Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 105 A shot in the back of the fellow

Chapter 105

In Sanjiang City, a white air shock wave was pulled from the sky, and a man and a woman fell from the sky to the city gate accompanied by a sonic boom.

These are Chen Nuo and Mei Er who rushed over from Tianzhu Gorge.

"Teacher, the party held by Qi Shaofeng of the Psychic Kingdom Qianlong List will be three days later, and the Sea Beast of the South China Sea Chamber of Commerce you mentioned will also arrive in three days."

After entering the city, Meier got news from the people in Sanjiang City and reported the situation to Chen Nuo.

"Then it looks like we came at the right time, let's wait for a few days." Chen Nuo nodded and walked towards the city.

Because he was not sure when Ye Chen arrived at Sanjiang City, Chen Nuo didn't take the boat again after a few days in Tianzhu Gorge to comprehend the sword intent and soul. Instead, he asked Mei Er to take him directly to Sanjiang City in the Psychic Kingdom.

The cell has metamorphosed four times, and Meier, who is at the same level as the Spirit Sea, takes him to fly faster than any other ship.

Three days later, at the port of Sanjiang City, on the wharf with people coming and going, the Sea Beast was slowly docking.

"Everyone, Sanjiang City is a branch of the Southern Chamber of Commerce, and this is also the terminal of the Sea Beast. Let's all disembark."

Xu Changjian walked out of the deck, indicating that the ship had arrived at the terminal, and asked everyone to disembark now.

"Oh, I'm going to Xiangshan Country, it seems that I need to take another boat."

"I'm going to Cangxuan Kingdom, it's still a little far away, let's talk about it after resting in Sanjiang City for a few days now."

Amidst the discussion, Ye Chen stepped off the boat. His goal was also the Cangxuan Kingdom, but the journey was still 30 to [-] miles away, so there was no rush, and he planned to rest in Sanjiang City for two days.

"Guest officer, I'm sorry, our restaurant is full, you can go to other restaurants to see."

"To be objective, I'm really sorry, our restaurants are also full. The restaurants on the outer floors of Sanjiang City are basically full every day. You probably have to go to the inner city to find some vacant rooms."

Even after asking seven or eight restaurants, all the rooms were full. The prosperity of Sanjiang City was beyond Ye Chen's expectations.

"Let's go to the inner city to have a look."

Looking at the streets with people coming and going, Ye Chen walked towards the inner city.

Generally, big cities will have inner cities, which are wider, less populated and more comfortable, but the consumption is also higher.

This is like the outskirts and urban areas of modern cities. Generally, only powerful or wealthy people have the capital to live in the inner city.

After paying the expensive entrance fee and entering the inner city, before Ye Chen could find the restaurant, his ears suddenly rang, and the hairs on his body stood on end.

Someone locked him with momentum, and he was still very strong.

The aura was fleeting, Ye Chen looked in the direction of the source of the aura, his pupils shrank, his body split into two in an instant, and he fled in situ.

"Mel, bring him back."

Chen Nuo looked at Ye Chen who was about to run away and subconsciously froze, then motioned to Mei Er to bring him back dumbfounded.


Meier, who was showing momentum just now, flickered, and Ye Chen, who turned into two people, disappeared all of a sudden, and was caught by Meier like a chicken.

Everything that happened suddenly made the surrounding crowd a little turbulent, but seeing that there was no fight, everyone calmed down quickly.

As for Ye Chen, who was caught by Meier, he was used to it. It would be abnormal to have a day without struggle, fight, or vendetta.

It’s just that limited by the deterrence of the city builders, everyone is generally not good at doing things in the city. If you have the ability, you can grab them like you are now catching chickens and take them out before slaughtering them. If you are not able, then wait for the enemy to leave the city. Those who don’t want to live, feel free to do so.

"Teacher, this is your fellow villager? The strength is so weak that you don't even have the qualifications to be a power bank for the teacher."

Mei'er looked a little dissatisfied when she came back with Ye Chen who had no ability to resist.

She remembered that Chen Nuo had told him that with a star-level True Essence warrior as a power bank, he would be able to undergo three cell transformations.

Mei'er didn't know what a power bank was, but she remembered Chen Nuo's words, and she remembered that a true star warrior could make the teacher's cells transform three times.

If she hadn't been afraid that the star warriors outside would be unruly and uncooperative and disobedient and accidentally hurt Chen Nuo, she would have gone to arrest them a long time ago.

fellow?Sure enough, it was the traverser of the earth, how did the other party find himself?
Ye Chen was horrified.

"Senior, since you are a fellow villager, why do you make things difficult for the fellow villager!"

Ye Chen tried to struggle a few times, but found that his true energy was suppressed and imprisoned like stagnant water, so he immediately threw away his face and shouted.

"Mel, let him go."

Chen Nuo signaled Meier to let go of Ye Chen, and looked at Ye Chen who was pretending to be calm, but was secretly accumulating true energy as if he was about to run away again: "Since you are a fellow villager, why are you still planning to run away?"

"It's not because I'm afraid you'll shoot me in the back."

Having been seen through, Ye Chen simply gave up struggling, and said helplessly, "I don't know why the senior is looking for the boy?"

At this time, he also realized that Chen Nuo had no ill intentions towards him, otherwise the girl next to him would have crushed him to death without his help.

"Make a deal with you."

With a thought in Chen Nuo's mind, he took out three sharp swords in the storage ring with spiritual power, and the tip of the sword-shaped grass overflowed with a faint sense of sharpness.

"This is for you, I want you to condense the method and understanding of sword intent."

Is this sword grass?
As a swordsman who has comprehended the meaning of the sword, Ye Chen learned about it after passing Tianzhu Gorge, so he secretly inquired about it.


Without any hesitation, Ye Chen agreed to the deal.

Although he didn't understand how Chen Nuo should condense the method and understanding of sword intent, in his eyes, Chen Nuo, who had no real energy, no spiritual energy fluctuations, or even the slightest aura of a strong man, was already a back-to-basics boss.

But since he asked for it, let alone three sword-shaped grasses that are hard to come by, even if he didn't have one, he didn't have the right to refuse this request.

The girl next to him who didn't look was already staring at him, as if he would slap him as soon as he refused.

"Ye Chen! It's really you!"

Just when Ye Chen was about to give Chen Nuo his method of condensing his sword intent and his comprehension, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind him.

Ye Chen turned his head and saw that the person calling him was Lin Yue, the eldest disciple of Longhu Mountain, the seventh-rank sect of Xiangshan Kingdom. The two of them had fought against Wu Zang together in the tomb of Tianmen Ancient Land of Tianfeng Kingdom before. A zombie that mutates after the warrior dies.

"Why are you in Sanjiang City?" Ye Chen was a little curious.

"I still want to ask you, Xiangshan Kingdom is not far from the psychic kingdom here, but your Tianfeng Kingdom is far away from here."

Lin Yue laughed, looked at Chen Nuo and Meier: "Are these two your friends?"

"Uh, I'm going out to practice, and these two are fellow villagers I met on the road!"

Embarrassed, Ye Chen reached out and took out a jade slip to engrave the method and understanding of the sword intent into it, and handed it to Chen Nuo.

"I'm here for the party, why don't you come with me too, Ye Chen, you are also the number one young master of our Nine Nations Alliance, and you are qualified to participate in this party."

Hearing that it was a fellow villager, Lin Yue didn't ask in detail, but warmly greeted Ye Chen to join the party.

"What party?" Ye Chen wondered.

"The last gathering held by the masters of the psychic country's Qianlong list invited the masters of the hidden dragon list from several nearby countries. Xiangshan country is right next to the psychic country."

"Then I still won't go, they didn't invite me, it's inappropriate." Ye Chen subconsciously refused when he heard this.

"What's inappropriate, there are usually people who come here uninvited, and this time there must be, you are qualified enough."

It was rare for Lin Yue to meet an acquaintance, and he didn't want Ye Chen to leave. This kind of gathering usually involves competitions, and it is more confident to have an acquaintance by his side.

"But this." Ye Chen looked at Chen Nuo, this matter is not up to him.

"Let's go and have a look together."

Chen Nuo, who was next to him after reading the method of condensing the sword intent and the message of perception, thought for a while and agreed.

With Ye Chen's method and understanding of condensing sword intent, he already has a clue. At this time, seeing Ye Chen and his group compete and feel their sword intent and martial soul up close will undoubtedly speed up this progress.


The fellow spoke, and Ye Chen, who was afraid of offending the fellow and being shot in the back, had no choice but to agree.

 Recently, there has been a series of heavy rains in Shenzhen, and the engineering safety meeting has just been held, sorry for the late update

(End of this chapter)

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