Chapter 35
The Bitter Cold Forest is said to have been created by a disaster a hundred years ago.

Looking up, there are only dead trees and thick snow.

It is precisely because of the difficult conditions here that the beasts that can survive here are even more ferocious.

Many people will come to Bitter Cold Forest if they want ferocious contracted beasts.

Therefore, every year, many people die at the mouth of wild beasts in the bitter cold forest, and never return.

Feng Yuan sighed, and silently circulated her spiritual power again in the system's notification tone, isolating the cold from her body.

It's not that she doesn't respect the system.

It's the current environment that doesn't respect her bottom line.

Ever since Feng Yuan entered the Bitter Cold Forest, she has been looking for Yao Guang's figure.

In the forest of bitter cold, it was already dark before the unitary hour.

The roars of various beasts sounded, just like singing, you sing me and me.

Feng Yuan searched for another hour, but still couldn't find any news of Yaoguang.

She found a crooked neck tree, lay on it, and planned to squat for a while, and then look for someone after dawn.


A strange appearance appeared in the Bitter Cold Forest.

All the ferocious beasts fought and preyed in the dark night, but they only bypassed one area.

Xiao Feng'er's feathers were naturally contaminated with his breath.

The weak prey on the strong, so they are naturally afraid of the coercion of the strong.

After waking up, Feng Yuan still didn't wait for a beast.

She took out the phoenix feather, thinking about how angry Xiao Feng'er would be if she lost the phoenix feather.

Yaoguang was separated from the main force because of the Thundercaller's pursuit.

Then she can try her luck by finding a spirit beast to take her to call Thunder Beast to see if Yaoguang is still there.

Yes, best.

She left with a bright light.

If you are not there...

She slaughtered the Thundercaller first.

Feng Yuan couldn't control the fluctuation of magic power for a moment, and a powerful coercion swept across the entire Bitter Cold Forest.

Most of the spirit beasts in the Bitter Cold Forest roared out of fear.

Coincidentally, there is one near Fengyuan.

With a milky cry, it is probably a spirit beast that has just begun to think.

Feng Yuan jumped up and landed in front of the spirit beast in the next second.

"Where is the Thunder Calling Beast?" Feng Yuan asked.

The moment the little beast saw Feng Yuan, it trembled.

It didn't know what was in front of it, and why it felt more frightening than the coercion of the Thundercaller Beast.

"Take me there." Feng Yuan said incredulously.

The Bitter Cold Forest naturally has its own rules of survival among beasts.

The little beast should know the location of the Thundercaller.

The little beast trembled for a while, turned around silently, and ran fast with all the strength in its body.

Seeing this, Feng Yuan followed behind it unhurriedly, but the distance between them was constantly shortening.

And her ears kept calling for help.


"My God, what kind of beast is this! How did it appear here!"

"Ah, I don't want to die, I want to go back alive! I haven't taken revenge yet!"

"Stay steady, everyone, don't mess around."

Feng Yuan paused.


She suddenly turned around and walked towards the direction where those people were calling for help.

As long as there is a slight clue that Yaoguang may be found, she will not miss it.

"Help me! This princess can get you any high-level pills you want!"

As soon as Fengyuan appeared, Huangfule was the first to see her.

Feng Yuan looked at the beast.

She gave Yaoguang an artifact for body protection, and with the ability of this beast, he couldn't hurt him.

So, Feng Yuan turned around and prepared to leave here.

(End of this chapter)

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