Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 108 The General Trend of South Zhuoyu

Chapter 108 The General Trend of South Zhuoyu (recommendation ticket requested)

"Uh, I can't study it."

Ye Chen was not angry when he was disturbed, and shook his head with a wry smile: "I have done experiments, and the aura energy here will interfere with the experimental results at the micro level, and the physical data obtained every time are different.

The experimental results are disturbed, and even accurate data cannot be obtained. This way, it is impossible to study modern technology, and it is impossible to study and summarize the corresponding high-energy physical data.

Murong Qingcheng's Heavenly Demon Dafa should have been discovered by their ancestors in an environment where the aura was exhausted, or the aura was completely insulated, and combined with their understanding of the laws of aura, it was impossible to study it in an aura environment. "

Speaking of the latter, Ye Chen had a wry smile on his face. He had been a physics dog for decades in his previous life, and he didn't want to give up his advantages. He was so easily influenced by the cultivation system of this world, but he was helpless.

Modern technology, modern physics, is based on valid data and mathematics.

The experimental data is disturbed and accurate data cannot be obtained, just like the Sophon locked technology in "Three-Body".

The technological system of the extraordinary world is puppetry, inscriptions, and formations. Modern technology has no soil for development.

Chen Nuo was stunned.


At this moment, the fight in the arena came to an end, and Wei Renjie broke the force field around Murong Qingcheng with a full-strength move with knives in both hands.

The saber energy overflowed, and a building behind Murong Qingcheng was cut open from the middle with a bang, and a huge gully opened on the ground.

"Heavenly magic force field!"

Murong Qingcheng's eyes fluctuated, his face became serious, he pushed his hands in vain, and the true qi on his body exploded, forming layers of stronger twisting force fields in front of him, trying to twist and shatter Wei Renjie's saber qi.

The sharp edge of the blade is pressing, and the sharp blade is wrapped in the knife air layer by layer to break through the force field laid down by Murong Qingcheng, but when it is more than one meter away from Murong Qingcheng, the knife air collapses under the extremely twisted force field, Attack routs.

"The Seventh Layer of Heavenly Demon Dafa!"

Wei Renjie stared at Murong Qingcheng, retracted his knife, and did not attack again.

As a top earth-level kung fu, Tianmo Dafa's power will increase exponentially once it reaches the seventh level. When he saw that Murong Qingcheng had practiced to the seventh level, he knew that it would be useless to attack again, and it would not be able to break through the defense at all. Force field strangulation could kill him.

"If you can break half of my force field, your saber intent has already been reduced."

Murong Qingcheng chuckled, and walked back to her seat.

With the end of the battle between Murong Qingcheng and Wei Renjie, the others were not far behind and invited each other to a battle. All kinds of martial arts will and skills made everyone present feel that the trip was worthwhile.

"Mei'er, give this to that Murong Qingcheng."

Leaving the courtyard that had become dilapidated due to the battle, everyone separated. Chen Nuo took out a jade slip and handed it to Mei Er for her to give to Murong Qingcheng.

"Teacher, what is this?"

Meier's spiritual power entered the jade slip, and a bunch of descriptions of the nature of the electromagnetic field and information about the improvement of the application popped up in her mind.

This is Chen Nuo's basic insights and suggestions from Murong Qingcheng's battle with Wei Renjie and the observation and study of her heavenly magic force field.

"Why did you give her this!"

After following Chen Nuo for so many years, Meier knew what an electromagnetic field was and also knew the effect of this jade slip on Murong Qingcheng, and she felt a little unhappy in her heart.

"That's just a little bit of foundation, and it doesn't have much impact."

Chen Nuo rubbed Mei'er's head, and said: "Teacher, see if you can go to the Heavenly Demon Dafa to study it. Maybe it can find a way for you and Xiaoxian to develop and break through in the future."

He is very interested in the Heavenly Demon Dafa, which combines electromagnetic fields and aura energy. He even heard Lin Yue's introduction that the Heavenly Demon Dafa has fifteen levels, and it may involve other physical field energy later on.

This can not only study the connection between the basic rules and the laws of aura, but maybe also find the way after the six transformations of the cell metamorphosis method.

"A sixth-rank sect with the highest strength is only at the Linghai realm. Next year, Zhang Xian and I will undergo five cell transformations, and we can directly grab their skills!"

Meier muttered something, but her body flickered, and she caught up with Murong Qingcheng in an instant, shouted in the shocked eyes of the other party, this is from my teacher, and then threw the jade slip on her to complete it Task.

The strength of this girl
A flash of shock flashed in Murong Qingcheng's eyes, just now Mei'er didn't react at all when she approached her, and even had the feeling that the other party could kill her with a single slap.

Looking back at Chen Nuomei, Ye Chen and the other three who were leaving to the other side, Murong Qingcheng suppressed the shock in his heart, the power of mind, that is, the soul power of this world, entered the jade slip, and a bunch of information suddenly popped up in his mind.

"This is... how does he know about the Heavenly Demon Force Field better than I understand?"

Murong Qingcheng was completely dumbfounded now.

"Senior, can I go?"

On the other side, Ye Chen followed Chen Nuo for a while, and finally couldn't help asking.

He was still thinking about the map fragments he got by accident, and was going to go to Cangxuan Kingdom to dig treasures, and the three sword-shaped grasses that Chen Nuo gave her were impatient to find a place to use them, so as to hone and improve his sword intent as soon as possible.

With Chen Nuo and the others, although there is a powerful boss Meier here, everyone is not practicing on the same path, and this does not help him in any real way.

Meier and the others are poor in aura law and cannot cultivate true energy, while Ye Chen and the others dare not practice the method of body transformation. Once they practice, the true energy and essence in the body will be absorbed by the cells and turned into the accumulation of cell transformation, and the foundation of martial arts will be destroyed. Since then, he has embarked on a path of no return for cell transformation.

Yes, that is the point of no return.

On the Sea Beast that came to Sanjiang City, he had already learned from Xu Changsheng that the various sects had studied the method of body transformation, and found that the spiritual energy needed to cultivate to a certain level was so large that it was impossible to break through.

This is a practice with a broken path ahead.

"Isn't it you who want to follow me? I didn't stop you or tell you to follow me."

Chen Nuo glanced at Ye Chen strangely, this guy must not practice the real energy cultivation method to make him stupid, he didn't call him or stop him, he followed up and asked why.


Ye Chen felt mmp, how dare I leave if you don't speak!
"The senior said goodbye, and there will be a period later."

Confirming that he can walk, Ye Chen did not hesitate, and prepared to leave with his hands clasped together.

"and many more."

Ye Chen's steps stopped abruptly.

"In the past few years, Tianfeng Kingdom has seldom promoted the body transformation method, and it should be added in the near future. I suggest you tell your family and sect to avoid misunderstandings.

Why don't you just go over to my side and advise your family and sect to join the great revolutionary cause, so that everyone is well. "

Chen Nuo called Ye Chen to stop and told him that the spring breeze of revolution was about to blow to his hometown in this world.


The corner of Ye Chen's mouth twitched, and he shook his head for a while.

"I will explain the situation to my family and the sect, but I have to consider for a while whether to join the career of the senior."

He didn't care if he devoted himself to Chen Nuo's revolutionary cause, but if he wanted to join, he had to either defect from his family and sect, or persuade his family and sect to join together.

He can't do the former, it's not his character philosophy.

Those in the latter family and sect are already accustomed to the old concepts and concepts, and it is extremely difficult to get them to join together.

If you don't want to join, the dragon slaying technique sent by Chen Nuo in Nanzhuoyu can be regarded as a general trend.

Unless the other domains of the True Spirit Continent join forces to completely mop up Nan Zhuoyu, and thoroughly clean up the practices and concepts that have been promoted, otherwise this will be a matter of endless wildfire and spring wind blowing again.

But if other domains want to sweep up, the major sects of Nanzhuo domain will not do it either.

After all, this technique and the concept of dragon slaying are almost well known in Nanzhuoyu, and even a child on the street can recite it.

To completely wipe out Nan Zhuoyu is equivalent to bloodbath, so how will their sects recruit disciples in the future?Where will the daily expenses of the Zongmen's resources come from and who will make offerings?

Rather than die all at once, it's better to delay, anyway, these revolutionaries don't have peak force and can't jump for the time being.

But Ye Chen, who has knowledge in his previous life, understands that adding a millet to a rifle will one day turn him into an airplane cannon mushroom bomb.

These sects of them will one day be defeated and overthrown one by one like those landlords and old fortunes.

"It's okay, think about it carefully, it's still early."

Chen Nuo understood Ye Chen's concerns, and patted him on the shoulder to indicate that there was no problem. He believed that when the situation changed, many sect families would voluntarily surrender without persuasion.

Power, wealth, will eventually be inferior to life.

Watching Ye Chen leave, Chen Nuo suddenly realized that Ye Chen's pretense of defeating Gao Yuan with a sword at the Sanjiang City gathering seemed to have been unintentionally disturbed by him again.

Wait, why am I saying that again?

(End of this chapter)

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