Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 40 Talking Between Big Bosses

Chapter 40 Conversation Between Big Bosses
After seeing Azir's appearance, Bai Moyu couldn't help but chuckled.

"What are you laughing at? I really don't understand what's ridiculous." Azir said with a curled lip.At the same time, he looked carefully again, Bai Moyu.

When he first met Bai Moyu, he was a little surprised, but he didn't take him seriously.But after the fight just now, the sense of danger in my heart became more and more intense.

After five or six minutes, the representatives of the major civilizations basically arrived.Only Ding Hei and Kieran slowly appeared on the stage.

Of course, it is impossible for big shots like them to show up early. I have to wait for everyone to come before they show up so that their presence can be highlighted.

When Bai Mochen saw Ding Hei coming, he teased in a low voice, "This spectrum is really big!"

"Hmph! If it wasn't that the emperor couldn't beat him and me, how could I have come so early." Azir complained.At the same time, he looked at Bai Moyu beside him with resentful eyes.

Bai Mochen didn't pay attention to his resentful eyes, but casually opened a seat and sat on it, savoring the wine in his hand carefully,

Seeing this, Azir said in surprise, "Hey, you won't be afraid that he will find you later." He was still afraid of Dinghei.

"Hehe! He's still looking for things for me. If I don't look for things for him, it's already good. Aren't you tired from standing? Would you like to sit for a while?" Bai Mochen asked with a smile.

After listening to Bai Moyu's words, Azir was not polite, and sat directly beside Bai Moyu.

"Ahem! I'm Dinghei. First of all, I welcome everyone here to participate in the Cosmic Science and Technology Seminar held by our Shenhe civilization."


As soon as Dinghei finished speaking, he heard the applause from the audience.

"Tch, a bunch of sycophants." Azir said with some disdain.

"Oh!" Bai Moyu nodded, then Bai Moyu yawned, and said to Azar who was beside him, "My child, I advise you to rest for a while! I'm afraid we will have to endure it later."

Bai Moyu's words made Azir confused, he just wanted to ask what to boil?But then Dinghei's actions completely made him understand.

After receiving warm applause from everyone, Dinghei turned on the troll mode.

Azir rubbed his head a little dizzily, now he finally understood what Bai Moyu said just now.

He turned his head and took a look at Bai Moyu, but just because of this look, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!!!" Her heart seemed to be jumping out, a feeling she had never felt before.

"What's going on? Why do I have a feeling that my heart is moving. Could it be... No, no, no! How is this possible? I actually fell in love with a man." Azir's face was horrified at this moment, and he tried his best to calm down his mood.

Bai Moyu and Bai Moyu were not the only ones who were dissatisfied with Ding Hei's speech. At the moment, at the leftmost table in the main hall, stood the cold ice that had just been playing.

It's just that there is a person wearing a cloak standing next to her.Yes, this person is Carl.

After breaking free from Bai Moyu's shackles, Liang Bing began to wander around the hall.While wandering around, she found that Karl was there too.So he couldn't help but stepped forward to tease him again.

You know, Karl is a super, super, super innocent child, and he was finally defeated in the face of such a strong provocation from Liang Bing.

"Liang Bing, can you calm down a little bit! It's not always possible to hear Principal Dinghey's speech." Carl reprimanded.

After listening to Carl's words, Liang Bing shook his head. "Carl, what's so good about this old man's words? You play with me for a while, play with me." Liang Bing held Carl's arm in his arms, shaking it coquettishly.

Although Liangbing is not fully developed, but who is Karl?How could it be possible for a little chick to stay in the research room all day and be resistant to women.

"Leng Bing, Sister Bing. I'm begging you, okay? Just be merciful, please do me a favor." Karl begged.

"Cut! If you don't play with me, don't play with me. I will play by myself. Hmph!!" Liang Bing turned and left after speaking.

"Ah!!!!" Carl wanted to say something, but he stuck it in his throat after seeing that the cold ice had gone away.

After two hours of trolling, Dinghei finally announced, "Okay, I've finished what I have to say, and you can arrange the rest of your time freely."

As soon as Ding Hei finished speaking, the originally silent crowd instantly became active.After seeing this scene, Dinghei's heart suddenly rushed.

"Hey! Kieran, where is he? Didn't he come?" Dinghei asked Kieran who was beside him.

"The King of Darkness is here, here! The one sitting next to Emperor Shurima." Kieran said.

Dinghei looked in the direction Kieran pointed, and there was indeed a blue figure there.

"Okay, Kieran, go get busy with other things, and you don't have to worry about it here." After Ding Hei greeted Kieran to leave, he stepped towards the two of Bai Moyu.

"Long time no see, Emperor Shurima!" Dinghei said to Azir with a smile.

Azir nodded after seeing Dinghei, and responded: Space God, long time no see.After saying hello, he glanced at Bai Moyu, who was resting with his eyes closed, and gently pushed a few times.

Seeing that the speech was over, Bai Mochen slowly opened his eyes, yawned and said, "Ha! What are you doing, kid? Do you know it's not a bad thing to disturb others' rest time?" Bai Mochen Said lightly.After teaching Azir a lesson, Bai Mochen said to Ding Hei who was standing next to him, who was about to get angry, "Yo! Teacher, your long and rotten manuscript is finally finished."

Ding Hei's anger turned to anger, but because of the overall situation, he finally forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Bai Moyu has been king for so many years, is he still so rude?"

"Teacher, how can you be rude? Didn't you say that you should listen to what you should listen to, and don't listen to what you shouldn't? For me, what I said in the speeches just now is what I shouldn't listen to. "

A smell of gunpowder instantly filled the surroundings of the two, and Azir could also hear that the two were not on good terms.

Now the whole air is filled with the smell of gunpowder, and it seems that only one trigger is needed to ignite it.

Just when the two were about to fight each other again, Azir stood up and became a peacemaker.

"Hey! What about the two of you? There are many people watching now?"

Hearing this, Bai Moyu just smiled lightly, and Ding Hei shot around.There are indeed many civilized visitors standing around as Azir said.

Ding Hei glanced at Bai Moyu indifferently, and then sat on Azir's left.

 Do you know what love is?I don't know because I've never experienced it. ——— Bai Moyu's quotations.

(End of this chapter)

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