Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 31 Angel selection is underway

Chapter 31 Angel selection is underway
At night, the sky is pitch-black, as if it has just been stained with ink, and the occasional stars seem to be the brilliance of the round moon when it crosses the sky. Everything on the earth is shrouded in the desolate moonlight , It was as quiet as time stuck, except for the occasional crackling sound of leaves. Time seemed to have never been so quiet, or maybe it should have been so quiet...

Bai Moyu was sitting cross-legged in the room, when suddenly, the sound of subtle footsteps reached his ears.

At this time, there was a subtle conversation between two people outside the door.

"Boss, is this really okay? She is a quasi-angel candidate." Two people in night clothes squatted cautiously outside Bai Moyu's room.

The leading man in black knocked hard on the head of the other man in black.Cursed in a low voice: Humph!Regardless of whether she is an angel candidate or not, even if something happens, adults will cover her, what are you afraid of?

"Okay, don't let it go, let's do it!" The leading man in black interrupted the other person's words.

Then he took out a small bamboo tube from his bosom, gently poked through the window next to him and stuffed the bamboo tube in.

Bai Mochen snorted coldly with a smile, how could such a low-level drug fascinate him?Fortunately, he and Zi Yun changed rooms.If they didn't change the room this time, then their trick really worked.

After about two or three minutes, the two people outside the house saw that there was no movement in the house, so they tiptoed open the door and walked in.

The two quickly walked to the bed, and one of the men in black stabbed the sword on the spot.

Seeing this, another man in black chopped off at random.

Just when the two were happily chopping, a discordant voice sounded, "You two, is it fun to chop up empty beds?" The lights in the room suddenly turned on, and Bai Mochen sat on the stool with his legs crossed and his body was facing each other. two people.

"Who?" The two turned around quickly, and there was a man with gauze wrapped around his eyes sitting opposite them.

The leading man in black instantly lifted the quilt on the bed.After lifting the quilt, the man in black stepped back in surprise.

"Cut! How did you find us? That's top-notch Mixiang!"

"Hehe! With that thing alone, it is no different from ordinary smoke to me."

"Tell me, who sent you here? What is the mission?" Bai Mochen raised his hand and poured himself a glass of water.

The man in black sneered, "Hehe! Do you think you can survive? Brother, let's kill this blind man together."

"Okay, big brother."

The two of them rushed towards Bai Moyu in an instant. After Bai Moyu took a bite of water, he put the water glass on the table again, and he sighed in his own voice: "Hey, isn't it good to be alive?"I'm looking for excitement.

"Ah!" The leader of the man in black screamed, and saw that his heart was pierced by a drop of water.

And the remaining man in black backed away in a panic when he saw his companion died.

He yelled, "The devil, the devil, you devil." Then he tried to get out of the house.

But how could Bai Moyu give him this chance?Just as the black man was about to step out of the house, Bai Moyu waved his hand.I saw the big knife that fell on the ground before, and instantly chopped off his head.

There was not even time for him to scream, and the decapitated body fell to the ground after running a few steps outside.

After Bai Moyu finished reading the information of the two, a chilling aura surrounded him.

"Okay, okay, that's really great. You don't even deserve to be his father, Zifeng." Bai Mochen calmed down his breath slowly and calmed himself down.

With a wave of his hand, the bodies of the two disappeared.He really didn't expect that a father would drive others to rape his other daughter in order to get a place for his other daughter.Is this still worthy of being a father?This is simply beast.

"Hmph! My little sister, Bai Moyu, will definitely make you look down on her. Just wait! Everything you did to her in the past, I will surely bring back justice."

Time passed quickly, and five months passed quietly in a blink of an eye.

In a courtyard, Zi Yun took off all the clothes she usually wore, and put on women's armor.

Bai Moyu gradually recovered from his injuries in the past five months, he smiled and patted the head of the person in front of him.

"Yo! I didn't expect my Yun'er to have such a handsome side. Hey, it's really rare!" Bai Mochen teased.

"Hey! That must be necessary! How can I not be handsome? Little girl, give me a smile." After hearing Bai Moyu's compliment, Zi Yun immediately floated into the sky.

She grabbed Bai Moyu's chin and wanted to lift his chin up, but unfortunately there was a certain gap in height between her and Bai Moyu, so this action was a bit funny.

"Slap! You're being naughty again." A crisp applause resounded in the courtyard, Zi Yun clutched her butt, staring at Bai Moyu with teary eyes.

"Woo~woo~woo! Brother, I'm so sad that you beat me for such a trivial matter."

After Bai Moyu listened to my servant's words, his forehead was completely black, and a few black crows flew past.

So Bai Mochen knocked back again, reprimanded: "The boss is not young, he is about to become an angel, why are you still so childish."I hit you just to make you remember.Two!Of course it is to let you know who is the boss.

"Hmph! You know how to bully me. But, you told the old man of the king that you are a swordsman, is that true?"

Bai Mochen chuckled lightly and said, "Of course it's not true, how could I be a swordsman?"

After Zi Yun heard Bai Moyu's words, she immediately felt upset.Always when she asked about his identity, Bai Moyu would deftly avoid it with various questions.

"Brother, please tell me your life experience seriously." Zi Yun raised her head and said seriously.If she doesn't believe it today, she might as well not come out.

"Hehe! I said that my identity is the Angel King, would you believe me?"

"Ah! Brother, what nonsense are you talking about? Why are you talking more and more? You are still the king of angels. If you are the king of angels, I am still a princess? Forget it, just pretend that I didn't ask. The quasi-angel selection competition is about to start, let's hurry up Let's go! There will be a real angel descending in today's trials. Ah, I'm so excited just thinking about it!"

Little stars appeared all over Zi Yun's face, and she sighed with admiration.Seeing his sister like this, Bai Mochen shook his head helplessly.

"Little girl, you are really right this time. That's right, you will be the princess of the angel civilization from now on." Bai Mochen said in his heart.

Say it!He quickly chased after them, and there were many ordinary people on the way from their manor to the capital.

This time, the quasi-angels selected all the people from the six empires to the Karen Empire.Each of them wanted to witness a glimpse of the angel's presence.

 The king has to bear everything, and the king has to accept everything! ——— Bai Moyu's quotations.

(End of this chapter)

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