Quick wear: the blackened male god is sweet and flirtatious

Chapter 96 The rich man who called for the actor 35

Chapter 96 The rich daughter who called for the actor 35
This time Zhongcheng finally got on the road a bit.

He stretched out his hand to Feng Yuan.

Feng Yuan put her hand in his.

Men's hands are much thicker than hers.

His hands curled up slightly, wrapping Feng Yuan's hands in it.

For the first time, Feng Yuan felt a little sense of security from someone else.


She never trusts anyone.

Even Xiao Feng'er, she never put any expectations on him.

Anything she wants to do, she can do by herself.

But at this moment, she actually felt...

Zhong Cheng can help her.

Feng Yuan hooked her lips, held Zhong Cheng with her backhand, and intertwined her fingers.

Zhong Cheng was already attracted by this novel touch when Feng Yuan put his hand up.

Soft and fluffy.

Very delicate and white, like a good ball of suet.

Zhong Cheng's heart began to beat uncontrollably again.

The two held hands like this and got into the car together.

The assistant sat silently on the co-pilot seat.

He really didn't want to sit in the back and watch these two fools show their affection.

If Zhong Cheng's fans saw him like this after falling in love, his design should be completely collapsed.

In the middle of the night yesterday, Zhong Cheng pulled him up from the next room.

Thought something big happened.

In the end, he just asked him what to prepare for his girlfriend's visit.

Prepare you big head ghost!


"I still have two scenes to shoot later." Zhong Cheng told Feng Yuan, "If you feel bored, go find Yi Xiao. The two scenes between him and me are staggered."

"Okay." Feng Yuan nodded.

"If you want something to drink, just tell the assistant, and he will buy it for you." Zhong Cheng said again.

Feng Yuan nodded again.

"The crew is a bit hot, but there is a lounge. If you feel hot, you can go to the lounge, or go back to the car to rest."

Feng Yuan: ...

Is she a child of three or two years old?He is so worried.

"Got it. Don't worry about filming." Feng Yuan said.

Zhong Cheng wanted to say something, but Feng Yuan suddenly sat down beside him, and then put her head on his shoulder.

All of Zhong Cheng's words were immediately swallowed back into his stomach.

He sat stiffly in the car, secretly glanced at Feng Yuan, her slender and thick eyelashes fluttered, as if fanning on the tip of his heart.

Zhong Cheng lost control of his heartbeat again.

As for Feng Yuan, a narrow smile flashed in her eyes.

It's quite interesting to tease Zhong Cheng.

"Your heart is beating very fast." Feng Yuan exposed Zhong Cheng mercilessly.

Zhong Cheng's hands and feet are not the only ones that are stiff now.

He even forgot how to breathe.

In the end, the driver and the little assistant sitting in the front row couldn't hold back their laughter, which made Zhongcheng recover immediately.

"What are you laughing at?" Zhong Cheng asked.

Having been with Zhong Cheng for so long, the little assistant knows Zhong Cheng's temper very well.

Knowing that he would not be angry, she teased him: "Mr. Zhongcheng, you have never been in love, have you? Why do you look more nervous and shy than Miss Fengyuan! You look like a big girl!"

"Li Ming!" Zhong Cheng called the little assistant by name and surname.

The little assistant restrained himself a little, but the malicious smile on his face did not disappear.

Zhong Cheng turned his head and saw Feng Yuan sat up straight, looking at him with interest.

As if waiting for his answer.

Zhong Cheng: ...

If Feng Yuan doubts his innocence, he must make that brat Li Ming look good.

Is it easy for him to fall in love once?

How dare you fan the flames.

(End of this chapter)

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