Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 110 Waiting for Teacher You 1 Chapter

Chapter 110 Just waiting for a word from you, teacher (recommendation ticket requested)
"Teacher, don't worry about this for now.

The True Spirit Continent is extremely vast, and this group of kings still don't know where they are wandering.

After we occupy the Black Dragon Empire in a blitzkrieg, a group of people such as me and Mel Pony will retreat immediately.

By the time they reacted, the facts had already happened, and our group of principals had also hidden themselves.

Our goal this time is to win the complete inheritance of the Puppet Gate, not to occupy the base area. We have achieved our goal by killing the royal family of the Black Dragon Empire. Occupying the Black Dragon Empire is just an incidental and cover-up of the real purpose of action.

Queen Xuan, Dragon King, these life and death realm kings really want to take care of them afterwards, and if they want to take back the place we occupied, then we just let it go.

We have become a big trend, no one can stop us, we don't have the breath of real energy, and their tracking methods can't track us. Wait for two or three years, and Xiaoxian will directly show you how many kings in the realm of life and death will be slaughtered! "

Speaking of the latter, Zhang Xian's face was full of confidence.

"That's fine, let's prepare first, and strive to end this war quickly."

Chen Nuo thought for a while, and after confirming that there were no loopholes, he agreed to Zhang Xian's decision to invite the battle.

Although there is still a little risk, for example, the Dragon King Xuanhou or other kings of life and death happened to be shopping in the Black Dragon Empire, then it would be very embarrassing.

However, there is nothing perfect in the world without a trace of risk. The complete inheritance of puppet art is equivalent to the complete technological system of this world. This little risk is worth taking.

"The main rudder of the Puppet Gate was discovered by the people of the Black Dragon Empire 3 months ago. Now Xiaoxian has almost prepared everything that should be prepared. I just wait for your teacher to say something."

Zhang Xian replied, and then came closer with a smile: "Teacher, I heard that Empress Xuan is the most beautiful woman in the southern group, how about Xiaoxian tie her back and throw her on your bed in a few years?"

"Fuck off!"

"Zhang Xian!"

Chen Nuo kicked Zhang Xian angrily, but was dodged.

"Teacher, aren't those two people from your hometown and Murong Qingcheng?"

Mei Er was stronger, kicked Zhang Xian a few meters away, and suddenly saw the two people who came into the city.

My hometown?

Chen Nuo turned his head and saw Ye Chen, who seemed to be slipping away with his back turned away, and shouted.

"Ye Chen!"

Ye Chen's footsteps stopped instantly, and Murong Qingcheng, who hadn't noticed Chen Nuo and the others just now, also turned around.

It's him.

"Senior, hello."

After being shouted, Ye Chen walked over with a sneer.

To be honest, if he could, he really didn't want to face Chen Nuo.

Although this is a fellow villager, but this is a fellow villager who came to start the revolution, and the revolutionary bigwigs can't afford to mess with it.

"The strength has improved a lot. It seems that you have gained a lot from your experience."

Chen Nuo looked at Ye Chen who was approaching, and felt a sense of sharpness in his heart. It was obvious that Ye Chen's sword intent had improved a lot.

"The sword intent has reached [-]%, this is thanks to the three sword-shaped grasses of the senior." Ye Chen politely clasped his fists in thanks.

"Forget it, don't call me senior, it's awkward, you can call me Chen Nuo, or Mr. Chen."

Chen Nuo is still not used to the title of this fantasy world, senior senior sounds awkward.

"Then my name is Mr. Chen." Ye Chen hesitated and nodded.

"That's right."

Chen Nuo looked at Murong Qingcheng who was following up. Wucheng studied and honed his martial arts will for several months, and he clearly sensed that the opponent's strength has also improved a lot.

Are these aboriginal geniuses all monsters?
After several months of hard research in Wucheng, he finally found the key to the spirit energy to leverage the rules and improve his strength.

These few go to kill people, fight and slash monsters, their strength is like taking medicine.

Chen Nuo was speechless.

"You got the demon flower?"

After thinking about it in his mind, Chen Nuo probably guessed the reason why Murong Qingcheng's strength soared.

In the original book, after the party in Sanjiang City is over, Murong Qingcheng and Qi Shaofeng will go to the Shiwan Dashan to look for the Heavenly Demon Flower, but they almost lose their lives because of their strength, and finally meet Ye Chen, who pretends to be forced by Ye Chen to take the two of them to fly. , rescued them and escaped.

Now that I have given him a suggestion on the electromagnetic field and the Heavenly Demon Force Field, this can improve Murong Qingcheng's strength a bit, so it is not unusual to find the Heavenly Demon Flower at once.

"How did Mr. Chen know that I was looking for the Heavenly Demon Flower?"

Murong Qingcheng's eyes froze for a moment, and she subconsciously looked at Chen Nuo vigilantly.

"I want three petals, and I will return them to you in three months or during the Qianlong ranking competition. This is your favor for returning the jade slip."

Chen Nuo didn't explain, and simply stated his request neatly.

The Heavenly Demon Dafa practiced by Murong Qingcheng belongs to the combination of aura energy and basic rules, and the pattern on the Heavenly Demon Flower contains the mystery that can make the Heavenly Demon Dafa break through.

From Chen Nuo's point of view, this is a unique spiritual creature born from the combination of the law of spiritual energy and basic rules, and it is worth studying and understanding.

"Yes, but I would like to know, Mr. Chen, where your understanding of the Heavenly Demon Dafa came from. This should belong to the secret of our Flying Demon Sect."

Murong Qingcheng hesitated for a moment, then took out the Heavenly Demon Flower from the storage ring and took off three black crystal-like petals.

This Heavenly Demon Flower is only really useful in the hands of those who practice the Heavenly Demon Dafa. It is at most a good panacea in the hands of others. She did not feel the breath of the Heavenly Demon Dafa from Chen Nuo, so she was not very worried that Chen Nuo would be greedy for ink.

"The untold secret?"

"You don't ask me if I have a deeper understanding, but you care about how I know it. You don't think I stole some kind of demon magic from you, do you?"

Chen Nuo took the petals and looked at them for a while, put them into the storage ring, and looked at Murong Qingcheng with great interest.

"Whether Mister has a deeper understanding, Murong naturally wants to know, but the leakage of the sect's cultivation method is also important."

Murong Qingcheng's expression remained unchanged, and she admitted both questions.

"Qingcheng, this person has been in Wucheng for a few months, and his strength is only in the middle stage of Baoyuan Realm. He is in a daze every day, and throws a few stones into the abyss of the mountains from time to time to do nothing. What is this kind of person called Mr.!"

At this moment, a young man in brocade clothes came over, looking at Murong Qingcheng with fiery eyes, followed by four old men in black, all of them were stronger than Chen Nuo, and the leader was a late Baoyuan state man peak.

During this period of time, Chen Nuo's explosive strength was not strong, but he was well-known in Wucheng.

The consumption in Wucheng is not low. When Chen Nuo came here, he didn't cultivate with the evil energy of the earth in the training room, and he didn't set up a stall to buy or sell things. He just sat outside the city every day and looked at the abyss outside Wucheng in a daze, throwing a few stones from time to time.

This kind of behavior, combined with the chaotic martial arts will that is hot and cold, everyone discusses in private that it is because of practicing kung fu and practicing stupidity.

"Second prince, it seems that you don't care who I call Mr.

Murong Qingcheng replied blankly.

"The second prince of the Black Dragon Empire?"

Chen Nuo glanced at the patterns on the young people's clothes, combined with Murong Qingcheng's words, and asked a question.

"Yes, although I don't know how your Excellency fooled you into living in Qingcheng, but this is Wucheng, the Black Dragon Empire, I hope you should be more sensible about some things."

The young man looked at Chen Nuo, his expression and tone seemed gentle, but there was a threat in his eyes that others couldn't see.

(End of this chapter)

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