Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 56 Azir's Move

Chapter 56 Azir's Move
But after Bai Moyu waved his hand, he didn't feel the joy of victory in the war.

Bai Moyu said: "Bai Yu finished counting the number of people, and will attack Shurima civilization in ten weeks.After Bai Moyu finished saying this, Kieran who was at the side said in shock in his heart.

"My God, is he trying to conquer the entire universe?"

Bai Yu nodded, turned around and gave orders.

In the southern universe, Azir has sent all the personnel back to the Shurima galaxy through the wormhole.

Azir seemed to have lost his soul all the time, his eyes were dull and lifeless, as if he was stupid.

In fact, it's not the case, Bai Mochen's move just now had too much impact on him.So much so that he hasn't recovered yet.

Suddenly, after a long time, Azir said in a deep voice, "Nasus activates the first-level combat readiness and the protective shield outside Shurima." Nasus nodded after listening.

Don't look at his extremely plain face now, but his heart can be described as turbulent!Just judging from the results of the battle with the holy angel just now, once Shurima and the angel go to war, the Shurima civilization will suffer the first disastrous defeat in history.

In the beginning, they only wiped out 7 Holy Angel fighters by surprise alone.On the other hand, they and Kamigawa have been wiped out a total of about 600 million people.

Just as Nasus walked out, a Shurima warrior rushed into the hall.

The Shurima warrior knelt on the ground in horror, his body trembling, and said, "Kamikawa surrendered to the angelic civilization a few minutes ago, and the space god Dinghei has fallen. According to reliable information, the King of Darkness——Bai Moyu Prepare to attack Shurima in ten star hours."

"What? You said... you just... Dinghei died?" Azir shouted, very emotional.

He knew that Bai Moyu's strength was terrifying, but he didn't know that he was already so terrifying.

"Who is Dinghei? That is the founder of the Kamigawa civilization! The god who lived for nearly 20 years is actually dead now."

"Dead, how is this possible? How is it possible? It's only been a few minutes?" Azir's eyes were very dull at the moment, as if possessed by a demon, he kept muttering in his mouth.

The Shurima warrior who delivered the message knelt on the ground, his body trembling violently.

At this moment, in his heart, it was like 10 muddy horses galloping past. He thought to himself, he was just a messenger, what happened to him today?Didn't you read the almanac when you went out?Really bad luck.

Azir didn't tell him to back down, he didn't dare to go down rashly.He was aware of Azir's tyranny, especially the innumerable means of torture.

The atmosphere in the entire hall suddenly became silent. One person knelt on the ground, while the other sat on the seat above, his eyes glazed over.

Just like that, after ten minutes, Azir waved his hand to signal him to back off.

After getting the order from your majesty, that Shurima warrior, you can run out of the palace at the fastest speed you have ever seen.

After leaving the gate of the palace, he secretly wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Damn it, I won't send this kind of news again next time. It's really frightening. You must read the almanac when you go out in the future. Yes, you must."

After a long time, there was a burst of laughter from the hall, which scared the two soldiers who were guarding the door.


The news of the Kamigawa civilization's surrender quickly spread to the Angel Nebula.

"What? The Shenhe civilization surrendered, and the space god—Dinghei fell." Liang Bing swallowed seriously and asked.


"My God, I didn't expect that we really won."

"Wow! The Sky Dark King is too powerful! Even a top civilization like the Kamigawa civilization can be defeated."

"His Majesty the Dark King is really the war god of my angel family."

"I didn't expect my brother to be so powerful."

The entire Angel Hall was in a mess at the moment.

"Quiet!" Kesha said.

After hearing Kesha's words, all the angels couldn't help but stop. Although Kesha didn't respond on the surface at the moment, she was already happy in her heart.

"What else did the King of Darkness say?"

"Reporting to Queen Kaisa, in the communication, the Sky Dark King, apart from saying that the Kamigawa civilization surrendered, also said that he plans to attack the Shurima civilization in ten star hours."

After ten weeks of kissing, Kesha attacked the Shurima civilization and her body shook violently. She had also heard about the Shurima legends, and in short, they were all praises for the Shurima civilization.

"Did the Sky Darkness King say the reason?" He Xi asked.

He didn't think that after defeating Shenhe, Bai Moyu would cross trillions of light years to conquer the Shurima Empire in the south for no reason.

"Yes" the female angel paused, and then said, "It is said that 7 holy angel soldiers fell because of the surprise attack of the Holy Angel Legion by the Shurima civilization."

"Pfft! Isn't it, 7 people? Is it because of this?" Liang Bing yelled in surprise.

Liang Bing asked the female angel below again, "It is normal to have casualties in wars, 7 soldiers, this is already the smallest damage."

He Xi also echoed at this time, "Well, throughout the ages, the number of casualties in that cosmic war has been extremely huge. Take the last war as an example, we lost nearly ten million soldiers. These 7 soldiers are indeed regarded as Minimal casualties."

After hearing what He Xi and the other two said, there was a lot of discussion, and finally Bai Yun shook her head and stood up.

She smiled wryly and said, "Sister Hexi's 7 fighters may not be a big deal to you, but to the Holy Angels, this is already a huge casualty."

"Brother told me about the Holy Angel family before, and now there are only 8000 million Holy Angel fighters in the Holy City, which means that the entire Holy Angel family has only 8000 million people."

The female angel just before Bai Yun finished speaking went on to say, "Queen Keisha said according to the news that, except for the last battle, the holy angels in the other battles only sacrificed one or two people."

After listening to the two people's words, the atmosphere of the whole Angel Great Sword became strangely quiet again.

Everyone has complicated expressions on their faces, yes, they don't know.They don't know the Holy Angel clan, and now there are only 8000 million clan members.

After a long time, Kaisha's voice sounded in the hall again.

"Okay, now I'm going to release the task."

"Bai Yun, Yutong, and Liuyue, each of you three will lead your legions to the Shenhe civilization."

"Yes!" The three nodded in unison.

"Okay, today's meeting is over here, you all go down."

Then all the angels left the hall one after another.

"Ling Bing, do you know what Bai Moyu likes to eat?"

Just as Liang Bing was about to leave, she heard Keisha ask such a nonsensical question.

The corners of Liang Bing's eyes twitched and he said, "Sister, you don't know, how could I know? No, you asked me this question, maybe it was for..." At the end of the talk, Liang Bing used the eyes that discovered the new world Looking at Kesha.

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(End of this chapter)

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