Chapter 27
Feng Yuan calmly took the expressions of those people back into her eyes.

It's not pretending?

really weird.

Seeing her some time ago was like seeing a mouse crossing the street, but now she is yelling 'Miss, we protect you'.

Do humans like to slap themselves so much?

Moreover, what surprised Feng Yuan even more was——

The system actually started to remind her that she had collected the power of faith broadcast.

It is estimated that dozens of them have been collected.

"By the way." Feng Yuan asked the system: "How is the progress of the Power of Faith collection?"

If Yaoguang hasn't come back yet, and she completes the task first and leaves, he must die of grievances?
Feng Yuan could even imagine Yao Guang's eyes filled with bright teardrops.

"It's only a half hour..." the system said.

"You don't have any data to return to the host in this system? Then who knows if you have secretly withheld my power of faith!"

The system was rendered speechless by Feng Yuan.

It does not have exact data here, only a rough picture of the progress bar can be seen.

"I will feed back the host's opinions to the system space." The system only said.

Feng Yuan laughed and ignored it.

system:! ! !
To laugh at it!Don't think it can't be heard!

It's not its fault!It is because the system space does not give it detailed data, what can it do?
The system panics.

Thinking of just now on the street, Feng Yuan actually broke through the constraints of the system space and used spiritual power...

The system thought with relief, it will never notify Feng Yuan after the punishment is over!

But who knows...

The system waited for a long time, but did not wait for the punishment notice from the system space.


System gasses.

In fact, after Feng Yuan used her spiritual power, she was waiting for the punishment in the system space just like the system, but who knows, after such a long time, she didn't feel it at all.

When she woke up, the punishment notice hadn't come down yet.


Have you succumbed to the magic power of her demon god?
Feng Yuan was still waking up, the main courtyard sent someone to inform her that people from the Chen family had arrived.

Feng Yuan slumped lazily on the stool, letting the maid help her put on her clothes and tie a simple bun for her.

"I'm really not used to it without your service in the future." Feng Yuan lazily said to the maid.

It's hard to go from luxury to frugality.

If there is no maid to help her dress and tie her hair in the future, she will definitely find it troublesome and unwilling to do it herself.

When the maid heard this, she blushed instantly, and said timidly: "Taozi is willing to serve the eldest lady for the rest of her life."

She thought too.

But the task is completed, she has to get away and leave.

Feng Yuan sighed, got up and walked towards the main courtyard.

At this time, the entire Feng family has become lively.

Most of the Feng family came to the courtyard of the main courtyard, wanting to watch the fun.

As soon as Feng Yuan arrived, everyone's eyes fell on her.

Many people have already bowed their waists to salute Xiao Feng'er.

The Patriarch of the Chen family, Chen Zhonghai, also smiled and cupped his hands, saying: "This is the famous Fengzu, right? I have admired his name for a long time. It is a great fortune to meet you today."

He said he came to apologize to Feng Yuan.

As a result, after Feng Yuan appeared, he didn't even look at it, and first got close to Feng Zu.

It was clear what he was thinking.

Feng Xian's complexion became even uglier in an instant.

Xiao Feng'er put on a stiff face, and waved without saying a word.

A ray of strong spiritual power went straight to Chen Zhonghai's eyes.

Chen Zhonghai didn't even have the ability to forcibly take this blow.

He rolled and barely avoided the blow.

Chen Zhonghai was shocked, but still had that humble look on his face, and asked Xiao Feng'er why he did it suddenly.

 Do you think the system space will be so kind?Eat melon face.jpg
(End of this chapter)

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