Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 28 Hoth Star

Chapter 28 Hoth Star

Time flies by like running water, and three days have passed.Seeing that Bai Moyu still hadn't come back, Mo Tian and the others finally came to a conclusion.

That is: "Something happened to the king."

Mo Tian hastily instructed the three of them before rushing to the Angel Hall.He was going to ask Kesha to see if he knew where the king was going.

At this time, everything in the Angel Hall remained the same and there was not much change, the only thing that changed was the absence of the Sky Dark King, Bai Moyu.

Seeing that Bai Moyu hadn't come for three consecutive days, Kesha asked with some doubts: "Yu Tong, where is the King of Darkness?"It's been three days, why haven't I seen him?
"Queen, I don't know either. Three days ago, the Dark King asked his subordinates to come back first, and His Majesty the Dark King went to deal with the monsters that attacked us."

"Okay! Hope nothing happened," Keisha murmured.

"Sister, what can he do? How many people in this universe can beat him?"

"His Royal Highness Keisha, do you know where the king has gone? The king has not returned for three days, and now the secret communication can't be reached."

As soon as Liang Bing finished speaking, Mo Tian's voice came from outside the hall. He was clad in golden armor with his left hand tightly holding the long sword at his waist, his face full of anxiety.

"Mo Tian? You said he hasn't returned yet?"

"Yes, Queen Keisha. Our preliminary conclusion is that something happened to the king."

"Mo Tian, ​​don't worry, is he going to do something else? It's just that he didn't tell you."

"No, it's impossible? About three days ago, we felt that something might happen to the king? But we didn't think much about it at that time, and the result is that the king hasn't come back yet."

After listening to Mo Tian's words, Yutong covered her mouth in surprise, and exclaimed: How is this possible?

After hearing Yutong's exclamation, Mo Tian asked: "Why, you know?"After finishing speaking, he stared straight at the angel Yutong.

Mo Tian's scorching gaze made Yutong feel uncomfortable all over. He stammered and said, "Three days ago, my team was attacked by a group of black monsters. The whole team was sacrificed except me. Afterwards, His Majesty the Dark King came." After I came, I thought about the appearance of those monsters. After I told His Majesty the Dark King, His Majesty just whispered: Those monsters seem to be the Crack...Crack...Crack Clothes Clan!Then I don't know.

"What? How is this possible? It turned out to be that race? It seems that things are much more serious than I thought!"

An unbelievable expression appeared on Mo Tian's face, and his brows were furrowed more tightly.

"Mo Tian, ​​why haven't I heard of this race, is it very powerful?" Seeing that Mo Tian was in a state of contemplation, Kesha asked curiously.

Mo Tian sighed and said: Alas!It's not that powerful, it's just that this race has been wiped out by the king, but it's unexpected that he will appear here.

"If the king is at his peak state, they are basically nothing to fear, but the king has only recovered about [-]% now. It may not be a big problem to meet low-level or high-level clothes-splitting warriors, but if it is him ...then the matter is much more serious."

"Him?" Kesha asked in confusion.

"The master of the Cracking Clothes Clan, he once had a blood feud with the king, no, I hope my guess is wrong."

Mo Tian shook his head, and then he asked Xiang Yutong: "Little girl, which planet are you going to?"

"Kashy Buster."

"Okay, Queen Kaisha, then I'll go back to gather the army and look for the king." After Mo Tian finished speaking, he opened a wormhole and left.

After Mo Tian left, the hall was silent, every angel had a shocked expression, who is Bai Moyu?That is the King of Darkness!An existence stronger than Queen Keisha, and even the vice-principal of the Super Seminary.

"Yutong, is the monster that attacked you terrible? Even His Majesty the Dark King can't handle it?"

"Liu Yue, it was only low-level monsters that attacked us last time?"

"Oh!!" Angel Liuyue nodded half-understanding.

"Okay, calm down! Yutong immediately summoned a thousand angel warriors and I'm going to Kashyke." Kaisha said in a deep voice.

Yutong nodded, then turned and walked out.After she left, Kaisha said again: Everyone, I don't want anyone else to know about the disappearance of the Dark Sky King except us.Liang Bing, if Kieran asks about him, you can tell Kieran that the Sky Dark King is recovering from his injuries and he can't see anyone.

Liang Bing nodded solemnly, and after she and He Xi exchanged glances, they also walked out of the hall.

The reason Kesha didn't want Kieran to know that Bai Moyu was missing was because she knew that Kieran was sent by Dinghei to monitor Bai Moyu, so she still had to defend against it in some ways.

When Keisha and others were preparing to go to Kashyk, they were on Hoth, 800 million light-years away from the Angel Nebula.

In a manor in a kingdom on Hoth, a girl with light blue hair lives in an open space and dances a sword.

Her clothes are fluttering, and her body is light, I can see that she is delicate and elegant, with a very beautiful complexion, she is about seventeen or eighteen years old.The eyes are deep and energetic, the eyebrows are trimmed and the nose is straight, and the pear dimples appear on the cheeks, which is absolutely beautiful.The strong light reflected from the ice and snow shone on her face, making her complexion crystal clear and soft like jade, but seeing that her complexion was extremely fair, her nose was higher than that of ordinary women, and her eyes had the blueness of sea water faintly, which gave people a feeling. A sacred and noble feeling.

After practicing fencing for a while, she stopped, when a very small sound suddenly came from the room.

Although the sound was very small, the girl immediately put down the long sword in her hand after hearing the sound, pushed open the door and walked in.

When I entered, I saw a person with hair similar to that of a girl lying on the bed, except that the hair of the person on the bed was ice blue.

"Water...water...water..." Bai Mochen whispered.

After the girl finished listening, she immediately picked up the kettle and poured a glass of water into the glass. She gently helped Bai Moyu up, and carefully fed the water.

The glass of water soon bottomed out, and the girl helped Bai Moyu to lie down again.

Just as the girl was about to turn around to put the water glass in, Bai Moyu grabbed her right hand.

"Who are you? Where is this place?" Bai Mochen asked in a deep voice.

"You wake up, this is the Karen Empire, my name is Zi Yun, I found you by the lake three days ago, and then I brought you home."

Zi Yun said with a smile, not panicking at all.

"Thank you... hiss..." Bai Mochen just wanted to open his eyes when a tingling pain hit his brain.

"Don't move, your eyes seem to be blind. I've already bandaged your eyes, but your eyes... I can't do anything about it." After speaking, Zi Yun's voice became softer.

"Hehe! Sure enough!...Zi Yun thank you, you don't have to blame yourself, this is what I expected."

"Big brother, what's your name? Are you a knight from another kingdom? How did you get so badly injured?"

"Huh? How do you know I'm a man?" Bai Mochen couldn't help asking curiously. Although he didn't care much about his appearance, it didn't mean that other people could recognize him as a man at a glance.

"Hey! I have already replaced the armor on your body, and I also bandaged the wound on your body."

"Oh! Armor, what... what? Ben... you changed my armor?" Bai Mochen shouted excitedly, almost sitting up from the bed.

"Hmm... what's wrong?" Zi Yun asked blankly?
"No... nothing? That? Is there anything to eat? I'm hungry." Bai Mochen said a little embarrassedly.

At this moment, the situation in his body is extremely bad, because he used the pupil technique forcibly before, and his body suffered backlash.

So he is only slightly stronger than a mortal at this moment, so he needs to rely on food to maintain his physical strength.

Zi Yun nodded immediately when she heard that Bai Moyu wanted to eat: "Wait a minute, I'll get it for you right away."

After speaking, he walked out of the door and walked away in a skip.

 What is justice?What is evil again?For me justice is evil and evil is justice. ——— Bai Moyu's quotations.

(End of this chapter)

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