Chapter 36
The life and death of these people has nothing to do with her.

But the moment she turned around, she heard that gentle voice again.

He says--

"Girl, get out of here. We can. Take care!"

It stands to reason that their ability is more than enough to kill this beast, but this beast attacked and killed the boss of the mercenary, so they messed up and fell into the current situation.

Hearing this, Feng Yuan glanced at the sword pinned to her waist.

Before leaving, she drew out the sword.


The fierce beast that was domineering and wanted to swallow them all fell in front of them like this.

It has a sword stuck in its chest.

Do not look down.

Everyone was still screaming in panic, the beast had lost its breath.

No one saw this absurd and funny scene.

Because Feng Yuan has followed the little beast leading the way a long way.

Fu Yiqing still maintained the posture of attacking with a sword in his hand, staring blankly at Feng Yuan's back.

It was the first time that he, who had always been mild and distant, showed such a disrespectful expression.

He thought that he would never forget that scene in his life.

Feng Yuan suddenly appeared in front of them, she saved them without asking for anything in return.

He had never met such a woman.

Cold and kind.

The two obviously contradictory traits are so suitable and fascinating when they appear on her body.

Feng Yuan didn't know that the people she casually saved could make up so many brains.

Led by the little beast, she almost passed through the entire Bitter Cold Forest.

Finally, the little beast stopped.

Ahead is the Thundercaller Beast's territory, and it dare not enter.

It looked up at Feng Yuan, with a hint of pleading in its eyes.

Feng Yuan waved her hand, and the little beast fled away.

Feng Yuan moved her ears and walked in the direction of the sound.

After a while, she saw a huge beast.

Seeing the lightning flashing on its body, Feng Yuan knew that she had found the right beast.

She observed the Thundercaller carefully, and finally found a blackened scar on its front leg.

That was the appearance of the scar caused by the artifact she gave Yaoguang.

"Hi!" Feng Yuan called.

Calling Thunder Beast suddenly turned its head, looking at Feng Yuan with scarlet eyes.

"Where is the person who injured you?" Feng Yuan pointed to the wound on his leg.

The thunder and lightning on the summoning beast could almost hear crackling after Feng Yuan asked this sentence.

It glanced at the cliff in front of it, and then at Fengyuan.

The wind blows.

It was dark all day.

The thunder-calling beast is leading the thunder.

"I asked you where the others are!" Feng Yuan asked again.

Calling Thunder Beast rushed towards Feng Yuan.

The usual little bit of spiritual power is definitely not enough to stop the Thundercaller's attack.

Feng Yuan broke through the shackles violently, forming a shield for herself to resist the thundercaller's lightning strike, and then flung it casually.


The Thunder Calling Beast flew out and fell headlong into the snow.


"I ask you, what about others!" Feng Yuan spoke again.

Calling Thunder Beast still didn't take her to find Yaoguang.

Feng Yuan waved her fist again.

The Thundercaller was knocked into the air again.

Just like that, Feng Yuan asked once, hit once, hit more than a dozen times, the weather cleared up, and the thunder light on Summoning Thunder Beast dimmed, she still didn't get the answer she wanted.

What are you looking at the cliff again!

How dare the little Thunder Calling Beast look down on her?

Feng Yuan asked angrily: "Where is Yaoguang!"

Calling Thunder Beast was still looking at the direction of the cliff with nothing to love.

Feng Yuan slapped down.

Calling Thunder Beast fell directly on the edge of the cliff, tilted its head, and fell unconscious.

Feng Yuan was furious, accumulating spiritual power, and wanted to smash the Thundercalling Beast to death with one punch.

At this moment, an all-too-familiar voice suddenly came.

"Miss? Why are you here?"

 Restoration is updated every day at 12 noon!
  Remember to come and see it at noon every day!

  I love you, yay!
(End of this chapter)

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