Chapter 55
Looking at Bai Moyu's angry expression, a bad taste spontaneously arose in his heart.

"Hehe, I really don't know what he will look like when he cries? I'm a little excited just thinking about it."

Bai Moyu stepped forward and said, "Azir, do you want to participate in this war?" After speaking, he looked at Azir coldly.

Azir heard that Bai Moyu was asking himself, so he immediately suppressed the bad taste just now.

He shrugged and said, "Azir gave me an offer that I couldn't refuse, and the price was that I would help him resist the Holy Angel's attack."

"What conditions did he give you? Technology, resources...or what?" Bai Moyu asked.

Obviously, Bai Moyu didn't know about the deal between the two of them. He didn't start a war with Shurima, but it didn't mean he was afraid of Shurima.

Azir smiled lightly, "For him, this condition will take a lot of thought, but it's easy for you." Azir continued to dig holes for Bai Moyu.

Bai Mochen asked a little puzzled, "What condition?"


Bai Moyu was stunned by Azir's words, and he didn't react for a while.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Moyu's eyes sank, and his whole body began to exude an icy blue aura and a suffocating murderous aura.

When Ding Hei saw Bai Moyu's expression, he began to cry in his heart.

Only now did he realize that Azir was so stupid.

He couldn't be more clear about Bai Moyu's expression.

"Yes! He doesn't deny that Bai Moyu is indeed a bit beautiful, but he also knows Bai Moyu's horror."

"He clearly remembered that during the last Void War, the King of the Void, Feng Lihen, threatened to marry Bai Moyu as his queen before the battle, but he was almost beaten out of his wits by Bai Moyu."

Just thinking about it now makes him a little scared, Ding Hei carefully looked at the enraged Bai Moyu.

"I'm going, what the hell is this? Why do I feel that the surrounding temperature has dropped so much!" Azir murmured.

What did he just want to say next?Then he heard Ding Hei standing behind Bai Moyu shouting at him, "Get out of the way."

Hearing this, Azir subconsciously looked up.I saw a red light shooting straight towards me.

"Damn it..." Azir cursed secretly, then started to move his hands.

A series of sand walls formed a protective shield in front of him.


The red light rushed straight towards it, although there was an overkill block in the middle, it was still pierced by the red light and hit Azir's body.

There was a scorched spot on the chest of the bright yellow clothes.

At this moment, Azir said in a daze, "Damn, what the hell? You said well, why did you start fighting suddenly?" Obviously he didn't know, because what he said just now had already angered Bai Moyu.

"Azir, you are really capable of making troubles. Why did you tell that matter? Do you know that because of your words just now, you have completely angered him now."

Dinghei had already come to Azir's side and complained, while looking at him like a pig teammate.

Only now did I understand what it means to be "not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but teammates who are like pigs."

"Old man, what's going on? I didn't say anything just now." Azir was obviously a little confused at the moment.

Ding Hei said coldly, "What you just told him is his taboo."

"Taboo?" Azir asked in confusion.

After finishing speaking, the two of them looked at Bai Moyu together.

The berserk breath spread out to the surroundings in an instant, at this moment, in a certain palace in the distant triangle.

The five people who were talking in the palace suddenly stopped at this moment.

Feng Lihen smiled and said, "Tsk tsk tsk, I really don't know which sightless thing in this known universe would anger him, alas! It's sad."

A seductive woman next to him said, "He is really angry. I remember the last time he was angry was Feng Lihen. You threatened to marry someone back. In the end, you were almost beaten out of your wits."

"Xie Ziyue, don't use it to tease me, don't you? How much better than me."

"I... Feng Lihen, do you want to fight with me again?" Xie Ziyue asked.

"Hmph! Don't be sentimental, you and I will crush you with one finger right now. Let's talk about when you recover." Feng Lihen mocked unceremoniously.

"Oh! It's alright, it's alright, you two are real, it's been years since you've been arguing every time you meet." Gong Bingye finally couldn't help it anymore, and said loudly.

He knew the temperament of these two people.It's not that they don't get along, it's that they really, really don't get along, basically it's to the point of life and death.

"That's enough, what's the point of arguing one by one, there's no end to it."

A man in Tsing Yi reprimanded at this moment.

"Hmph! It's not that I want to quarrel." After Xie Ziyue met this man, her confidence in speaking was obviously lacking.

"Okay, everyone, hurry up and recover from your injuries. As for the other side, it's not the time yet."

As the man in Tsing Yi spoke, he looked towards the dark depths of the universe outside the palace, and a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


"Star bright"

Bai Moyu snorted softly, tens of thousands of lightsabers appeared behind him, and stabbed at Azir and the two together with his command.

The two of them didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly resisted.

The sound of clashing swords continued, and after the round of attacks was over, Dinghey gasped heavily, and Azir beside him was also not much better.

"It's time for Dinghey to end this boring farce. As for you, Azir, this king will definitely bring God's Punishment to you after finishing the audit."

After Bai Mochen finished speaking, the huge angel who had appeared once in Ke Luoxing appeared behind him.

The archangel moved towards Dinghei with a sword, very fast.

After listening to Bai Moyu's words, Azir quickly gave his subordinates the order to retreat, and then he himself jumped into a wormhole.

"Start the calculation and prepare to escape."

Dinghei is now planning to use the Heart of Space to escape from here.

How could his action escape Bai Moyu's eyes?Bai Mochen smiled disdainfully.

"The space is being blocked... It has been modified by the countermeasure program... The countermeasure program has been eliminated..."

"Whether to close the space."


The wormhole had already appeared, and it disappeared in front of Dinghei in an instant. At the same time, Dinghei finally felt what despair and terror are.


The huge explosion sounded and emitted an extremely bright light at the same time as if it was going to light up the entire Kamigawa galaxy.


"My God!"


The fighters of the three parties who were fighting under the starry sky fell into a trough again at this moment because of Shurima's retreat.

And when they saw the space god being hit by Bai Moyu's attack, they couldn't help but screamed, and there was extreme despair in their eyes.

Because in the known universe, if only a civilization is destroyed, but not the gods behind this civilization, then this civilization will continue to continue.And once the god behind this civilization falls, what awaits him will be ruthlessly carve up by other civilizations.

At this moment, Kieran seemed a little bit unable to believe what he saw, he staggered a few steps and knelt down and burst into tears.

After the light dissipated, only Bai Moyu and a thing emitting blue light remained at the place where the battle was fought before.

That's right, this is the heart of space.

At this moment, Bai Moyu took the space in his hand with some excitement, and looked at it.

"Is this the heart of space? It really deserves its reputation." Bai Mochen looked at the thing in his hand, full of emotions.

You must know that he had used [-]% of his strength just now to ensure that Ding Hei could be wiped out with one blow.

This kind of power is enough to destroy a star, Bai Moyu looked at it for a while and put it away.

Then his eyes seemed to turn away again, as if he had discovered something, but then he turned his head and walked down step by step.

What no one knew, at that moment just now, a blue light flew out of Bai Moyu's hand.

In a few breaths, Bai Moyu came to Kieran, "Surrender or destroy, you choose." After Kieran heard this, he frowned tightly.

After a long time, he stammered and said, "Chen Jilan sees the king." Then the Kamigawa warriors behind him also knelt down and called Bai Moyu the king.

So far, it took only three days to complete the battle against the Shenhe civilization.

(End of this chapter)

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