Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 35 Return Chapter Angel Nebula

Chapter 35 Returning to the Angel Nebula
"Zifeng, I don't know if you've heard a word." Bai Mochen looked at Zifeng who was lying on the ground and said, "The way of heaven is reincarnation, and the heavens will spare no one."

At this time, Zifeng looked like crying, "Your sister, you are the king of angels, but you still want to say that you are a swordsman. If you don't like me, you should have said it earlier!" Of course, these words He can only say in his heart.

"Yun'er, save me as your father! I'm your biological father! You can't ignore death!" Zifeng said quickly after seeing Bai Yun, as if he had seen a savior.

After seeing Zifeng's appearance, Bai Yun's eyes flickered a little, but then became calm as water again.Because what Zifeng did has already broken her heart.

"Oh! Father? Do I have a father? Have you seen a father who threw his daughter into the wilderness; have you seen a father who has ignored his daughter for ten years? Have you ever seen a father who wants to kill his own daughter? My daughter." Bai Yun shouted hoarsely.

She wanted to vent, she wanted to vent all the grievances she had suffered in the past ten years, tears flowed from the corners of her eyes, and her eyes turned red.

"I..." Zifeng was speechless.

Bai Yun went on to say, "You know? Zi Yun was killed by you just now, and my name is not Zi Yun, and I don't have a father, only an elder brother. My name is Bai Yun." turned around.

Bai Mochen hugged Bai Yun lightly, and said softly, "Don't worry, I will protect you from now on, brother, I promise I will never let you get hurt again. Let's go!" Behind Bai Mochen appeared a pair of ice blue wings , he picked up Bai Yun and flew towards the sky.

When flying into the air, Bai Mochen stopped his body again, ignoring Zifeng below, and then he said, "Today, because you used to be Yun'er's father, I won't kill you, I hope you can do it yourself! "After speaking, the two of Bai Moyu disappeared into the sky.

Angel Xin and the others followed closely behind. After all the angels had left, Zifeng, who had been sitting paralyzed on the ground, suddenly burst out laughing wildly.No one knew what he was laughing at.

But only he knew what he was laughing at. "Obviously I can obtain eternal life, obviously I have a princess of angelic civilization, but now I have nothing."


Twin Stars
An angel spaceship was parked in space, Bai Moyu was sitting on the sofa drinking tea, but Bai Yun seemed to have discovered something novel.Look east for a while, look west for a while.

"Brother, this spaceship is so beautiful, and, and... this sofa is also very comfortable to sit on!"

"Hehe! Little fool, after Angel Nebula, there will be more surprises for you? So now you sit down obediently for me.

"Okay, brother." Bai Yun sat beside Bai Moyu like a good baby.

A few minutes later, Angel Xin and others arrived one after another, and after seeing the decorations in the spaceship, Ailan looked around as curiously as Bai Yun.

"Your Majesty, should we return to the Angel Nebula now, or..."

"Go back! I haven't been back for a long time, and I don't know if they miss me."

"Hee hee! Your Majesty, you don't know that during the five months you have been away, Queen Keisha has always looked sad." Angel Xuemo said.

After Bai Moyu finished listening, he said with some joy, "Really, is Xiaosha really like this?"

"Your Majesty, how dare I lie to you? Anyway, the sisters have been saying recently that Queen Kaisha is feeling springy."

"Xuemo is not allowed to talk nonsense, be careful and send you confinement!" Angel Xin reprimanded.

Angel Xuemo was stunned by Angel Xin's seriousness, and sat obediently without saying a word for the rest of the journey.

After flying for nearly thirteen hours, the spacecraft finally reached the Angel Nebula.As soon as he got off the spaceship, Bai Moyu grabbed Bai Yun and flew towards the Angel Hall.

All the angels only felt a breeze blowing by, and a blue figure flashed by.

The angel hall was full of heat at this time, and the angel Yutong stood up from the queue and said, "Queen Kaisa, I suggest sending troops to look for your majesty. It has been nearly five months now, and I am afraid of your majesty... "

"What's wrong with being afraid of my king?" Before the angel Yutong finished speaking, a familiar voice came from outside the hall.

Bai Moyu stood in the center of the hall with Bai Yun, looking at everyone with a playful face.

"Mo Chen, you're back, are you not injured?" Kaisha asked hastily.

"Bai Moyu, you're not dead!" It was Liang Bing's voice.

"Hehe! It's not that easy for me to die. Oh! By the way, Xiaosha, let me introduce you to someone. Yun'er, come out!" Bai Mochen called out.

It was only then that the angels saw that there was a little loli standing beside Bai Moyu.

Bai Yun said timidly, "I... I... My name is Bai Yun."

Liang Bing asked curiously, "Hey! Bai Moyu, where did you kidnap this little loli?"

"Sister, I didn't come here by being kidnapped. I came with my brother voluntarily." Bai Yun retorted.

"Brother?" the angels asked in confusion.

"Come on, Yun'er. Let me introduce you to the person sitting at the top of the hall, who is your future sister-in-law. As for the two people standing beside her, you can call them older sisters."

"Oh! Hello sister-in-law, two sisters." Bai Yun said timidly.

After hearing about sister-in-law, Kesha's snow-white cheeks turned blushing, and she couldn't help but feel a look of joy in her heart.

But soon she realized something was wrong, "Is she your sister?"

"Yeah? What? Is there a problem?"

"Damn, Bai Moyu, you...you...you..." Liang Bing pointed at Bai Moyu for a long time and said you.

"Okay, I know what you guys are going to say? I'll tell you some things later. Xiaosha, Yun'er's physique is not suitable for my holy angel gene, so please activate her angel gene." Bai Mochen waved his hand Say.

"Yes! I see." Keisha nodded and then waved her hand.

"Tch!!!!" The sound of clothes being torn was heard.

Behind Bai Yun appeared a pair of sacred, noble white wings.

"Bai Yun, since you are the younger sister of the Dark King, from now on you will be Her Royal Highness Princess Angel Nebula. I will put you in the guard of Tiancheng, what do you think?"

After listening to Kesha's words, Bai Yun shook her head and said, "Sister-in-law, I hope you put me at the lowest level. I want to gain everyone's approval with my hard work."

Bai Yun's words made everyone's eyes brighten. They didn't expect this little girl who was only in her teens to say such words.At this moment, in everyone's mind, the opinion of Bai Yun has been raised to another level.

 I am willing to sweep away all those who stand in your way, even though I die for you, I have no regrets. ——— Bai Moyu's quotations.

(End of this chapter)

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