Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 72 Angel's Heart

Chapter 72 Angel's Heart
Time flies, and thousands of years pass by like a fleeting moment.

Angel Nebula, in Melo's Heavenly Court, on the sacred Angel Hall, several angel warriors came one after another.

"Queen Keisha, what happened?" Yan asked curiously.

Keisha shook her head, she didn't rush to answer Angel Yan's question, but instead said in the empty hall: What's the matter?These fighters of mine are not bad!

The angel asked Zhi Xin coldly and curiously, "What's wrong with the queen today, why is she talking to the air?" The angel Zhi Xin shook her head, indicating that she didn't know.

However, when all of them were wondering, another angel came out from behind a pillar.

She was dressed in platinum armor with a long sword hanging from her waist.

"Queen Keisha!" Angel Alan walked to the center and saluted!
"Oh! I haven't seen you Alan for more than 2 years!" Keisha sighed: How time flies!

"She is an older generation fighter?" Angel Yan thought!

Ailan seemed to feel that Yan was looking at her eyes, and she couldn't help but said a little funny: What's the matter, Yutong, is there a flower on my face?
Alan's words made Kesha startled, "It seems that she still doesn't know the news of Yutong's fall!"

Angel Leng and the others looked at her suspiciously.

"Ailan, Yutong fell in a war between angels and demons 1 years ago. Her name is Angel Yan and she is Yutong's daughter."

Alan's body couldn't help trembling. Ten thousand years ago, she had a very good relationship with Yutong and Liuyue, but now...

She looked around again and said: Liuyue is not here, I am afraid she died in battle too!Kesha nodded.

"Queen Keisha, I'm sorry, I lost my composure just now. The main purpose of my coming this time is to give you something!"


Alan smiled mysteriously, and then a hexagonal white object appeared in her hand, emitting dazzling light from top to bottom.

"This is……"

"This is a treasure trove of knowledge built by the head of the legion based on that knowledge base, or, it can be said to be a super large astronomical computer, whose calculation speed is hundreds or even thousands of times faster than other astronomical computers. "

"What? So powerful."

Not only Keisha, but even the other six angels looked at what Alan was holding in surprise.

"Queen Keisha, this is also a gift from the Legion Commander, please don't blame her for leaving."

After speaking, Alan gave Kesha the method of using the Angel Heart.

"That's right!" Just as Ailan was about to leave, she turned her head and said, "Queen, the legion commander asked me to tell you that there is a powerful legion behind you.After Alan finished speaking, he spread his wings and flew away.

Alan's words kept lingering in Kesha's mind.Can't go away for a long time: Yun'er, thank you.

After a long while, Angel Yan asked: Your Majesty, the one just now was...

"Yan, do you know the Tianyun Legion?"

"Tianyun Legion, um! I have learned that this legion has fought more than 3 times, of which more than 200 times were based on fewer enemies and more enemies, and there was another time when 100 soldiers wiped out [-] million enemies."

"My God! More than 3 times, how could there be so many wars!"


"Queen, since they are so powerful, why did they leave Angel Nebula?"

"Hey! Yan, it's better for you not to know about these things. By the way, have you found any traces of Morgana?"

(End of this chapter)

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