Quick wear: the blackened male god is sweet and flirtatious

Chapter 84 The rich man who called for the actor 23

Chapter 84 The rich daughter who called for the actor 23
Seeing a lot of internal news about Feng's, some employees complained that Feng Yuan has been going out early and returning late these days, and almost always lives in Feng's.

The employees didn't dare to be lazy, and even many of them quietly followed Feng Yuan to work overtime.

The whole company suddenly became motivated.

It doesn't look like it's going out of business at all.

in particular……

After Feng Yuan's rescue, several orders were chased back by her.

As for the brands that terminated their contracts privately, Feng Yuan also asked people to recover the breach of contract fees.

For a while, those employees who originally planned to leave gradually dispelled this idea, and started working in Feng's in a stable manner.

Feng Yuan has just taken over the company's affairs, and has not yet cultivated people who can be used smoothly.

If during this period of time they can demonstrate their own value and fall into Feng Yuan's eyes, wouldn't they be able to be reused?
Unknowingly, everyone's attitude towards Feng Yuan changed from contempt to respect.

Many people tried their best to show their skills in front of Feng Yuan.

Zhong Cheng saw the discussion about Feng's Weibo, and then he knew that Feng Yuan was working these days.

Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief.

Now the Feng family is still in a difficult situation.

She must have worked very hard, and not having time to contact him doesn't mean she was really playing with him that day.

Thinking of this, Zhong Cheng paused when he swiped his phone.

If I remember correctly, he was taken advantage of by Feng Yuan...

In the end, he became the one who always cared about her.

Zhongcheng remembered Feng Yuan's words that night again.

Is he really tempted?To someone who has only seen it twice.

It seems ridiculous.

But it seems reasonable.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many idiots complaining about women in the world.

For so many years, countless people have chased him, but he has never been attracted to any woman.

In front of Feng Yuan, he hesitated.

Zhongcheng is not a poor boy who has nothing and nothing, and will shrink back.

Now that you are tempted, there is nothing to hesitate.

Zhong Cheng contacted his agent again and chatted about the Feng family.


the next day.

Zhong Cheng was looking at the part to be filmed today when he heard someone greet him.

"Zhong Cheng!"

The voice sounds hot.

Zhong Cheng raised his head, and saw the second boy in the group, Yi Xiao.

It's not that the two of them haven't met before, and it's normal to have a sense of familiarity.

But when Zhong Cheng saw Yi Xiao, he felt a sense of familiarity from his soul that he had never had before.

It was exactly the same as when he saw Feng Yuan.

Zhong Cheng nodded to Yi Xiao first, said hello, and then rubbed his temples.

He was really stunned, only to see that everyone thought of Feng Yuan.

After Yi Xiao sat down beside Zhong Cheng, Zhong Cheng asked again: "How is your cooperation with Feng Shi?"

"What cooperation?" Yi Xiao was taken aback.

Zhong Cheng was also dumbfounded.

"You didn't discuss cooperation with Feng's?" Zhong Cheng asked.

Yi Xiao shook his head.

"Is it because of the schedule?"

Yi Xiao shook her head again.

No one said that he should cooperate with the Feng family.

"You...isn't your sister a good friend with the president of Feng's?"

"Who?" Yi Xiao paused for a moment before he understood what Zhong Cheng meant, and he said, "Yes, we are good friends."

"Then the Feng family is going through a difficult time now, and she treats you as her own younger brother, so you didn't think about helping her?" Zhong Cheng asked in surprise.

He thought that Feng Yuan called Yi Xiao over that day to talk about cooperation.

(End of this chapter)

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