Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 67 The Outbreak of Space War

Chapter 67 The Outbreak of Space War
In the distant Angel Nebula, in the Angel Hall, Keisha sat on a chair with a sad face and thought.

The bottom was full of angels, but at this moment, an angel suddenly ran in from the outside and said loudly, "Queen Keisha, planet B20 has fallen, and a hundred sisters died in battle."

The female angel's words were like a fuse, instantly igniting the entire hall.

"What? Another 100 sisters died in battle."

"Which civilization dares to attack our angelic civilization?"

"Queen Keisha, Yutong requests to fight." The angel Yutong stood up from the side.

"Angel Liuyue requests to go out."

"Angel Bai Ning, request to go out."

Looking at the angel below who asked to fight, Keisha put her hands on her forehead with some headaches.

However, at this moment, another angel walked in from the outside.

"Queen Keisha, Kieran, God of Time of Kamigawa Civilization, asks to see you."

Keisha shook her hand, "Call him in."

"Hey! How did the God of Time come?"

"Could it be that something happened to the Kamigawa civilization, it shouldn't be."

Soon, an old man walked in.Kieran, Vivi saluted Kesha.

"Queen Kaisa, I wonder if your angelic civilization has been attacked by a mysterious civilization?"

Kieran's words hit the nail on the head, and instantly attracted the attention of all the angels.

Keisha nodded with some doubts, how did you know?
Kieran took a step back in disbelief, and said, "How is this possible? Queen Kaisa, just over three stars ago, all civilizations, large and small, in the known universe were attacked by a mysterious force. Even my Kamigawa, Deno, and Lieyang civilizations were attacked by this mysterious civilization, and I didn't expect the angel civilization to be attacked."

"What? You just said that all civilizations in the universe are under attack? How is this possible? The most powerful civilizations in the known universe..." Liang Bing hesitated to speak.

"My God! Which civilization has such a powerful strength?"

"Declaring war on all civilizations, this is too..."

The angels on both sides communicated one after another, and the entire hall was noisy.

"It's a triangular civilization."

Suddenly, a cold voice came into the hall, and Bai Moyu sat in his seat with a cold face.

Behind her followed closely, three fully armed holy angel warriors.

"See His Majesty the Darkness King!"

"En! Everyone, get up." Bai Mochen waved his hands.Then he looked at Kieran and said, "Don't worry, I will let the holy angel play, you don't have to worry."

At this moment, Kieran said again, "Your Majesty, did the triangle you mentioned just give birth to that?" Kieran asked cautiously.

Bai Moyu nodded without hesitation, it was indeed that civilization.

Hearing the conversation between the two, Keisha gradually couldn't sit still.

She asked, "Which civilization is that civilization? And what is the triangular civilization you are talking about?"

Bai Moyu turned his head and said slowly: Triangular body civilization is also known as water body civilization. Most of them are cultivated from the ocean. It took the angels a full 7 years, and the brain development rate is only 35%; while the dolphins only need 3000 years. It can reach 43%; and dolphins can also use microwave attacks, and the bodies of triangular creatures can perceive the existence of wormholes.However, they are all creatures that use water as their carrier, so they will only choose planets with a lot of water sources.


Suddenly, there was a sound of swallowing saliva in the whole hall.

At this moment, whether it was Kaisha, Hexi or other angels, after hearing these data, they all looked at Bai Moyu in disbelief.

"Mo Tian, ​​Feixue, Xuetong, the three of you each lead one hundred thousand holy angel fighters to the east, west, east, and west directions." After Bai Moyu finished speaking, he looked at Kaisha again.

Keisha, I need you to go to the north.I want to see how powerful the trained angel fighters can be.Can you see my proposal?Bai Moyu asked.

Kaisha sat on the throne and pondered for a while, then nodded, "Okay, then I will thank you for guarding the Angel Nebula." After speaking, she stood up and said to the angel warriors below, "Let's go!"

After successive orders were issued, countless spaceships took off into the outer space. Bai Moyu stood outside the Angel Hall and sighed softly as he watched the spaceships drifting away.

"King, I feel that this is not an ordinary battle, this is a premeditated battle." Just as he turned to leave, Bai Yu's voice came from behind him.

"Yu, who do you think it is?"

"Your Majesty, I think it should be them." Bai Yu said sullenly, and Bai Mochen said with a smile, "Yes! No, who could they be? My strength has already made them extremely afraid. And this time It is the best time for them to eliminate me."

"Your Majesty...you..." Bai Yu hesitated to speak.

"Hehe! This is my destiny, and it is also my doom. I remember that there was once a cultivation civilization, where people often said that heavenly catastrophe can be prevented, but human catastrophe can't be prevented anywhere."

Bai Yu's eyes gradually became moist, and he choked up and said, "Your Majesty, is there really no other way? You are not only our Majesty, but also our family! We can't bear you."

After listening to Bai Yu's words, Bai Mochen laughed and said, "Okay, don't cry, you will lose your face if you cry again. I never thought that the majestic guardian angel Bai Yu would cry."

Bai Mochen wiped away the tears from Bai Yu's face with his hand, and said: Isn't this day coming sooner or later?Every day of my 10,000+ years was nothing but war, war, war and war, and this time I want to take a break, okay?

After Bai Moyu finished speaking, he spread his wings and flew back to the palace.Bai Yu was left alone outside the Angel Hall.

Bai Yu looked a little lonely and said to herself, "Yes! It's time for you to take a rest, you have too many burdens on your body."

"The king has to bear everything and bear everything. If he wants to wear a crown, he must bear the weight." Suddenly Bai Han's voice sounded behind her.

Bai Yu raised his face and said, then he has too many burdens on his shoulders!he……

"Enough Bai Yu, we have neither the right nor the qualification to manage the affairs of the king."

……………[I am the space dividing line. ]
On the back of a planet 100 million light-years away from the Angel Nebula, a large number of black warships appeared.

A heavily armed black-armored soldier said hoarsely to the people behind him, the angel civilization army has been dispatched, and it's time for us to attack.

"For the glory of the Void King!"

In an instant

Thousands and tens of thousands of spaceships are moving towards the Angel Nebula.

 I'm so tired, I want to take a break, can I? ———Bai Moyu Quotations
(End of this chapter)

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