Chapter 26
"You are Fengyuan!"

Feng Yuan frowned and smiled.

Chen Ming trembled even more.

She is Fengyuan, and the seven or eight-year-old boy who uses fire by her side is...

[Power of Faith +1]

The system's prompt sounded in Feng Yuan's mind, and then, the Zhou Zheng-looking young man from the Feng family knelt down towards her.

"Miss Feng Qi met, pay homage to Feng Zu!"

Feng Qi had already remembered her identity when Feng Yuan said that she was from the Feng family.

No wonder he felt familiar when she first appeared.

Needless to say, the identity of the person next to her.

It must be Feng Zu.

"En." Feng Yuan nodded.

Xiao Feng'er immediately followed suit and nodded.

Feng Qi lowered his head, ever since he knew Feng Zu's identity, he never dared to look at him again.

To look more is blasphemy.

How can he be able to let the eldest lady and Fengzu stand up for him?
Thinking about it, he couldn't help trembling with excitement.

"Even if you are the young lady of Sifeng's family, you can't beat anyone casually!" Chen Ming recovered from his fear and said firmly.

If he dared not resist after being humiliated by Feng Yuan to this point today, then he would never be able to hold his head up in the north of the city again.

Feng Yuan said disdainfully and contemptuously: "Do you really think that our Feng family can be bullied by small families like you?"

Small door and small household.

The Chen family can dominate one side in the north of the city, this idiom is basically slapping them in the face.


These words came from the mouth of the eldest lady of the Feng family, the master of Feng Zu, and everyone didn't even have the courage to refute.

"You have to give me an explanation today!" Chen Ming said again: "My front teeth are all, all rotten!"

Chen Ming is one of the candidates for the future head of the Chen family. His appearance is not bad, and his talent is not bad.

Now that the front row of front teeth is gone, how can he go out and hang around in the future?
"Hmm..." Feng Yuan heard the words, looked at his bloody mouth and leaky front teeth, and said to him seriously: "I think I did a good deed."

Everyone looked at Feng Yuan.

"From now on, you will be like this before every fight." Feng Yuan bared her teeth and said, "Then, they all died laughing. Winning without fighting is the best strategy, the best strategy!"



"It's so vivid."

As soon as Feng Yuan said this, many people watching the excitement couldn't help laughing out loud.

Feng Qi didn't even hide it, and laughed out loud.

"You!" Chen Ming's eyes were shattered, his whole body trembled, and finally a mouthful of blood spewed out.

"Tsk." Feng Yuan sighed, "You vomit blood? It's really useless."

"Really! No! Useful!" Xiao Feng'er's milk doll imitated her words.

"Of course, the matter is not so easy to solve." Feng Yuan said: "I'm waiting for you to come to Feng's house with a generous gift, and plead guilty."

After speaking, Feng Yuan turned around and planned to leave.

Before leaving, she reminded again: "Oh, just prepare the gift according to the few artifacts on your body."

Chen Ming was furious, and was humiliated again and again by Feng Yuan. He became so angry that he tilted his head and passed out.

The two walked around the city again.

When the sky gradually darkened, the two returned to Feng's house.

As a result, as soon as she entered Feng's house, Fengxian and his wife came up to welcome her, and pulled her up and down with concern to look back and forth several times, and they were relieved after confirming that she was not injured.

It turned out that during the time she was shopping with Xiao Feng'er, the news of her beating up Chen Ming had already spread throughout Liangzhou City.

"Miss, you are really amazing!"

"It's so relieved! I see that Chen Ming has been upset for a long time!"

"Don't worry, miss, if the members of the Chen family dare to make trouble, we will never let them touch a finger of yours!"

 thump thump thump, a sudden update!
  Surprise no!
  Do you have a friend to leave a message, the comment area is so quiet

(End of this chapter)

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