Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 66 Lie Yang's Surrender

Chapter 66 Lie Yang's Surrender

Di Hongkun picked up a wine glass from the table, and walked towards Bai Moyu as if he had made up his mind.

He raised the wine glass in his hand and said, "Your Majesty the Dark King, I have a question for you, old man?"

Bai Mochen raised his head and looked at him with some puzzlement.

Di Hongkun said unhurriedly, "Your Majesty the Dark King, what do you think of our Lieyang civilization?"

Bai Mochen was slightly puzzled by Di Hongkun's change, but after he paused for a few seconds, he suddenly understood.

Even after hearing what Di Hongkun said, Kieran sighed slightly and said, "It seems that from now on, the world of main creatures will be honored by angels."

"Teacher, why are you moaning?"

A student next to Kieran was a little puzzled.

"Nothing?" Kieran waved his hand.

After being silent for a moment, Bai Moyu smiled and said, Lieyang is very powerful, and I like it very much.

Bai Moyu's two short sentences made everyone confused, and Kaisha also looked at Bai Moyu with some doubts.

After Bai Moyu finished speaking, Di Hongkun suddenly knelt down after pausing for a second or two.

This scene stunned everyone at the scene, including Keisha and others.

"Father," Di Juechen shouted.

And some other civilizations on the scene, after seeing this situation, also looked at each other in blank dismay.

After finishing all this, Di Hongkun said loudly, "My lord, Di Hongkun sees His Majesty."

"Lieyang God, it's not me you need to see, but her." Bai Moyu pointed to Kaisha beside him.

As soon as Bai Mochen finished speaking, Di Hongkun turned around and saluted Kaisha.

This frightened her quite a bit, she looked at Bai Moyu a little at a loss.

But who knew, Bai Mochen turned his head away all of a sudden.He knew that to truly become a king, things like this had to be on his own.

Bai Moyu can pave all the way and even remove all obstacles for her, but the king must first have the majesty of the king.

He also knew about Angel Nebula and some rumors from the outside world.

Some other civilizations even directly regard Bai Moyu as the only king of angels.

Although Keisha knew about these rumors, it was inevitable that she would have other thoughts about him.

So at the moment Di Hongkun expressed his surrender today, he directly showed everyone that Kaisha was the real king of angels, not him.

Kaisha probably also understood what Bai Mochen meant at this moment, she stretched out her slender hands, and lifted Di Hongkun up from the ground.

"King Lieyang, you really want to submit to our angelic civilization."

Di Hongkun nodded without the slightest hesitation.

That being the case, then my angel civilization and Lieyang civilization will be allies from now on.

After hearing Kaisha's decision, Di Hongkun opened his mouth in surprise, and Bai Moyu who was beside him almost spit out the wine in his mouth.

Bai Moyu was a little speechless, Keisha!Keisha, people have said before that they want to surrender to you, but now you say that you are forming an ally with them.Bai Moyu complained in his heart.

Di Hongkun looked at Bai Moyu in surprise, but after seeing the old man looking at him, Bai Mochen said slightly, "Don't look at me, I'm not the king of angels, since the king of angels has already said, I want to talk to you." Form an ally, then you will be an ally of my angelic civilization from now on."

After hearing this, Di Hongkun's eyes twitched a few times.

Soon, this grand wedding was over, and Bai Moyu and others left Lieyang civilization in a spaceship.

As soon as Bai Moyu and the others left, Di Juechen asked his father in some puzzlement, father!Why did the King of Angels just now...

Before Di Juechen could finish speaking, he was interrupted by his own father.

"Hey, this little girl's future is limitless! She knows which is more important, and he knows that the reason why my Lieyang civilization surrendered to the angel civilization is all because of the King of Darkness, not her holy Kaisa." Emperor Hong Kun paused for a moment, and then continued, "Son! Remember to have a good relationship with Angel Civilization in the future, do you understand?"

Di Juechen looked at his earnest father and nodded.


On a certain light blue planet in the universe, the originally blue sky instantly turned black.

Many black spaceships descended slowly from the sky, and hundreds of meters above the ocean, there were many triangular creatures floating.

Feng Lihen and others walked over in the void, and the triangular creatures saluted Feng Lihen and others after seeing Feng Lihen and others.

"My lord, I don't know what you need us to do."

Feng Lihen said with a smile, prepare your army and prepare to attack the main creature world in two days.

The black triangular creature trembled after hearing Feng Lihen's words, and seemed extremely excited.

"My lord, what is our goal this time?"

"Angel Nebula, you send 30 troops to Angel Civilization, and I will also send another 200 million Void Warriors to assist you in fighting."

In addition, to launch an attack on the major civilizations of the universe, I believe that with the strength of your galaxy empire, it should not be difficult to launch an attack on these middle and advanced civilizations!

The black triangular creature nodded.

"Okay, go down and get ready! We will leave on time in two days."

After Feng Lihen finished speaking, he waved his hand to make the triangular creature retreat.

"Feng Lihen, are you sure to send 30 warriors and 200 million void warriors to die. You must know that there are not only so many white-winged angels in the angelic civilization, but also holy angels!" Gong Bingye asked with a smile.

At the same time, the other three people also nodded, and they all felt that they were asking for their own death.

Feng Lihen smiled coldly at this moment, yes, I just let them act as cannon fodder first, first let the triangular creatures start wars all over the universe, and then equip them with some void fighters, then Bai Moyu will definitely let the holy angel Warriors fought.

And we just need to lead it into the Venus galaxy and obliterate him.

"Gulu! My god, are you really going to do this? Hey, are you crazy? You know, he is not an existence that can be wiped out at will." Gong Bingye swallowed in surprise.Looking at Feng Lihen with a ferocious face, a slight sense of fear rose in his heart.

Xie Ziyue nodded and said, "I think this method is feasible."

In the end, the other two Void Kings also nodded. Although Gong Bingye felt that this plan was a bit absurd, who said that the vote was four to one?

Two days later, large numbers of black troops appeared above a golden planet.

This golden planet is called Red Venus, and there is a medium civilization on it. The soldiers of the Red Gold Civilization started a war with these black armies.

A commander of the red gold army was commanding a battle in a battleship somewhere, and he threw his hat aside in frustration, looking at the golden screen with a grim expression.

"Fuck, what the hell is that black triangular monster? Why do we lose contact with our food as soon as it gets close, and those black troops."


Suddenly a scream sounded behind him, he looked back, and was instantly frightened by the scene in front of him.

In the huge command room, except for him who was still alive, everyone else was beheaded. He picked up the golden spear in a panic and looked around cautiously.

But suddenly he seemed to hear a sound of breaking through the air, and then he saw the body of the person standing on his own, and the blood that sprayed into a fountain.

Only then did he realize that he was already dead.

After that, a soldier in black armor appeared in the command room, and he said in a cold voice, "The No. [-] battleship has been beheaded!" After speaking, he disappeared into the battleship.

Such scenes appear in almost every battlefield.

 I will use the holy sword in my hand to clear away all obstacles for you. ——— Bai Moyu's quotations.

(End of this chapter)

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