Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 39 Space Science and Technology Discussion Conference

Chapter 39 Space Science and Technology Discussion Conference
Night fell soon, and the Kamigawa civilization at this time was brightly lit and beautiful everywhere.

In fact, a top civilization like the Kamigawa civilization can already control the day and night of its own planet.

"Wow! There are so many people who come to the Kamigawa civilization, basically all of them are advanced civilizations."

"Huh! Liang Bing, take it easy! There are so many people here? Hey, I really don't know much!" Bai Mochen sighed.

After listening to Bai Moyu's words, Liang Bing's face turned blue and purple.Of course she knew what Bai Moyu meant by saying this?Not to mention that he is a country bumpkin.

Liang Bing just wanted to have a fit, but when he thought that if Bai Moyu really sent her back to Angel Nebula, it would be a disaster.

"No, no, Liangbing, you must hold back, and you must find an opportunity to clean up this bastard in the future." Liangbing said inwardly.

"Hmph!" Thinking of this, Liang Bing just snorted coldly.

Bai Moyu looked at Liang Bing who had already gone away with some doubts. If it was as usual, after he said this, Liang Bing would inevitably be angry. What happened tonight?There was nothing to do with him.

The venue of this banquet was at the center of the entire Kamikawa civilization. The ground paved with high-quality white jade outside the palace shone with a warm light. In the distance, there seemed to be a mist that shrouded the unreal palace.

As soon as the two of Bai Moyu took a step forward, a guard at the door shouted, "Angel civilization, His Majesty the Dark King of Heaven and the Holy Left Wing have arrived."

After the guard yelled, as soon as the two walked in, all eyes were fixed on them.

But rather than staring at the two of them, it would be better to say they were all staring at Bai Moyu.

Everyone has a different expression after seeing Bai Moyu, some are amazed, some are surprised, but most of them are shocked.

They knew that the Sky Dark King was beautiful, but they had never enjoyed such beauty.Other than that, it was more of a shock to them.

In a banquet held in the Angel Nebula 100 years ago, it was because a king of a higher civilization molested him beyond his control, and his civilization died because of this.

Bai Mochen looked around indifferently, and suddenly his eyes fixed on a young man in a yellow dragon robe.

And the young man seemed to have noticed Bai Mochen's gaze, tilted his head and smiled as he greeted him.

"Hehe! I didn't expect that besides Dinghei, there would be a Ninth-Gen God Body in this known universe. It seems that this known universe is not as weak as I thought!"

After thinking of this, Bai Moyu said to Liang Bing who couldn't bear it anymore, "Okay, you go and play! I have other things, I will find you later, but there is one thing you have to remember Come on, don't get me into trouble."

"Okay, I promise I won't cause trouble." After listening to Bai Moyu's words, Liang Bing immediately ran away.

And Bai Mochen walked towards the yellow-robed boy, Bai Mochen walked over slowly, and stopped when he was only one or two meters away.

"Hi, my name is Bai Mochen. I never thought there would be such a master as you in the known universe." Bai Mochen said flatly.

The yellow-robed boy just smiled and joked, "You know? You are very beautiful. If you were a woman, maybe I would marry you as my concubine right away, but unfortunately you are not."

"Really? That's such a pity." Bai Moyu shrugged regretfully.

Are representatives of other civilizations always paying attention to Bai Moyu?Now I see Bai Moyu walking towards Emperor Azir of Shurima.

You must know that Shurima's evil name is basically known to everyone in the universe, and everyone knows it.

A civilization that is even slightly stronger than Kamigawa occupies the southern part of the universe.Basically, the civilizations he encountered would eventually die. It can be said that there is only Shurima civilization in the south of the universe.

"Hey, you haven't told me your name yet?"

"Hehe! You know what? You are the first person who dared to talk to me like that, but I like it." Azir said with a smile.

"Oh, is it? I'm so honored then."

"Listen, my name is Azir, from Shurima civilization." Azir said.

"The Shurima civilization is located in the southernmost part of the universe, and its overall strength is not as good as some civilizations in the void universe." After reading the information, Bai Moyu looked at the person in front of him in disbelief.

Not weaker than some civilizations in the void universe, is it really just not weaker?Just the emperor in front of him exudes the aura of the nine generations of gods.

"You are very ambitious, but is it really okay for you to destroy other civilizations like this?" Bai Moyu said as he poured himself a glass of wine from the dining table.

Azir sneered and said, "Really?"

"Beep! An alien invasion has been detected, and the defensive barriers have been activated. The source of the invasion is Shurima Emperor Azir."

"Hehe, you actually did it directly. The dark engine analyzed it for me. It is being analyzed, and the analysis is successful. The target Azir is now equipped with an advanced void engine and rewritten by advanced matter."

"Haha, it's too much for such a broken engine to want to fight this king." Bai Mochen sneered. "Block the target's artificial thinking, forcibly shut down the void engine. It is blocking, it is blocking, and the blockade is complete."

"Hey, what happened to the two of them? Why didn't they move for a long time."

"That's right, it hasn't moved since just now."

The abnormality of the two immediately made all civilized people look this way.

"Break!" A white light rushed towards Azir.

"Start the Void Engine, it's starting, it's starting. Failed to start, failed to start." Only then did Azir realize that he had offended someone who shouldn't be offended, and just as he was about to say a word, he saw a white light pounce on him.

"Pfft!" A mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

A sharp-eyed person immediately said, "Look, everyone, Emperor Shurima seems to be vomiting blood."

"I'll go, no! These two great gods are fighting here."

"Hey, look quickly. The Dark Sky King seems to be fine. Could it be that the Dark Sky King is stronger than Emperor Shurima?"

Bai Mochen raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Sneak attacking others is not something a king should do."

"Hahahaha, you are very strong, I was rude just now, please forgive me." Azir wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said.

"Ha! Kid, how old is this year?"

"The emperor is [-] years old, he is not a child."

"Hehe, is it better than my 17-year-old child?" Bai Mochen reached out and touched Azir's head.

"My God! What did I see?"

"Oh my God!"

"God! What did I see? The majestic Emperor Shurima was actually killed by the King of Darkness..."

"Bai Moyu, get your hands off me, even though I can't beat you, it doesn't mean you can mess around."

"Hee hee! What? Are you shy?" Bai Moyu teased.

"How is it possible, this emperor is so ashamed." Azir shook his head proudly.

 If you dare to hurt her feather, I will destroy your hell. ——— Bai Moyu's quotations.

(End of this chapter)

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