Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 106 The world after the heat death of the universe?

Chapter 106 The world after the heat death of the universe? (ask for a recommendation ticket)

A few minutes later, the four of them came to a resplendent restaurant in the inner city.

"The meeting place is in the courtyard behind the restaurant."

Lin Yue turned around and said, several people entered the restaurant, crossed the lobby and came to the large and luxurious courtyard behind, the meeting place was in the third courtyard.

"4 please come in."

There were two waiters waiting outside the yard, Lin Yue nodded and led Chen Nuomei, Ye Chen and the others in.

This courtyard is used by the restaurant to entertain VIPs. It covers a large area, with rockery, green water, pavilions, and even a competition platform.

"Teacher, they are all rookies in Baoyuan Realm."

There were already more than a dozen young people in the yard, men and women. Meier glanced at them, and whispered something in Chen Nuo's ear.

The corner of Chen Nuo's mouth twitched, and he knocked Mei'er on the head angrily, his strength was still at the Yuanyuan Realm.

Ye Chen, who heard a faint voice beside him, dared not speak at all.

"Ha, Lin Yue, you are here too."

Inside, a handsome young man who was talking and laughing happily with others noticed a few people coming in, stood up and smiled.

"It looks like I'm late."

Lin Yue cupped his fists and explained to Chen Nuo and the others in a low voice: "This person is the person who held the party, Qi Shaofeng, who was ranked No. 30 in the previous Qianlong list, and is now a warrior in the middle stage of Baoyuan Realm, and his strength is very strong. "

Hearing that Ye Chen took a look at the other party, his figure was well-proportioned, his energy was restrained, his gaze was not that arrogant, but it brought a feeling of spring breeze, but he didn't dare to underestimate him, the top 50 in the last Qianlong list , More than two years have passed, and the strength is definitely stronger now.

As for Chen Nuo and Mei'er next to them, they took one look at Qi Shaofeng and ignored them.

The two of them, Chen Nuo, came to watch the fight, to watch the battle of these true essence cultivators, and to improve their understanding of the condensed power of the mind.

Mei'er is even more straightforward, this group of people stacked together is not enough for a punch, so there is no need to pay attention to it.

"It turned out to be Lin Yue. It's been a long time since I saw that you should have improved in strength, but if you have no means, you may be eliminated in this Qianlong ranking competition."

Next to Qi Shaofeng, an unruly young man who had conflicts with Lin Yue before glanced at him, but didn't get up, and looked at Chen Nuo and the others: "Who are these? Treat this as a tea party and anyone can come in."

Qi Shaofeng next to him also looked over when he heard the words.

Chen Nuo was helpless, so he came in to chat and drink tea to watch you fight, he didn't expect to be noticed.

Sure enough, he is too handsome.

An aura erupted from Chen Nuo, um, comparable to the middle stage of Baoyuan Realm.

Meier next to him also had a tacit understanding, the peak of Baoyuan Realm was a little lower than Chen Nuo in the early stage, which was a way to save face for his teacher.

Lin Yue, who was about to introduce Ye Chen and their identities, was confused by the two of them directly. Ye Chen beside him had no choice but to burst out with the sword intent. Resonated by the sword intent, the swords in the hands of some people in the courtyard were trembling.

"Haha, the three of you are pretty good, you can join this party, welcome to sit down."

Qi Shaofeng was a little stunned, but then he came to his senses and quickly invited Chen Nuo and others to sit down.

"Sorry, Murong Qingcheng is late."

At this moment, a clear voice came from outside the yard, and a young woman in purple came in. She was about twenty years old, with a graceful figure and a light veil covering her face, but from the outline, she also belonged to a peerless beauty , the breeze blew, and the faint orchid fragrance from the woman's body also wafted over.

The appearance of the woman instantly made the atmosphere of the garden delicate. Some young men subconsciously arranged their clothes and sat upright, trying to show their best side. As for the other young women, they were unhappy and cold. snorted, but had to admit that they were crushed by the woman in purple.

Qi Shaofeng, who was about to invite Chen Nuo and the others to take their seats, was even more straightforward when he saw Murong Qingcheng coming in, his eyes showed a gleam of fire, and without a trace of hesitation, he left Chen Nuo and the others to greet him.

"Miss Murong has arrived, but I'm not far away to welcome you. Shaofeng will punish himself with a drink later."

"Just call me Murong." Murong Qingcheng smiled sweetly.

"Alright, Murong, sit here."

Qi Shaofeng greeted him with his right hand, and the eager smile on his face made Mei Er look a little weird.

"Teacher, is this what you mean by licking the dog?"


Ye Chen, who had already sat down to drink tea, almost spat out the tea, he hadn't heard this name for a long time.

"What licks the dog, Tengu?"

Lin Yue didn't understand, so he asked curiously, and then explained enthusiastically: "Murong Qingcheng, the second disciple of the Flying Demon Sect of the sixth-rank sect of the Black Dragon Empire, one of the two beauties of the Black Dragon Empire, and the 27th in the previous Qianlong list It is said that they also hide their strength, and their true strength is no worse than the top ten."

Murong Qingcheng took a seat next to Qi Shaofeng, took off her veil to reveal a beautiful face, took a sip of tea, and glanced across the scene, she was a little surprised when she saw Chen Nuomei and Ye Chen who were eating melons in silence .

She remembered that there were no these three people in the hidden dragon list, the new rising star?

"Teacher, they are going to fight."

Mei Er, who was eating melon seeds, saw two people walking up to the competition stage in the open space, and reminded Chen Nuo, who was also eating melon seeds.

There is nothing special about a gathering like this in the fantasy world. It is just that everyone chats and talks about each other's experiences. Martial arts cultivation and competition are the themes among them. Everyone can't help but invite each other to compete.


In the open space, the two people who invited the battle had already launched their own moves. A burly young man was covered with a layer of golden shield. A cyan whirlwind, and then the whirlwind was compressed into an oval shape, and the surrounding aura energy was pulled over.

The golden and cyan rays of light collided together, and it was obviously energy, but a substantive sound erupted, sparks splashed, gusts of wind arose around, and the aura was even more rippling.

"Zhao Gang is the one who used the vajra body protection. The last Qianlong list was 65th, and the other one who performed Fengshenpo was Cheng Feng. The last Qianlong list was 60th. The rankings of the two are different, but the strength is almost the same. Know who's better at it."

Lin Yue deserved to be a suitable tour guide. Knowing that Chen Nuo and the others didn't know the people present, he didn't forget to explain to them while watching the game.

"It's probably Zhao Gang." Ye Chen looked at it for two seconds and said.

"Why?" Lin Yue expressed doubts.

"Although Cheng Feng's attack is fierce, he can't break through Zhao Gang's defense in a short period of time. If he persists for too long and his true energy can't keep up, then he will be counterattacked."

Ye Chen and Lin Yue next to him were talking, and even quarreled with Gao Yuan who was not far away, Meier watched for a while, this kind of battle made her feel bored, she pulled Chen Nuo and asked: "Teacher, who do you think will win? "

"The teacher doesn't know either."

Chen Nuo, who had read the original book, knew who would win, but he came to eat melons and watch a show, not to fight, so he shook his head at Meier's question.

Looking at the two people who are fighting, he feels the fluctuations in his heart. He is experiencing the situation of the real essence cultivation method and martial arts will in this world.

"Interesting, through the fluctuation of thinking and the resonance of the soul, the energy of spiritual energy is absorbed into the body. So I didn't go through the transformation of the body in the world of dragons and snakes, but took the path of spiritual transcendence, so I can absorb spiritual energy when I come to this world?
Oh no, I have to abandon my current body and take away the body of the local aborigines with Ye Chen's time-traveling thinking consciousness.

Basic rules, spiritual strength, physical strength, the world's three general powers.

Needless to say, the basic rules, friction, material repulsion, motion inertia, etc., exist in every world, which is the bottom-level foundation of every world.

Physical strength has been verified. My body that has been transformed in other worlds will not be weakened immediately when I return to the main world. It will only slowly decline because the environment does not have extraordinary aura energy. However, I have chemical furnaces and temperature control equipment. The engine effect of temperature difference can use material energy to maintain the extraordinary body.

Then how does this psychic power work in multiple worlds and resonate with the aura energy of multiple worlds?
The essence of psychic power is the fluctuation of neural thinking consciousness, and it becomes the fluctuation of pure thinking consciousness if the soul is supernatural and manifested outside. In this way, psychic power = fluctuation of thinking consciousness.

But what is the nature of thinking consciousness?Information, or the subjective wisdom of life?

When the aura of the extraordinary world decays, what is left is a pure material universe. Then when the entropy of the material world reaches its extreme, what will be left after the material world dies?
Perhaps every world has three stages.

The newly born extraordinary world is filled with aura energy.

In the material universe after transcendence, the law of aura decay dies, leaving behind pure basic rules and matter.

In the world after matter, the basic rules of heat death of matter are gone, and what remains will be the world of the mind, or the world of information.

Because information does not have substance, it is only the meaning on the carrier, there is no theory of destruction, even if the universe is heat-death, heat death is not destruction, heat death is just the energy of the universe tending to balance.

Just like some white dwarfs, according to the analysis of the star model, the energy inside them can last until tens of billions of years before they are completely cooled, but at that time the universe has already been heat-dead.

Since information is only the meaning of the carrier, then there must be information in the existence of the universe, even if the universe is already heat-dead.

Is the universe after heat death really a world of information? "

Chen Nuo's eyes were shining with splendor, and his heart was shining brightly. He faintly felt the essence behind the soul, as if he could touch the situation after the heat death of the universe.

He suddenly had an idea in his heart, wanting to go back and beat up the boss, destroy it, and let the universe heat death in advance to verify his conjecture.

The fluctuation of Chen Nuo's mind finally attracted the attention of other people in the field at this moment.

 This chapter is 3000 words, I really want to cut a third of it for the manuscript, but I am afraid that you will scold me for breaking the chapter.wronged ing~~
(End of this chapter)

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