Dark Angel of Super Seminary

Chapter 85 Angel Comes

Chapter 85 Angel Comes
After arriving at Hexi Palace, Xiao Yu gently put her on the bed.

"Xi'er, I'm sorry, I'm late. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have been injured so badly." Xiao Yu said with a somewhat apologetic expression.

"Yu, San... 3 years, why haven't you visited me once in these 3 years? Do you know how I have come here for so many years?"

"Xi'er...I..." Xiao Yu didn't know what to say at the moment, but buried his head deeply in his chest.

"Xiao Yu, talk, why don't you say it? Do you know how much I have missed you all these years? And you? Do you miss me?" Hexi shouted at him at this moment.

With somewhat apologetic eyes, Xiao Yu quickly said, Xi'er, please calm down first.I haven't come to see you for so many years because of the coup d'état in the shadow civilization.

"Civil turmoil? Are you injured?" Hexi asked quickly.

It has to be said that girls in love will indeed lose their minds, even angel eyes will lose their minds.

"No, I haven't come to see you for so many years just because I'm afraid that my coming will disturb your life." Xiao Yu said.

He Xi was a little puzzled and asked: What do you mean that your arrival will disturb my life?
Xiao Yu shrugged his shoulders and said, you should know that the Shadow Civilization and the Angel Civilization are not at the same level of civilization at all.

"Well, you told me before. Shadow civilizations generally have three or four generations of gods, but what does it matter? Now the angel civilization is about to develop to that level, and I have studied it for so many years and now it is six generations of gods. If With the technical help of the holy angel family, it may be faster."

As soon as He Xi finished speaking, Xiao Yu became surprised when he looked at her.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you looking at me like this?"

Xiao Yu wanted to make his mouth water, which civilization did you just mention?Holy angel civilization?This...how is this possible?They should have been shattered together with that universe tens of thousands of years ago.

"What shattered?"

Just when Hexi was puzzled, Xiao Yu suddenly grabbed her arm, Xier, told me they had to be wings, golden wings, and wearing golden armor.Is their king called Bai Moyu?

Hexi was questioned at this time, and her brain short-circuited instantly. She nodded in shock. He didn't know why Xiao Yu was so excited after hearing the civilization of the holy angels.

"Xiao Yu, what's wrong with you? How do you know about Bai Moyu?"

"Heh! How can I not know his name? May I ask, is there anyone in that universe who doesn't know him? Killing Angel Bai Moyu."

"What Killing Angel, I think he's kind and good-looking. He's helped us a lot."

After listening to He Xi's words, Xiao Yu stood up, shook his head, and said with a sneer: That's because you don't know the real him. When you really get to know him, you will find that he is actually the most terrifying existence.

"In 10069 in the divine calendar, Bai Moyu fought against millions of troops in the Battle of Tianyu, and finally beheaded a million troops by himself. In the battle of Shenwu in 10070 in the divine calendar, Bai Moyu slaughtered 1000 million captives. In the battle of Luomoxing in 10099 in the divine calendar , the God’s Punishment Army led by Bai Moyu defeated Star Lord Luomo, and then slaughtered all the billions of living beings on the entire planet, leaving no one alive." After Xiao Yu said one thing after another, Crane Hee can no longer be calm at this time.She never thought that a handsome young man like Bai Moyu would do such a thing.

"Xiao Xi, were you shocked when you heard it? Hehe, Bai Mochen slaughtered all his brothers and sisters in order to win the throne of the Holy Angel."

"What... he... actually..." He Xi was so shocked that he couldn't speak at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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