Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 104 Meier: I want to take good care of my teacher

Chapter 104 Meier: I want to take good care of my teacher (recommendation ticket requested)
"Since they have such an idea, why don't the major sects unite and kill their principals!"

On board the Sea Beast, a bearded middle-aged man had a ruthless face.

If the goal of the group of people that Xu Changsheng said is really to be achieved, it will really be their doomsday. If the enemy is chasing them, they must first see if there are ordinary people around who dare to fight back.

But if the enemy had the idea of ​​dying together and he destroyed the city, wouldn't he be blamed for nothing?

Even if he is so handsome, if a group of ordinary people hug him, will they kill him or not?

"I can't find it. The major sects and the empire's investigations can't find their principals, otherwise they would have been pulled out and lit."

"Then stop them from promoting these exercises and knowledge concepts!"

"It can't be stopped. The content of their exercises is very concise and easy to understand. After lurking for several years, these exercises and various concepts have already spread throughout the entire Nanzhuo domain, and now even children can recite them."

"This massacre of the city deters other ordinary people from practicing and studying!"

"Tucheng can't be deterred, even if they don't have spiritual talent, they can practice their exercises.

These people without spiritual talent have a lifespan of only a hundred and have no strength.

Now there is a practice that they can practice, which can gain lifespan and strength. No matter how many cities you slaughter, they will practice for lifespan and strength. It is impossible to kill everyone. "

Xu Changsheng sighed deeply, helpless.


The corner of the bearded middle-aged man's mouth twitched.

"Actually, there are still some things you don't know."

Next to him, a passenger who also traveled extensively came over: "Their current highest state seems to be the astral state, which is what they call the three times of cell transformation.

They can't do high-end force, but they are disgusting. If you make trouble for them, they will not only not be afraid of you, but will also find trouble for you.

For example, if you massacre the city for deterrence, or wantonly hurt too many civilians, or influence them to promote the promotion of exercises and knowledge, then they will lurk and stare at you.

If you are stronger than him, then they will ignore you, if you are weaker than them, then they will come out and kill you.

However, there are still a large number of ordinary people who are practicing this technique, and their breath and energy are all confused. You don't know who is really theirs.

Every time they are hunted down, they drill into the city, so that apart from massacring the city, they can't find the target at all and can only let them escape.

There are several sects, it is said that they were targeted because they arrested too many people who practiced their body transformation method to dig mines.

The disciples under the sect were killed when they went out, and the elders in the sect who accompanied them were stronger and they ignored them. After two years of this, these sects completely declined. "


The corner of Ye Chen's mouth twitched.

Well, the concept of guerrilla warfare came out, and the concept of hiding soldiers among the people also came out.

What kind of revolutionary boss is this!

"Deacon, there are two people on the boat entering the canyon!"

The Sea Beast got closer, and the fog on the river lessened the effect of blocking the view. The members of the Southern Chamber of Commerce who controlled the Sea Beast suddenly saw two people coming out of the Olympic five-ringed boat, leaving the boat and entering the canyon.

Xu Changsheng was startled, and Ye Chen and the others also had a flash of surprise in their eyes. Everyone hurried to the side of the boat to look at Chen Nuo and Mei Er who were entering the canyon.

The sword intent of Tianzhuxia didn't seem to exist in front of them, and the two disappeared around the corner in a blink of an eye.

Didn't it mean that all star warriors are not allowed to enter?

So strong!

A hint of surprise flashed in Ye Chen's eyes.

What he didn't know was that in the canyon, one of the people he considered very strong was holding his student's thigh and walking behind him.

"Teacher, are you alright?"

Mei'er walked in front, blocking most of the impact of the sword intent, and looked back at Chen Nuo worriedly.

Her cells metamorphose four times.

The second metamorphosis of his cells.

She absorbed spiritual energy to transform her body, and the cells were naturally engraved with the laws of spiritual energy, shaking the world with one punch and one kick.

He is poor and has no money to exchange for nuclear energy control. He only has chemical energy slag within two meters. If the temperature control energy is not condensed, it will not be able to break through the real energy protection of warriors of the same level.

Her strength is equivalent to the peak of the Linghai Realm, and after five transformations next year, she will be able to fight the Profound Gate of Life and Death.

His strength... uh, is equivalent to the Yuanyuan Realm, but he still doesn't have any sword intent, fist intent, or martial soul. It is estimated that he can't even beat the current fellow.

How can Meier not be worried in such a situation, the teacher is still too weak, so she should take good care of her.


Chen Nuo endured the impact of the sword intent in his heart, and shook his head palely.


Meier nodded, and her aura couldn't help but increase a bit to block more sword intents.

After 500 years of existence, these sword intents could still harm or even kill the extreme star realm, but it was not enough for her to see, and it would even take a certain amount of time to destroy it.

"Mel, just stop here."

The two went into the canyon for a few kilometers, and the sword intent became stronger the further they went in. Chen Nuo endured the needle-like pain brought about by the sword intent and glanced ahead, motioning Mei'er to stop.

Although the body transformation method is powerful in battle, it is a bit less skilled than the true essence cultivation method here.

Going forward, Meier will not be able to block the sword intent very well, he has to be hugged and protected by Meier to ensure safety.

"it is good."

Mei'er obediently stopped and stood by Chen Nuo's side, keeping an eye on the surrounding situation.

Enjoying the safe haven from the students, Chen Nuo was carefully looking at the surrounding environment.

The rock is bare, except for a few clumps of iron rock grass, which is the mother of the sword-shaped grass before it metamorphoses, there is no trace of life.

I knelt down and grabbed a handful of soil and crushed it, and there was no bug or egg in my telepathic power induction, it was completely barren.

"It's really interesting. The power of the mind can reach this level. It's a good formula for removing mites."

Chen Nuo looked at the Tianzhu Gorge, a trace of thought flashed in his eyes.

Although the true essence cultivation method here refers to spiritual power as spiritual power or soul power, sword intent, fist intent, sword soul, martial soul and so on.

But Chen Nuo, who traveled through several worlds, got in touch with different cultivation environments in several worlds, and looked at the world from a higher level, understood very well that this is spiritual power.

The difference is that the mental power or soul power here is not condensed, it is still an ordinary spiritual power like him, but the sword, fist, sword and soul are fused and condensed with some sentimental artistic conception.

It's like ordinary spiritual power is water, while Jianyiquanyi has fused ingredients such as sugar, carbon dioxide, caramel, phosphoric acid, and caffeine into fat house happy water.

Although it is all water, it is obvious that water in a fat house can make people happier.

"This is mind interference with real matter, even more powerful than ordinary mind interference matter. It has been 500 years, and the monkeys have come out of the mountains, and the sword intent here is still so strong.

The Sword Intent is formed by the spiritual power of the cultivator here combined with his own understanding of the sword.

What is my perception, my artistic conception?
Although it can't absorb spiritual energy to transform cells, but sword intent doesn't involve spiritual energy, it's pure spiritual power, which means I can also use it, but I don't practice swords or boxing, so what kind of perception should I use to integrate and condense? "

Chen Nuo looked at Tianzhu Gorge, his eyes flickered as if he had realized something, and a storm of thoughts set off in his mind.

"Taizu Dragon Slaying Technique? Oh no, the harmony factor of this thing is too high."

"The way to reform the soul? It doesn't work either. Class struggle is not a dinner party. You have to complete a change to have a new understanding. It is too difficult to improve. The biggest role of this way of reform is to earn more resources and improve performance KPI. Work cheats.

Chemistry can control?This is the mystery of material energy. Combine this perception with spiritual power. The next step is to go back to study nuclear physics. The nuclear explosion fist is quite cool, but the boss opened the back door to give you the source power and even the control of entropy. It doesn’t seem too much Great necessity.

In this way, it seems that only the perception of temperature control is left. The thermal movement of temperature molecules, the mixing of hot and cold can even be called chaos, and it can further interfere with macroscopic movements, which seems to be quite good. "

Beside, Mei'er watched Chen Nuo close her eyes, the spiritual power in her body was fluctuating wildly, and her expression couldn't help becoming tense.

The teacher shouldn't be distracted by the impact of the sword intent here.

Ten minutes later, Chen Nuo opened his eyes, shaking his head in joy and disappointment.

He can fuse and condense his spiritual power, but he has no experience and no one to guide him, so he needs to explore slowly.

After thinking about it, Chen Nuo pointed to the sword-shaped grass mixed with the iron rock grass not far away.

"Mei'er, pull out some sword-shaped grasses, let's catch a little fellow for fun."

 PS: This temperature is the thermal motion of molecules, and the mixing of hot and cold means the chaos of matter. The setting is borrowed from friends.

  Yesterday, my friend came to me with the outline after receiving your opinions. I saw, um, the setting of the protagonist's talent occupation is good. It can be used in the world of Kendo Dominance after changing it. It is more updated than my previous setting. Ying is happier.

  In order to help him analyze what the starting point reader market likes and dislikes, I also borrowed it politely.

  It’s that during the recommendation period, he refined and deleted more than 1 words in the overhaul of the plot. I feel that he will be blacklisted by the editor, although I feel that the plot after the overhaul is better and more attractive.

(End of this chapter)

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