Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 84 Meet Again

Chapter 84 Meet Again
After Yan, Ah Zhui, Zhi Xin and others retreated, Kaisha left without staying in the hall for long.It's just that she didn't go back to her bedroom to rest, but came to the forest on Luo Yunxing not far from Melo's Heavenly Court. After the second war between angels and demons, she didn't want to participate in the war between Kaisha and Liangbing. Tianji Wang Hexi lived in seclusion on this planet, and was sitting on the grass in a white backless dress, waiting for Kaisha to arrive.

"Queen Keisha! Why do you want to come to my place today?"

"Why aren't you welcome? Hexi, we haven't seen each other for 2 years. Can't I come to see my former close friend?"

"Of course you are welcome! It's just that the queen is here today not just to catch up on the past, right?"

"Since you have said so, then I will not go around in circles. In fact, I found some traces of Morgana in the earth stars of the Chiwu star system in the Milky Way."

"Queen! Do you still need me to take action?"

"No need! This time I plan to go in person, so I want you to help me guard Tiancheng. Although the current young angels are enthusiastic, they are not enough to take on the task alone."

"Well! The Queen should give them more chances. After all, we have all gone through those complicated times and are not as pure as they are. Is Zhi Xin getting along well with them?"

"Well! Your student is now Yan's boudoir close friend."

"Yan is a pure fighter, seeing her is like seeing her mother Yutong."

"Aren't you a pure warrior? However, there are unknown dark energy life forms on the earth. I plan to investigate in detail after I finish solving Morgana."

"Well! I'm already old and after Bai Yun and I left Tiancheng, Ah Zhui, Zhi Xin, and Yan all have certain abilities. Oh! By the way, there is still cold."

"Well! Before I came to you, Yun'er asked Alan to give me the angel heart developed through his knowledge treasure house."

"Well! Queen, you can go to Earth to deal with Morgana at ease, and leave Tiancheng to me."

"Well! Then I'll go back to Tiancheng to prepare, Hexi, you are not young anymore, it's time to find a suitable male god."

"Thank you! It's just that I think it's better to finish defending Tiancheng first."

Hexi looked at Kaisha who was flying farther and farther, and sat down again, and because of Kaisha's words, he recalled Xiao Yu who was rescued by him 8000 years ago.Although Hexi, who was still young at the time, didn't understand what love was, the two of them still developed some feelings during the hundred years of Xiao Yu's recovery.Although Xiao Yu left later, He Xi never forgot him.If it weren't for the fact that the entire angelic civilization has been affecting her thoughts these years, she would still be sitting in the room at night thinking about the past between herself and Xiao Yu as before.

"Where have you been, Xiao Yu? Why haven't you come to see me once in such a long time? Have you forgotten me?"

"Oh! Didn't expect my brother to have such a beauty in mind? It seems that my trip is not empty-handed."

"Who are you? Why did you appear here? Does the younger brother you mentioned have anything to do with the Xiao Yu I mentioned?"

"Of course! The Xiao Yu you just mentioned is my younger brother, and I am his older brother named Xiao Chen. Of course I came to kill you by appearing in front of you, or it was because you saved him. Neither do I. would be reduced to exile."

"Hmph! It depends on your ability to kill me. But I'm curious how you know I'm on this planet?"

He Xi looked at Xiao Chen in front of him with disdain and confusion. The clothes on her body had already changed from a backless dress to a silver armor and a blue cloak that symbolized that she was the King of Tianji.With a cold laugh, a long sword was summoned and held tightly in his right hand.

"You don't need to know these things, let me see the strength of Tianji King among the four kings of angels. Anyway, you have no chance of winning in front of me, but I will let your corpse follow you after you die. That stupid brother met."

Xiao Chen didn't want to talk too much nonsense with He Xi, so he looked at He Xi contemptuously, slowly raised his hand holding An Ji tightly, and aimed the spear point at He Xi.

In an instant, the two king-level weapons, Anji and Tianji, collided together, and the energy fluctuations generated shook the surrounding trees and made the originally calm lake suddenly become choppy.

"Not bad! A mere sixth-generation king with a peak divine body can barely block my Anji's attack, but it's still far behind me. Diablo even stabs!"

The spear in Xiao Chen's hand turned into more than a dozen extremely fast rays of light and pierced Hexi. Although Hexi managed to avoid four or five rays of light, he was still hit by the remaining rays and one of them hit back. Hexi's abdomen.Although it wasn't fatal, it still caused Hexi to kneel down on the ground with one knee clutching his abdomen in pain.

"Ha, is this the gap in the divine body? Xiao Yu looks like I, Hexi, will not be able to see you again in this life, nor will I be able to tell you what I really think in my heart. I'm sorry Kaisha! It seems that I can't help it Guarding Tiancheng for you, and Zhixin, the teacher may leave you forever, I hope you can be better and stronger than the teacher and me."

"Has King Tianji finished his last words? Then goodbye, I will send my stupid brother to see you soon."

"Brother! It seems that you don't know how serious the consequences of angering me are."

"Xiao Yu, why did you appear here? Do you want to kill my brother because of a woman?"

"Do you think I dare not? And I, Xiao Yu, do not have a brother like you. Since you almost killed me for the throne, I am no longer my brother. I just called you brother to be considered polite. "

"Really! It seems that I am a bastard in your eyes. But Xiao Yu, remember that sooner or later, I will let you taste the taste of complete failure. I have other things, so I won't talk nonsense with you here gone."

When Hexi thought she was going to die under Xiao Chen's gun and was about to upload her last words, Xiao Yu, whom she had been thinking about day and night, appeared.And when Xiao Chen saw Xiao Yu who suddenly appeared, he didn't intend to fight him to the death here, and left after a few short and brotherly conversations.Only Hexi, who was still kneeling on the ground, and Xiao Yu, who was wearing a black armor and a dark golden cloak, were left, but the surroundings were broken trees and shallow puddles of different sizes.

"Xiao Yu! You finally came back to see me, I really... really miss you, don't leave me anymore, okay? I am willing to be your guardian angel and protect your life, even if it means giving up my Tianji King name."

"Well! He Xi is not the time to talk about these things, I will take you to heal your injuries first. Let's talk about these things after your injuries are healed." Xiao Yu couldn't bear to help He Xi up.

 Yoho, according to the suggestions of readers, I have added a few more characters to this novel, I hope you like it.

(End of this chapter)

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