Quick wear: the blackened male god is sweet and flirtatious

Chapter 85 The rich man who called for the actor 24

Chapter 85 The rich daughter who called for the actor 24
As public figures, they themselves know very well the influence of public figures.

If Yi Xiao and Feng Yuan cooperate, it should be very helpful for the Feng family to get on the right track sooner.

Who knows, when Yi Xiao heard the words, she waved her hand directly and said, "Such a small matter will definitely not trouble her. If I go, it will definitely be a disservice. Lord... my sister has to take care of me."

Zhong Cheng: ...

When Feng Yuan is in such a difficult time, he is still saying that it is a trivial matter.

Seeing Zhong Cheng staring at him, Yi Xiao couldn't help rubbing his arms.

How could this Yaoguang change the world? It was like a different person.

In the last world, he would never stare at him with such eyes.

Thinking that he was worried about Feng Yuan, Yi Xiao was going to pat him on the shoulder, telling him not to worry.

Unexpectedly, just as he raised his hand, Zhong Cheng immediately withdrew his body.


He took the script book, bypassed Yi Xiao and left.

Yi Xiao:? ? ?
Assistant Yi Xiao who just came from the bathroom:? ? ?

"Little ancestor, are you causing trouble again?" the little assistant asked.

"No, I'm kind." Xiao Feng'er said.

He was raised by the demon god, and he has always been aloof. Anyone who sees him has to kneel and kowtow. It's rare to be so kind to people.

"Then why does Teacher Zhongcheng seem to dislike you?" the little assistant asked.

Xiao Feng'er was questioned again.

He was wondering too.

Everything was fine, the two of them were still chatting.

Zhong Cheng suddenly turned his face.

A big man, why does he change his face when he says he changes his face?

Xiao Feng'er was completely confused.


When he was filming, he could feel the unfriendly gaze from Zhong Cheng's direction.

Xiaofeng'er: ...

As soon as the filming was over, Xiao Feng'er poked Feng Yuan's profile picture on WeChat and made a video call.

As soon as Feng Yuan connected, she saw Xiao Feng'er pursing her lips, as if she had suffered a lot of grievances.

"What's wrong?" Feng Yuan asked casually while processing the documents.

"Yaoguang bullied me!" Xiao Feng'er complained.

"Huh?" Feng Yuan raised her head and glanced at Xiao Feng'er.

"He threw me a face." Xiao Feng'er said.

Feng Yuan asked Xiao Feng'er to tell her the situation at that time.

Xiao Feng'er immediately taught Feng Yuan everything that the two of them said.

After Feng Yuan heard it, she laughed instantly.

"Master! He bullied me, and you're still laughing!" Xiao Feng'er shouted angrily.

"Hush." ​​Feng Yuan said hastily.

He forgot that he couldn't call master.

A guilty conscience flashed in Xiao Feng'er's eyes, and then she said confidently and confidently: "Don't worry, I'm in the lounge, there's no one around me!"

"Walls have ears, have you forgotten?" Feng Yuan said.

"I will know next time." Xiao Feng'er muttered, "You have also changed, you will only bully me with others."

Feng Yuan could only coax Xiao Feng'er helplessly: "He doesn't remember us, you forgot? He doesn't know that I have such a great ability, so he thinks that you, as my younger brother, are unwilling to help me in my current situation , will naturally turn his face. This is his performance of caring about us."

When Xiao Fenger heard it, it seemed to make sense.

"All right, I forgive him." Xiao Feng'er said.


"Then I'll hang up!" Xiao Feng'er said hastily.

Feng Yuan thought that with WeChat, it was so convenient to contact, Xiao Feng'er would have to video call her 24 hours a day.

Unexpectedly, after so many days, Xiao Feng'er hadn't looked for her a few times at all.

(End of this chapter)

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