Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 41 The Science and Technology Symposium Officially Begins

Chapter 41 The Science and Technology Symposium Officially Begins

"Bai Moyu, you asked your subordinates to change the defense system of the Angel Nebula? Didn't you say before that you would not interfere with the progress of the Angel civilization? What are you doing now?" Ding Hei asked.

Bai Moyu smiled faintly, "Teacher, yes, I said that I would not interfere with the progress of the angelic civilization. Teacher, please think carefully about what I told you when I first came to Super Seminary." Bai Mo Chen tilted his head.

"First time? What did you say?" Dinghei asked a little puzzled, while trying to recall in his brain.

But after all, he still didn't think about it, Bai Mochen turned to Ding Hei and said, "I said I will not interfere with the development of angelic civilization, but I will protect it until it has enough self-protection ability."

"This...hahahaha is indeed the king of darkness!" Dinghei laughed suddenly after being stunned for a while.

At this moment, Azir looked at the two with a confused face, if it wasn't for Ding Hei, the space god.He really thought Dinghey was mad.

Think of him as Azir, the majestic Emperor of Shurima and the southernmost overlord of the entire universe.Wherever you go, you will not be admired by thousands of people, but the gods will worship you.And now it was ignored, which really annoyed him a little.

But what's the use of being annoyed?Which of the two can he beat?I couldn't beat any of them, so I could only hold back my breath.

Finally Ding Hei had had enough of laughing, he patted his head and stood up.He cast a meaningful look at Bai Moyu and then left.

Bai Moyu slightly shook the wine glass in his hand, and then showed an incredible smile.Then he drank the rest of the wine in one gulp.

He stood up and said to Azir, "Child, I'm leaving first, you play slowly! Let's see you tomorrow!" Bai Moyu didn't wait for Azir to speak, he turned around to look for it, and he had already disappeared without a trace cold ice.

"Bai Moyu, hehe! I don't know whether your appearance is a blessing or a curse." Azir sighed.

He would never have thought that because of today's encounter, he would be able to fight Bai Moyu in the future.As a result, he personally destroyed his Shurima civilization.

When Bai Moyu and Liang Bing walked outside the palace, the night gradually covered the sky, countless stars broke through the night, and the moisture of the night permeated the air, spreading out a sentimental atmosphere.Looking up at the sky, the starry sky of Qiumo is extraordinarily clear, and the distant stars are shining like fine tears...

Seeing Bai Moyu staring blankly at the sky, Liang Bing asked curiously, "Hey! What's wrong with you? Why do you feel that you are not normal after you come out?" Liang Bing blinked his big eyes curiously.

"It's nothing, I just remembered some past events. But did you go to find your little lover just now?"

"Little lover? Who is it? Why don't I know."

"Hahahaha, who else is there, of course it's Carl? Do you think I don't know what you did just now?" Bai Moyu raised his eyebrows.

Liang Bing blushed instantly when asked by Bai Moyu, and said falteringly, "What? It's just that wooden man, who likes him. Even if I like you, I can't like him." Liang Bing directly After she said it, it was obvious that she didn't see Bai Moyu's surprised expression after she said this.

He walked forward on his own, even though he said he didn't like it.But Bai Moyu still saw it, and the blush on Liang Bing's cheeks had already climbed up.

"Okay, don't go that way. If you go that way, I don't care about you." After Bai Moyu finished speaking, he spread his wings and flew into the distance.

And Liang Bing followed closely behind, shouting, "Oh! Wait for me!"

The two of them flashed across the sky like two streamers of light.


On the second day, the Science and Technology Seminar Center.

All major civilizations gathered at the scene, including the Shurima civilization of the top civilization, and the Deno civilization of the advanced civilization...

Every civilization with a super seminary has come. In fact, there is no way to do it. In addition to the current Shurima civilization in the universe, there is also the Kamikawa civilization represented by Dinghei.These two civilizations can almost be regarded as the pinnacle of the development of cosmic civilization so far, and they are also very widely distributed. Most of the advanced civilizations can only develop into pre-nuclear civilizations and space civilizations under the guidance of these two civilizations.

Therefore, when Dinghei said that he would hold an exchange meeting of all advanced civilizations, he actually recruited all the galaxies affected by the two civilizations, and the remaining small part only developed slowly on their own to achieve their current status.

"Then, the study of cosmic civilization will begin."

After Dinghei finished speaking, the Cosmic Civilization Research Association officially started.

He would never have imagined that this seminar would later change the future direction of the entire civilization of the universe, no, or it would accelerate the progress of all civilizations in the universe.This is a research meeting of great significance.

The Deno civilization of the advanced civilization is not actually a civilization, but a merger of two civilizations.

Both the Star of Promise and the Star of Devon are located in the Deno galaxy.De Xing and Nuo Xing share the same sun, and the two civilizations are closely related. Originally, the progress of civilization was slow, but later Kieran came to this star field and taught them the knowledge of Kamigawa, so the two civilizations developed rapidly. The help of Kieran Thank you very much.These two civilizations are also called Deno civilization.

Nuoxing's boss Nuo Yu said: "According to the micro-wormhole technology researched by Shenhe civilization, we are currently starting a research to create a super soldier gene that can use this technology, but the progress is slow, and it is estimated that it may take five years to complete the research. It takes 600 years to create success. The rationale behind this research is this..."

After these advanced civilizations finished speaking, a young man in a yellow robe appeared in the speech.The originally noisy scene became quiet after seeing the boy go up.

The boy said with some surprise, "Hey! Why did it suddenly become so quiet, I'm really not used to it." Azir said with a smile.

Although Azir was smiling at the moment, it gave people a feeling of spring breeze.However, in the eyes of many civilization representatives who know Shurima, Azir is a bloodthirsty demon.

Who dares to continue to say a joke.If they dare to risk their lives, it will be a breeze for others to kill them, and they can be done in minutes.

"Hehe, then I'll start talking. According to my research findings, maybe we can drive the energy of stars in a small area to make it accelerate or decelerate, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling part of the energy of stars, so that we can effectively use it. Develop energy..."

This kind of technology shocked Liang Bing very much, and she couldn't help shouting: "Drive the star energy, can this work?"

After Bai Moyu saw such a big reaction from Liang Bing next to him, he frowned speechlessly, "Liang Bing, a small Hengxin energy drive technology has made you so excited, oh!!!! "Bai Moyu sighed.

"Huh! Part of the energy that drives the stars! As long as it is further developed and expanded, it will be a technology that can easily destroy multiple stars! Destruction of the world by flipping hands, this is the real god!" Cold ice said.

"Uh!!!!" Bai Moyu was speechless for a moment, a small new energy drive technology has excited you so much, if they show you something else in the future, don't you get so excited.

 Killing requires the awareness of being killed. ——— Bai Moyu's quotations.

(End of this chapter)

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