Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 109 Please fight

Chapter 109 Please fight (recommended ticket)
In a dense forest in the Black Dragon Empire, Zhang Xian, who hadn't seen him for several months, led a few people to chase and kill a group of Xingji Realm and Baoyuan Realm warriors who had fled in all directions.

One punch exploded the air, and the body affected the law of spirit energy to form a powerful spirit energy impact. A martial artist at the peak of the astral realm who escaped in front was blasted into a cloud of blood before he could even scream.

"Counting the other party's corpses, 8 Star Realm, 23 Yuanyuan Realm."

With a thought, a storage ring and the weapon of the extreme astral warrior flew back, and ordered Xiao Wu who followed to count the corpses to ensure that no one escaped.

"Zhang Shuai, I just checked. Except for the four Astral Realm warriors who were killed by you, the rest of the corpses are still there. However, one of the Astral Realm warriors used a secret method before he died, which seems to have sent a message."


Zhang Xian's complexion changed, and he was silent for two seconds and ordered: "Xiao Wu, inform the people in the Imperial City of the Black Dragon Empire to pay attention to the situation. Expand the search area so that no one from the Black Dragon Empire can come in again. I'll go find the sir."

"Looking for Mr.? Is it going to war!"

There was a trace of excitement and joy on Xiao Wu's face.

"I don't know, it's up to Mr. to decide."

Zhang Xian shook his head, his figure flickered and disappeared in place.

Wucheng is located in the west of the Black Dragon Empire, in the center of the Xuanzhong Mountains.

Chen Nuo is studying the weird gravity environment here, to see if he can gain something to improve his strength.

The psychic power is scattered, the martial arts will and the spiritual energy resonate, feel the environment here, and explore the reason for the gravitational distortion.

"The True Spirit Continent will collapse and explode in the future, or turn into a black hole!"

Chen Nuo suddenly read a sentence.

"Black hole, no way!"

Mei'er next to her couldn't believe it when she heard this, she also knew what a black hole was after Chen Nuo had taught them for so many years.

"That's after the decline of the spiritual energy, I don't know how many billions of years. Maybe it doesn't have to wait for the spiritual energy to decay, and the energy of the spiritual energy drops to a certain level. The True Spirit Continent will collapse and explode, or turn into a black hole."

Chen Nuo rubbed Mei'er's head, guided the spirit energy to move the rules, and the gravity of an area in front of him changed.

Gravity has roughly doubled.

The body cannot absorb spiritual energy, but the spiritual power can resonate with spiritual energy after condensing martial arts will.

This is the result of his research in Wucheng for several months.

Through the resonance of the soul and the external aura energy, leverage the rules of universal gravitation.

Although the power is still small, and it still needs aura energy as a medium, but with the deepening of research, it may not be possible to directly interfere with the rules of the mind.

Once he reaches that step, he doesn't need to exchange rule abilities with the boss when he goes back to the main world, and he can also interfere to a certain extent through his mind.

In addition, he also determined the reason for the continental structure of the True Spirit Continent, which completely violated the rules of universal gravitation.

The law of Reiki suppresses the force of gravity.

Reiki circulates through the dragon veins and spiritual veins. Only such a continental structure is more suitable for the circulation of aura energy, reducing the dissipation and loss of aura energy, and allowing aura to exist for a longer period of time.

However, the spiritual energy will eventually become less and less as entropy increases. When the energy of the spiritual energy decreases to a certain level and the law of the spiritual energy cannot suppress the gravitational force, then the True Spirit Continent will collapse.

A continent with a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers and a thickness of hundreds of thousands of kilometers, surrounded by an endless sea dozens of times vaster, has a mass greater than one hundred and eighty suns. Once gravitational collapse and contraction occur, A black hole is bound to be born.

Of course, it is also possible that the law of aura and gravitation will have a final wrestle, triggering a shocking explosion and turning into a nebula, and then slowly turning into stars and galaxies under the rules of gravity over the long years.

This discovery can be regarded as a harvest. Knowing more about the nature of the world and improving our understanding of the world will be of great help to future breakthroughs.


At this time, Zhang Xian, whom he hadn't seen for half a year, suddenly came up from the foot of the mountain and called Chen Nuo.

"What happened?" Chen Nuo was a little puzzled.

If Meier is an assistant in life, then Zhang Xian is an assistant in career.

He has been dealing with things for the past few years, and now he suddenly came to find him something must have happened.

Recalling the rumors heard in Wucheng during this period, Chen Nuo didn't find any special information.

"Xiaoxian is here to ask for a fight."

Zhang Xian stated his purpose, please fight, please fight?

There is no doubt that it can only be the revolutionary war that Chen Nuo has prepared for many years.


Chen Nuo frowned, the situation was over, but the advantage was not enough.

My side still lacks high-end combat power. The tallest Meier Zhang Xian and others are comparable to Linghai Realm. Facing the life and death realm kings in the southern group domain, they have no resistance.

Although the general trend has been achieved, no one can stop the revolutionary trend of Nanzhuoyu, but blind action leads to being targeted by the king of life and death. Doesn't this mean that the fruits of so many years of hard work are handed over to others?


Zhang Xian took a look around and thought, a puppet bird appeared in front of Chen Nuo inside the storage ring.

"We found the ruins of the main rudder of the puppet gate in the territory of the Black Dragon Empire, which has a complete inheritance of puppet art, but this ruin was also discovered by the royal family of the Black Dragon Empire.

In order to ensure the integrity of the inheritance of the relics and avoid being destroyed in the fighting and snatching, Xiaoxian wanted to launch a war in advance to wipe out the royal family of the Black Dragon Empire. "

The Complete Legacy of Puppet Art
Chen Nuo's eyes lit up, and the chat with Ye Chen confirmed that modern technology cannot be developed here, so the technology system here is puppetry or formation based on the law of aura.

This is indeed worth launching a war in advance. With this completed inheritance of puppet art and in-depth research with scientific ideas, a fantasy version of a technological society can be established in a few years.

They are all a group of people with extremely poor talent in the laws of spiritual energy, and it is difficult to understand the laws of spiritual energy. .

If this complete puppet art inheritance is destroyed, even if you want to start research from scratch, even if you adopt scientific ideas, you may not be able to research it without 800 years.

"The Black Dragon Empire should have 4 to 5 Spirit Sea Realm members, and this war may affect the whole body, and it may cause the siege of other sixth-rank sects in Nanzhuo Region or the remaining two empires. How do you plan to solve this? "

The complete inheritance of puppet art is worth doing in advance. Chen Nuo asked Zhang Xian about his countermeasures.

He was going to leave after all, and this bunch of things had to be handed over to Zhang Xianmei and the others. In the past two years, unless necessary, he would let Zhang Xian and the others grow up.

"Xiao Lin broke through to four cell transformations last month. Counting Xiao Ma, Xiao Qin, me and Mei Er, we have 5 Spirit Sea Realm, among them, Mei Er and I can kill two Spirit Sea Realm without any problem.

There are thousands of star warriors who have undergone three transformations of our cells, coupled with our prestige, countless people who have practiced body transformation or have survived on our high-yield crops over the years, we can mobilize everyone to support all major sects, including The remaining two empires created tremendous pressure.

As long as we can destroy the Spirit Sea Realm of the Black Dragon Empire with lightning force, other sects and empires will not support them, and they dare not support them. "

"Empress Xuan, what are you going to do with the Dragon King and other Kings of the Life and Death Realm in the Southern Zhuo Region or the Southern Group Region?"

Chen Nuo asked about another hidden danger. This group of kings in the realm of life and death is the reason why he has been so well-behaved for so many years.

(End of this chapter)

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