Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 30 I Have a Brother

Chapter 30 I Have a Brother

After Bai Mochen heard Zi Yun's words, his heart suddenly felt sour. He gently rubbed his red and swollen cheeks, and said distressedly: "Does it still hurt?"As a father, how could he put such a heavy hand on his daughter.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo " suddenly cried in his arms, tears soon soaked his clothes.

"Cry! Let's vent it, it must be uncomfortable to keep it in your heart." Bai Mochen comforted.

After a long time, her crying gradually weakened.Zi Yun wiped the teardrops from the corners of her eyes, and said weakly: "Thank you today, after so many years, you are the second person who has been so kind to me after my mother." Her eyes were red and swollen again after speaking.

Bai Mochen stroked her hair and said: Then what are you going to do in the future?Give up the spot to your so-called sister.

"No, it's absolutely impossible, I won't give him the quota." Zi Yun broke free from Bai Moyu's embrace, and tightly clenched my fist.

When he finished listening to Zi Yun's words, he suddenly recalled his sister in his mind. At this moment, he suddenly found that Zi Yun and his sister were very similar in many ways.

At this time, a bold idea sprouted in his heart, and after hesitating for a moment, he said directly.

"Zi Yun, be my sister! I will protect you. From now on, I will never allow you to suffer any harm."

After hearing Bai Mochen's words, Zi Yun froze in place for a moment, at a loss.

It took a long time to recover, she hesitated and said: Is it okay?
When Bai Moyu saw that she hadn't spoken for a long time, he thought she disagreed, but just as he was about to speak, he heard Zi Yun's answer.

Bai Moyu nodded very seriously: "Well, of course." If he had just asked Kaisha and Liangbing to be his younger sisters at the beginning, it was purely for fun, but this time he was serious.

Zi Yun stared blankly at the person in front of her, then threw herself into her arms.

"Brother, I finally have relatives again." Zi Yun began to choke up in Bai Moyu's arms.

Since she lost her mother, there has never been another person who cared and loved her so much.And now, she finally has a relative who cares about her.

"Yun'er, I will be your solid backing from now on. My sister, Bai Moyu, will never be allowed to be humiliated!" Speaking of this, he remembered what the middle-aged man did just now.His eyes began to become horrified, and a ray of blood-red light flashed past.

If he wanted to kill him, it would be easy, but he knew that now was not the best time to kill him.He has to wait until the best time for Zi Yun to cut it off with his own hands.

"Brother, let me help you sit down! You are still injured, so don't move around." Zi Yun helped Bai Moyu back to the stone bench.

Bai Mochen was a little speechless at the moment, thinking that he, the majestic king of darkness, had fallen to the point of being supported by a girl, which made him feel ridiculous even thinking about it.

"Brother, just stay here, don't move around. I'm going to make lunch." After Zi Yun helped Bai Moyu to sit down, she walked towards the kitchen behind the courtyard with a smile.

Walking and bouncing, bouncing towards the kitchen.After Zi Yun left, the courtyard became silent again.Some are just the sound of wind blowing leaves.

Kashik Buster
At this time, a large number of golden-winged angels and some white-winged angels suddenly descended on Kashyk, but this was not seen by some mortals.

Motian, Kaisha and the others walked to the place where Bai Moyu and Nangongyan started fighting. Because of Feng Lihen, there were no corpses on the ground at this moment, only the large and small potholes. The most worth mentioning is that, There are also some icy blue water droplets in these potholes.

When Mo Tian saw the icy blue water drop, he immediately said loudly: Everyone stand where they are, don't touch this icy blue water drop.

After hearing Mo Tian's voice, all the golden-winged angels stopped in place immediately, but those white-winged angels still looked at Kaisha hesitantly.

"Don't move around." Keisha whispered.

At the same time, she asked curiously: What are these ice-blue water droplets?Is it dangerous?

After listening to Kesha's words, Mo Tian just sneered: Dangerous?No, to say it's dangerous is to underestimate it, see for yourself!

Mo Tian conveniently threw a golden long sword at the water drop, and the moment the sword touched the water drop, it made a squeak.

The original golden long sword was immediately corroded and smoked.Seeing this scene of God's Punishment Warrior, he probably knew what the water droplet was.

"Damn it, what the hell is this. It's actually, it's been corroded." Liang Bing yelled in surprise.

Mo Tian didn't pay attention to Liang Bing, he said to himself: "What a pity, your majesty is in danger."

"Dangerous, isn't this......... judgment too early?"

"No, Keisha is not early at all. I might not believe it if it was said that Nigami was in danger before. But now it seems that I have to believe it."

"Do you know what these icy blue water droplets are?"


"This is a forbidden spell that only the royal family can learn from my family of holy angels. Usually, I never try it lightly. Once it is cast, it must be in great danger. It seems that what I said before has finally come true."

"Forbidden curse? What about others? If he is in danger, why is there no corpse here? Could it be..."

Keisha said a little excitedly that this was the only time in thousands of years that he was nervous about others.

"Someone cleaned up the corpse, and that person is very powerful. At least the ninth generation of gods, or the tenth generation."

Liang Bing asked anxiously: "Then what should we do next? Every galaxy, every galaxy?"

"Don't be stupid. There are at least tens of millions of central systems in the universe. Even we may not be able to find them. The only thing we can do now is wait."

"Wait! No, if that person is very powerful according to what you said, isn't Mo Chen very dangerous?" Kaisha denied.

Mo Tian shook his head: "Queen Keisha, please rest assured that I am here to guarantee that the king will not be in danger of life. With the strength of the king, even if he is blown into hundreds of millions of atoms, he can be resurrected." After listening to Mo After the day's talk, although Keisha calmed down on the surface, she was still very irritable in her heart.

I don't know since when, the figure of Bai Moyu often appeared in her heart, and she could even dream of it when she was sleeping.An inexplicable feeling sprouted in her body.

When Kaisha and the others were burning with anxiety, they were looking for Bai Moyu.At this moment, Bai Moyu was sitting on a chair and eating the dishes.

And Zi Yun is very caring for Bai Moyu, sandwiching the dishes on the plate.I have to say that Zi Yun's craftsmanship is really good, even Bai Moyu couldn't help but admire her food.

There are not many girls like Zi Yun who are capable of writing and martial arts, she is really the best example of a good wife and mother!

"Brother, is it delicious?" Zi Yun asked with a smile.

Naturally, Bai Mochen would not disappoint her kindness, and said with a smile, "Yes, it's delicious. I didn't expect my Yun'er to have such a skill. It seems that I will be blessed in the future."

"Hahahahahaha, as long as my brother likes it, I will cook for you in the future."

"Fool, how can you cook for me for a lifetime, don't forget that your ambition is to be an angel!"

"Hmph! At worst, I won't be an angel. With my brother by my side, why should I be an angel?"

 Love can make a person crazy, love can make a person lose his mind, and love can make a person lose his life. ——— Bai Moyu's quotations.

(End of this chapter)

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