Chapter 37
Feng Yuan was taken aback for a moment, already having a guess in her heart.

After Feng Yuan looked along the source of the voice and saw the cliff, her conjecture was confirmed.

If the Summoning Thunder Beast could speak human words just now, it would have yelled crazily, "The labor and management have already told you that you are under the cliff"!
It's a pity that Feng Yuan was too worried about Yaoguang's accident, so she lost her sense of control, and didn't understand the meaning of summoning the thunder beast at all.

Summoning Thunder Beast: ...Cooperating with labor and management, the beating was in vain.

"Where did you go?" Feng Yuan's expression had regained her composure, and she asked.

"While being chased by the Summoning Thunder Beast, I accidentally fell off a cliff, and got an inheritance from a senior by accident." Yao Guang followed Feng Yuan with his eyes, grinning foolishly.

After finishing speaking, his expression changed, he jumped to Feng Yuan's side, grabbed her hand, protected her behind and said: "The Summoning Thunder Beast is here!"

"Yes." Feng Yuan raised her eyebrows in the direction where the Summoning Thunder Beast was.

Yaoguang followed Fengyuan's line of sight, and saw the Thundercaller lying on the ground, dead or alive.

"The noise on it just now was you hitting it?" Yaoguang asked.


"Did it hurt you?" Yaoguang looked Feng Yuan up and down a few times, and seeing that she was not hurt, he said again: "I thought it was guarding me all the time, but I didn't expect it to almost hurt me." You. Damn it!"

"Yeah." Feng Yuan nodded: "Dare to hit your idea, you really deserve to die."

Yaoguang was taken aback for a moment, then he couldn't control his expression, his eyes glistened.

So, just now, the eldest miss hit the Thundercaller Beast not because the Thundercaller Beast hit the Missy's idea, but because the Missy was looking for him through the Thundercaller Beast?
Yaoguang has always had a bright mind, but every time he meets Feng Yuan, he seems to lose his ability to think.

Why did Feng Yuan appear here?
Of course it was to find him!

Thinking of this, Yaoguang became even more excited.

He thought that since he had been missing for such a long time, the family might send someone to look for him.

But he didn't expect that Feng Yuan would come in person.

"Did you come by yourself?" Yaoguang asked again.


"Where's Feng Zu?"

The Forest of Bitter Cold is quite dangerous, Feng Zu protects Feng Yuan so much, he probably won't let her come here alone.

"I took in a little apprentice. It stayed at Feng's house to help me watch her practice." Feng Yuan said succinctly.

It's just that the taste of these words changed after they fell into Yaoguang's ears.

In the half a year since he left, there were indeed many people around Feng Yuan.

She will be worshiped by more and more people.

Seeing Yaoguang's gloomy expression, like a big dog that has lost favor, Feng Yuan rubbed his head helplessly, and said, "Didn't I come out to find you at the most critical moment of Yuzhu's cultivation? "

Yuzhu, Yaoguang heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that it was a woman's name.

After hearing Feng Yuan's last words, the joy in his eyes could not be concealed at all.

Sure enough, he was different to Feng Yuan.

Feng Yuan took the change of Yaoguang's expression into her eyes, and secretly sighed, raising a child is really difficult.

This is simply not what a demon should do!

It's really embarrassing.

"But what's wrong?" Feng Yuan asked.

Yaoguang shook his head and said, "During this period of time in the cave, I have already absorbed the inheritance of my predecessors."

"Well. Exercise more after you go back."

"Okay." Yaoguang cheered.

His emotional expression has always been restrained, even in the face of his mother, he will only silently do things that are good to her.

But when facing Feng Yuan, for some reason, he would always show his truest emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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