Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 38 Kamigawa Mentor Karl

Chapter 38 Kamigawa Mentor Karl
Bai Mochen looked at Liang Bing from top to bottom, from bottom to top with half-believing eyes.As if to validate what she said.

Then after a few glances, he turned his head and continued drinking tea.

"Hey! Is your tea so delicious? Why do you drink it every time I see you?" Liang Bing poured himself a cup from the teapot and said.

As soon as Liang Bing took a sip, his complexion twisted tightly together. "Bah bah bah! What the hell is this? Why is it so bitter? I don't know how you drink this kind of shit." Liang Bing stretched out her pink tongue and stroked the tea leaves on her tongue. The action is very attractive.

If ordinary people saw her actions, they would definitely not be able to resist the Fa-rectification on the spot, but the problem now is that the person sitting opposite her is not an ordinary person, but a god who has lived for 10,000+ years.

The cold appearance was in his expectation.You must know that this tea is a unique product of his holy angel family, and it is very rare even in the holy angel family.

"Hehe! If one day the bitterness in your heart is more bitter than it, then you will feel that it is no longer bitter."

"Bitterness in your heart? What kind of bitterness is in your heart? Does someone like you have bitterness in your heart?"

Bai Mochen didn't answer her words, but shook his head helplessly.

"That's right! Although he is usually joking and joking, how many people can understand the bitterness in his heart?"

"The betrayal of the brothers, the tragic death of the clansmen, and the fear of the master."

Thinking of this, Bai Mochen couldn't help feeling sour, and his eyes began to turn red.But soon he adjusted his state, he didn't want to show his embarrassment in front of a little girl.

As a king, one must do what belongs to a king.The king has to bear everything and at the same time accept everything.

Three days later, they finally arrived at the Kamigawa galaxy. At this time, at a port of the Kamigawa civilization, a man wearing a hat and a blue-gold cloak was standing at the port.

"Wow! The Kamigawa civilization is even better than I expected!" As soon as the cabin door of the spaceship was opened, Karl heard a voice like a silver bell.

In sight, a woman with long brown hair came out.And behind her, an ice blue figure followed closely.

"It's so beautiful!" Carl lost his mind the moment he saw Bai Moyu, but he recovered quickly.

He did not forget Principal Kieran's advice to him before he left, "Carl, you must be polite when you see Angel Nebula's Queen of Sky Darkness again, and don't neglect her. If that person gets angry, then our Kamigawa civilization can't afford him." Anger." Although Karl didn't know why his teacher was afraid of a king of a higher civilization, he was just puzzled, after all, he was just a scholar, and he didn't like the battle of galaxies and the struggle between civilizations.He just wants to study hard.

"His Majesty the King of Darkness and the Holy Left Wing, my name is Karl, and I will be the receptionist this time."

"Huh! Karl? Why are you wearing a hat! It's hot, aren't you hot?" Liang Bing asked chirping.

Karl couldn't accept Liang Bing's enthusiasm for a while, so Karl quickly stepped back a few steps.

He stammered and said, "I...I am a god, how can I be hot."

"Okay, come here, Liangbing. From now on, everything you do must be approved by me. If I don't agree, you are not allowed to act without authorization."

"Ah! Old lady Bai Moyu is not your prisoner, why should I report to you." Liang Bing immediately blew himself up, and asked angrily.

"I am the king, why, is this reason enough?"

"Huh! What's so amazing, I wasn't a king before? Humph!!!" Liang Bing suddenly stopped, and muttered in a low voice.


Carl, who was standing aside, was speechless for a moment, "Hey, I'm such a big man standing here, can you stop ignoring me?"

Fortunately, Carl's heartfelt feelings were still heard by Bai Mochen, and Bai Mochen smiled apologetically at Carl and said, "Let's go!"

"Okay, come with me, Your Majesty." Karl quickly turned around and left.

Karl took Bai Moyu and the two of them around the Shenhe Civilization, and finally stopped beside a majestic and tall palace after going around for about ten minutes.

"You two, this is where you will live in the future. Well, I won't go in. Go and have a rest! There will be a banquet tonight, here is the invitation letter." Carl took out two The golden card was handed over to Bai Moyu.

"En! We will definitely arrive." Bai Moyu nodded and said.

Carl turned and left after explaining his affairs.

"Hey! Let's go in!" Liang Bing grabbed Bai Moyu's hand and ran into the palace.

"Hey!!! Slow down, what are you doing running so fast?"


Just when the Shenhe civilization held a cosmic research seminar, the two Feng Lihen of the distant triangle civilization also learned the news.

After the two sat on the throne and listened to the news from their subordinates, they began to think.

"Feng Lihen, what do you think about this matter? Although it is just a science and technology conference organized by some low-level civilizations, its initiator is the Kamigawa civilization after all, and according to the news just passed, it seems that he also went."

"Hehe! Gong Bingye, you can't help it so soon! If they want to drive, then let's go, what does it have to do with us? We don't know about our technology, and we have left them for many years, there is nothing to worry about. concerned."

"But, as you heard just now, he also went...how should we plan next."

"He! Don't worry, he is the only one left in the five void kings. When the three of them also wake up, it will be the day of our revenge. I can't wait to see his expression now. gone."

"Hehe! I'm afraid that after you see his expression, you will die even worse. Feng Lihen, don't forget how the wound on your chest came from."

"Is it? Hehe! I will keep it well."

"You..." Gong Bingye hesitated to speak but stopped.

"Why? Don't you want to taste what the mighty Dark Lord is like? Hehe! I'm so excited just thinking about it now!" Feng Lihen couldn't help shaking his body.

"Oh, after hearing what you said, I'm suddenly interested."

Meanwhile, Bai Mochen, who was in the Shenhe Civilization, suddenly sneezed loudly.

"Cold? No, how could God catch a cold?" Liang Bing asked in surprise.

"Fart catches a cold, someone must be masturbating me behind my back?" Bai Mochen retorted.

"Hahahaha!" Liangbing suddenly giggled.

Bai Moyu cast a glance at Liang Bing and said, "If you laugh again, believe it or not, I will send you back to Angel Nebula."

"Ah! Bai Moyu, if you want to be ashamed, you will use it to threaten me all day long." Liang Bing said with resentment on his face.

 Faith is the source of the power of the gods. If a god loses his faith, he will surely fall. ——— Bai Moyu's quotations.

(End of this chapter)

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