Feng Lihen, he said in a cold tone.

Faced with this person's ridicule, Feng Lihen just squeezed his lips into a smile, and then said: Gong Bingye now that you and I don't even have our own bodies, how can we catch him?After all, he is also one of the five kings, is he so easy to catch?

Hearing this, Gong Bingye just snorted coldly: Alright, now let's quickly recover our strength, and then go rescue the three of them!I believe they are already hungry and thirsty.

After listening to Gong Bingye's words, Feng Lihen nodded in agreement, and said with cold eyes: "Then find some triangular creatures to serve as cannon fodder for our Void Clan!"
Gong Bingye nodded, but then he said: What?You are not going to absorb the life forms on this planet as nutrients.

Feng Lihen shook his head and said: No, after all, this place is too close to him, if he notices it, the consequences will be bad.

"Hmph, now he only has the ability of the sixth generation of gods, what do we two have to be afraid of?"

"Gong Bingye, don't forget that he has the God Slaughter Sword in his hand. Besides, the guardian of the Space Clan is also in this universe. He also controls the Heart of Space in his hand."

Speaking of this, some fear could not help but appear in the eyes of the two.Then Feng Lihen waved his hand, and the corpses on the ground rushed towards him.After absorbing these corpses, the black energy on his body solidified again.

"Let's go, go to Triangular Civilization first, where we can recover better."


The two of Feng Lihen disappeared in place in an instant, and only the large and small pits left on the ground were left by the fight just now.

 What is killing?To others killing is a sin, but to me it is a law, a supreme law. ———Bai Moyu Quotations
(End of this chapter)

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