Chapter 73

When the three words Morgana were mentioned, the entire hall fell silent again in an instant.

Yan said with some regret: Report that the queen has not found out yet.

"Okay! Keep searching. We just finished the third war. Her subordinates were killed and wounded. She doesn't have much strength left, but she herself was scratched by the silver wings. A wound of this level, Even his five generations of gods may not be able to recover! Well, you all go down."

"Yes, Queen!"

Yan and others saluted with their right hands.


Chiwu star system

Milky Way

On the earth, there is a huge mothership moored on the sea somewhere in China, and around him are battle groups of all sizes.

But at this time, an amazing scene appeared. Many soldiers in black armor appeared above the mothership.

This time, the black-armored warrior jumped down from the sky without any damage, just like the fairy in the novel of cultivating immortals.

"Wow, this is the Juxia, so big."

Xin Zhao, can you be a little promising?In the future, there will be more spectacular things than this. If you are the one who is so surprised and deceitful, how will you play the ball and fight in the future.Lena reprimanded at the side with a bit of resentment.

"Hahahaha!" Reina's words made the people next to her laugh.

Only then did everyone ride forward in a triangular formation.

While walking, a discordant voice suddenly sounded.

"Then what? Does anyone know where the toilet is?" Ge Xiaolun jumped on the ground impatiently.

"Ah!!!" A black line appeared on the heads of everyone.

Finally, under the guidance of a soldier, Ge Xiaolun, Liu Chuang, and Zhao Xin completed the glorious revolutionary cause as they wished.

In a certain laboratory, many people suddenly appeared at this moment.

And a middle-aged man in a green military uniform stepped out of it and walked towards Lena and the others.

"Old Du, it's been a long time." Sun Wukong took the lead in a non-standard military salute.

"Haha, Wukong! Come, this set of gods and armor is for you." Ducao pointed to the black armor suspended in a blue bottle.

"Hey, this is the Xiongbing Company! Hmm! All of them are really not bad, it's okay, Lao Du!" This was a voice that didn't distinguish between male and female.

I saw a beautiful man with ice-blue long hair walking over in a green military uniform. He reached out and tapped Ge Xiaolun's black armor, then walked to Ducao and said.

"Hey! Bai Moyu, didn't you say you can't come? Why come here again now?"

"Tch, I just heard them say that the Xiongbing Company is very powerful, so I just came here to see if it is as powerful as they said." Bai Mochen curled his lips and said a little unhappy.

At this time, Ge Xiaolun swallowed his saliva, and said cautiously: General Ducao, I don't know who this is...

Ge Xiaolun's words made everyone look at Bai Moyu, Du Kao didn't hide it, and said with a smile: He is...

My name is Bai Moyu, male, 21 years old, my position is military doctor, and my rank is major general!
Before he could finish speaking, Bai Mochen spoke first.

"A military doctor? We don't need a military doctor. Besides, you are weak and weak, what can you do on the battlefield in the future?" Liu Chuang whispered beside him.

After hearing Liu Chuang's words, before several other people could react, Ducao's expression changed drastically.

With a bang, Liu Chuang flew upside down and hit the hard titanium alloy steel plate.And he was smashed out of a big hole by the thick steel plate.

"Huh! Weak, I'm sorry, you used the wrong word. This time I only use two points of strength, and you won't have such good luck next time. Okay, I'll go back first. If you have physical problems If you want something comfortable, come to me." Bai Mochen didn't care about everyone's expressions, they didn't seem to have thought that this seemingly soft and weak person could send Liu Chuang flying with one punch.

After Bai Moyu left, Du Kao said: "Well, now that there are people beyond people, there must be a sky beyond the sky!"Day by day, I thought that I had infinite power, so I could do whatever I wanted, but now, I was thrown out with a punch, alas, what a shame.Ducao walked out with a face full of helplessness.

"I'm going, what kind of perverted power is this? Last time I competed with Liu Chuang, I was directly bounced away by Liu Chuang, but this time Liu Chuang was directly punched away by someone." Yes It is said that among them, Ge Xiaolun was the most shocked person.

"Hey, do you know Qiangwei? Why can't I feel the dark energy in him?"

Faced with Leina's question, Qiangwei shook her head helplessly, "I don't know him."If you want to know, then you have to ask my father.

"I'll go. I didn't expect him to be so good-looking, but he turned out to be a man."

Xin Zhao yelled with some dissatisfaction.Ge Xiaolun suddenly asked a little strangely at this moment: Did we forget something?After speaking, he looked at Liu Chuang in the distance with pitiful eyes.

After Ge Xiaolun's reminder, everyone immediately ran towards Liu Chuang.After they helped Liu Chuang up, they were surprised to find that there was no major injury on Liu Chuang's body, it was just scratches.

"I'm going, I didn't expect him to be so precise in his grasp of strength. Hitting people so far without hurting the internal organs at all, tsk tsk, is he really a military doctor? Not a super soldier." If you look carefully, you may You will find a golden light flashing in Reina's eyes.

Chuangzi made you feel miserable now that you were stunned just now!It's a good thing he didn't do anything cruel. If he had really done something cruel, you might not be just lying here now.

"Qiangwei, what is this person's background and why is he so powerful? I remember that I have the gene of Nuoxing God of War in my body! Why is there such a big gap?" Liu Chuang asked curiously, while Qiangwei shook her head, indicating that she did not like it. Know.

Ge Xiaolun and Zhao Xin supported Liu Chuang to walk forward together.

"Liu Chuang, you should be careful next time you speak. Forget it, this time, you can take it as a chance to gain wisdom!"

Lena sighed helplessly, and then left the laboratory with the man in the middle.

Bai Moyu, who came out of the laboratory, was standing on the top of the Juxia, looking at the blue sea in the distance.

There are so many thoughts in my heart, Xiaosha, how are you doing recently?Alas, thanks to the fusion of the heart of space, if only relying on the overlapping of my own atoms, I am afraid it will take more than 3 million years to be resurrected, and there may even be a situation where the treasure house of knowledge is incomplete, but if the heart of space is added, then The resurrection time will be greatly reduced, and the damage to the treasure house of knowledge will be very small.

 Wherever the Holy Light shines is where we fight. ——Quotes from Bai Moyu.

(End of this chapter)

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