Quick wear: the blackened male god is sweet and flirtatious

Chapter 97 The rich man who called for the actor 36

Chapter 97 The rich daughter who called for the actor 36
"Isn't it normal to have never been in a relationship? Who stipulates that you have to be in a relationship." Zhong Cheng turned his eyes away from Feng Yuan, as if he was talking to Li Ming, but in fact he was explaining to Feng Yuan, saying: "Of course I'm nervous. When I meet someone I like, how can I not be nervous? I'm not a fairy."

Oh ~
Never talked about love.

Although Feng Yuan couldn't interfere with his behavior before she appeared in front of Zhong Cheng.

But she still doesn't want Zhong Cheng to be moved in her heart.

So, Feng Yuan tilted her head again and leaned on Zhong Cheng's shoulder.

Zhong Cheng looked at Feng Yuan's little movements, and thought of her little appearance waiting for his explanation just now, and for some reason, his heart softened in a mess.

He has always felt that he is a deserted person.

But he didn't know until he met Feng Yuan...

In front of the one he loves, his heart is warm, and it can even be described as fanatical.

Soon, several people arrived at the set.

Zhong Cheng asked someone to say hello to the director in advance.

But he still took Feng Yuan to greet the director first.

Then, he found a place for Feng Yuan to sit down.

The director knew that Zhong Cheng brought people to visit the set, but the other staff didn't know.

Everyone looked at Feng Yuan in surprise.

However, some people have come to visit the class.

However, it is really unusual for Mr. Zhongcheng to have the opposite sex around him.

in particular……

Mr. Zhong Cheng has a scandal in the crew!

Could it be that Mr. Zhongcheng brought a woman here to clarify to everyone that he doesn't like men, but women?
But this is too deliberate.

It's hard to believe eh.

There is a feeling of getting darker and darker.

Some even directly recognized Feng Yuan.

Wasn't it just the woman whose acting went wrong last time and the director gave that part to someone else?

Now, the way everyone looked at Feng Yuan changed again.

That day, when the soup cup was about to fall on Teacher Zhongcheng, Feng Yuan suddenly turned around to avoid it, just to gain a good impression in front of Teacher Zhongcheng, right?

Feng Yuan calmly accepted the scrutinizing and unfriendly eyes of many people.

She even smiled at those people.


she understands.

Zhong Cheng is too dazzling, many people must like him.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the person Zhong Cheng likes is her.

It is only now that Feng Yuan understands the meaning of what Yaoguang said to her.

Yao Guang said that even though he knew that she was dazzling and would attract many outstanding people, he was still unwilling to block her light.

That's because he likes her.

Just like she is now.

However, she didn't have Yaoguang's awareness.

It is absolutely impossible for her to look at the person she likes and be the person behind him.

If she likes it, she must get it.


Originally, Feng Yuan was still worried about whether she would be worried about Zhong Cheng's filming status sitting here.

But who knows, the little assistant sighed at the first moment when he saw Zhong Cheng filming, boasting that Zhong Cheng is in great condition today.

Is it to perform well in front of her?
A smile appeared in Feng Yuan's eyes, she propped her chin with both hands, and watched Zhong Cheng's filming very seriously.

Because Xiao Feng'er's play was relatively late, he didn't come to the set from the hotel until eleven o'clock.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Feng Yuan sitting on a chair.

Xiao Feng'er stuffed the things in her hands into the assistant's arms and ran to Feng Yuan's side.

"Master, sister, why are you here?"

When Xiao Feng'er got excited, she almost slipped her mouth.

Feng Yuan glanced at him.

He immediately smiled flatteringly at Feng Yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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