Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 36 The Eye of Insight

Chapter 36 The Eye of Insight
Keisha raised her brows slightly, her affection for Bai Yun gradually increased.

"Oh! Are you sure? You must know that the Tiancheng Guards are just patrolling Tiancheng, and there is no danger to their lives. If you want to start from the lowest level, it will be life-threatening!" Kaisha tempted.

After thinking for a moment, Bai Yun smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, you don't need to say any more, I have already made up my mind, I don't want to be a person who lives under the wings of others."

"Hahahaha! Well said, as expected of my sister, Yun'er, since you have already made up your mind, then I won't say anything more." Bai Mochen was very satisfied with Bai Yun's words. Frowning behind the torn clothes.

With a wave of Bai Moyu's hand, a purple armor appeared on Bai Yun's body, and at the same time a purple longbow appeared in front of her.

The armor that Bai Moyu gave Bai Yun was not like Keisha and the others, the upper body was an armor and the lower body was a miniskirt.This set of armor tightly wrapped Bai Yun's figure, and at the same time, there was nothing on the legs, and Bai Huahua's long legs were exposed outside.

At this time, she added a sense of charm to others, and Bai Yun carefully looked at her with the longbow in her hand.

At this time, Bai Mochen said, "Yun'er, this long bow is called Meteor God Bow. I have already set ten seals on it, and it will unlock the seals correspondingly as your strength improves."

"If you can untie it all, then it can easily penetrate me."

"What? It can kill you, brother? That's too powerful!" Bai Yun exclaimed.

Even everyone in Kesha couldn't help being surprised after listening to Bai Moyu's words.They have seen Bai Moyu's strength before, but now they actually have a weapon that can kill him and gave it to a rookie.

Bai Moyu just smiled after listening to Bai Yun's words, he sighed and said, "Yun'er, you think too much, I just said that it can penetrate my body, but I didn't say that it can penetrate my body. I kill."

"If I can really be killed by it, then how can this weapon be in my hand?" Bai Mochen asked back.

"Oh..." Bai Yun stuck out her tongue playfully.

"Damn, according to what you mean, this weapon doesn't belong to you?" Liang Bing seemed to have thought of something.

"Uh... yes. Even the armor on Yun'er's body is not mine, they belong to that woman." Speaking of this, Bai Mochen seemed to have remembered something again, and his gaze became blank. Get up.

"Hehe! I thought about that woman's things, but I probably won't see them again in this life! But I didn't expect that today I gave them to Yun'er." Bai Mochen said with a wry smile.

After seeing Bai Moyu's expression, everyone couldn't help but gradually became curious about the woman he was talking about.

Who is that woman?It actually made the Sky Darkness King look like this.

"She... who is that woman you're talking about?" Keisha's tone was a little angry.

After Kesha finished speaking, all the angels couldn't help looking at Bai Moyu.The eyes are full of gossip expressions.

If you ask why female angels have been able to maintain a high and cold appearance, it is only because they have not encountered anything that makes them feel incredible and is very gossip-like. Now the woman His Majesty the Dark King said made them very Curiosity, this incident is obviously a good trigger point, fully arousing the gossip attributes of female angels.

Even Bai Yun's eyes were full of little stars.

"Forget it, you can watch it if you want! But I want to remind you in advance, don't stare blankly later?" Bai Mochen said helplessly, but Bai Mochen's last sentence, don't stare blankly?Obviously made them very curious.Isn't it just looking at a woman!What all the fuss is about.

"Yun'er, let go of the Meteor God Bow first." Bai Mochen said.


Bai Moyu drew a strange figure in the air with his hand.Then lightly slapped the figure drawn in the air towards the Meteor God Bow.

The purple light of Meteor God Bow suddenly became brighter, making many people unable to open their eyes.Slowly, as the purple light dissipated, a woman in purple armor appeared in the hall.

This woman's armor looks exactly the same as the armor on Bai Yun's body, when all the angels saw the woman's face.

The entire hall was silent, even Kaisha Hexi and the others couldn't help but stare dumbfounded, because this woman was so beautiful that she didn't know what to use to praise her.

"Lord of Darkness—Bai Moyu, hello." Yue Lian said coldly.

"Hmm! Cold Moon King, long time no see!"

"Hmph! Are you satisfied with Bai Moyu's current result?" Yue Lianhan questioned.

"Hehe, what do you think? If the four of you didn't do that at the beginning, how could I... kill you with my own hands."

"Bai Moyu, you don't need to be hypocritical here. Don't you know what you did? Yuntian has already told us everything?"

"Yuntian? What did he tell you?"

"Hmph! You want to be called emperor." Yue Lianhan's icy and bone-chilling voice sounded in the hall.

"Hiss! Liuyue, do you feel very cold!"

"What's going on? Why do I feel cold?"

"Enough, Yue Lianhan, this is simply nonsense. If I want to become emperor, do you think you can live for so many years? No! We were deceived." Bai Mochen said loudly as if thinking of something .

"Being cheated, what do you mean? Could it be that Yuntian lied to us?" Yue Lianhan questioned.

"Hahahaha, it's been ten thousand years, why I didn't understand until now. Yun Tian, ​​it turned out that the secret was like this back then."

"What did you think of?" Yue Lianhan asked.

"Don't you think everything was weird back then? Why did Yuntian tell you the news that I want to become emperor after sealing them?"

"Are you trying to say... Could it be that you are talking about them." Yue Lianhan was also a queen after all, after listening to Bai Moyu's words, she immediately thought of everything.

"That's right, it's them, because we all know that no matter who among the five of us dies, as long as one of the five of us dies, their seal will be weakened by one point. Hehe, I didn't expect that they could only succeed in the end."

Kesha and the others were dazed by the back and forth conversation between the two of Bai Moyu.After listening for a long time, I don't know what they are talking about.

At this time, Yue Lianhan's figure began to become ethereal, Yue Lianhan shook her head helplessly, "Mo Chen, I'm sorry, I'm here to apologize to you for what happened before. Goodbye, Mo Chen." Yue Lianhan said After that, her figure disappeared into the air.

Bai Mochen knew that his energy was exhausted, so he put his right hand on his left shoulder and bowed solemnly.

"Does Kesha know? They used to be my best brothers and sisters. But I have to thank you. If it weren't for you, I really couldn't find the truth back then."

Kesha didn't know why, seeing Bai Moyu like this, her heart ached slightly.

"Kesha, do I have some presents for you?"

"Gift? What gift?" Keisha asked curiously.

"You can directly gain insight into other people's data, as well as his heart---the eye of insight." Bai Mochen said with a smile.

 History always repeats itself over and over again. ——— Bai Moyu's quotations.

(End of this chapter)

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